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Which movie: Mistborn: Final Empire, or Alloy of Law?

Arcanist Lupus

Which movie: Mistborn: Final Empire, or Alloy of Law?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would you prefer to be made first?

    • Mistborn: Final Empire
    • Alloy of Law
    • Well of Ascension
    • Hero of Ages

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Alloy of Law would need some editing to explain the magic system, and would end up giving some odd spoilers to people who saw the movie, and then went back and read the books in order.

That said, it has faster, more fight-heavy pacing, fewer characters, villain POVs, and is just generally much shorter and simpler than The Final Empire (let alone the other books from the trilogy). In short, it would actually be possible to convert Alloy Of Law into a movie while keeping it intact, which I just do not think could happen with, frankly, any other Brandon Sanderson book.

-- Deus Ex Biotica

P.S. Although, I must admit there is absolutely no chance that the movie would let Wax end up with Steris. Ah, well, such is the price we pay.

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As would the conversation with Harmony. Getting the religious fanatics up in arms about a minor detail in the movie probably not a good idea.

My conclusion so far is that AoL would make a better movie, but Mistborn should come first. Which is a rather irritating conclusion.

Edited by Sir_Read-a-Lot
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I voted for Final Empire, because I think for Alloy of Law to work on its own apart from the previous trilogy, you'd have to cut out or gloss over a lot of the stuff that made it particularly awesome, and it would end up coming across just as a fairly standard mystery in an unusual setting.

Though Final Empire and the rest of the original trilogy would lose an awful lot if made into movies. What I'd really like to see is the trilogy as a tv series, followed by AoL as a movie or special.

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I voted for Final Empire, because I think for Alloy of Law to work on its own apart from the previous trilogy, you'd have to cut out or gloss over a lot of the stuff that made it particularly awesome, and it would end up coming across just as a fairly standard mystery in an unusual setting.

Though Final Empire and the rest of the original trilogy would lose an awful lot if made into movies. What I'd really like to see is the trilogy as a tv series, followed by AoL as a movie or special.

That is the best idea I've heard all day.

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The main problem I see with adapting The Final Empire is that Vin spends most of her time sitting in a corner and narrating. With her tendency to hide her emotions as much as possible, I worry that she'd just come off as bland and lead most of the newcomers to ask, "Why are we following this girl again? Can't Kelsier be the the main character? He does all the cool stuff anyway."

Frankly, for most of part one her most visible external character trait is her capacity to channel the powers of Extra-Man, able to stand still for long periods of time without saying anything. Sure, she's got a lot more character than that, but much of it is established purely by narration because she would never actually display it.

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I'm not sure I agree with that. Even early on, she says lots of telling things like "Kelsier was your brother? Did he beat you much?" and the like. I think that characterizing her through dialogue is entirely possible.

That said, in 2.5 hours or less, her development would still feel too rushed and lack nuance, methinks. That, or everyone except Vin would lose all character focus.

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The biggest danger with a Mistborn movie that I see is having the focus turn to Kelsier. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, (although it limits the potential of any sequels), but I don't want to see it happen. Especially as I feel that any Kelsier-centered Mistborn movie would turn into, or be viewed as, an Inception copy. (Supernatural thief? check. Dead wife? check. organizing/managing sidekick? check. Young girl with no experience with the magic system? check.)

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