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Interchangeable Nature of Investure

Tea Leaf

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1. Can you store Stormlight or BioChroma in a Nicrosil Metalmind?
2. Could you use a stored attribute instead of Biochroma or Stormlight? (Similar to Vasher.)
3. Could you fill any metalmind with Stormlight or Biochroma and tap it for that attribute?

How about Dor?

Edited by The Last Fæ
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3 minutes ago, The Last Fæ said:

1. Can you store Stormlight or BioChroma in a Nicrosil Metalmind?
2. Could you use a stored attribute instead of Biochroma or Stormlight? (Similar to Vasher.)
3. Could you fill any metalmind with Stormlight or Biochroma and tap it for that attribute?

How about Dor?

We don't know. For now all we know is that F-nicrosil allows you to store the ability to use investiture, not investiture itself. Something like Misting ability, or Ferring, or Surges. And Divine Breath. But we don't know if Stormlight or Breaths can be stored there.


kingbirdy (paraphrased)

Could Feruchemical nicrosil be used to store other Invested abilities, such as a Returned Breath or the abilities of the Knights Radiant?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes, that's possible.

DragonCon 2016 (Sept. 4, 2016)


You can fuel Feruchemy with external source, so yes, you could use Stormlight/Dor to fuel it, instead of your own body:



As far as the Lord Ruler goes, how did he use the Twinborn thing? Feruchemy and Allomancy?

Brandon Sanderson

What he had to figure out how to do is: Allomancy is powered by Spiritual power directly from the Shard of Adonalsium. Whereas Feruchemy is powered by your own Investiture and effort being transferred into the thing. What he needed to do was figure out a way to power Feruchemy with Allomantic power, right? You could have done the same thing by fueling it with the Dor, or with Stormlight, or another external. But he only had access to three magics. So what he had to do was figure out that.

So what he's doing is, he's basically taking metals, (since he's a Feruchemist and an allomancers), and he is burning metals that he has Invested himself, but then using... basically, switching it so he gets a burst of Allomantic power that is charged with a Feruchemical attribute. So it's powering Feruchemy with Allomancy by burning the metal that he himself has Invested.


So he was essentially putting stuff into the metal?

Brandon Sanderson

Basically, priming the pump. He puts it in with Feruchemy. Then he burns it with Allomancy. But that fuels Feruchemy with Allomancy, which allows him to draw on the powers of the Shards, rather than himself. So it's not really a perpetual motion machine, because he's drawing the power from someone else. But it's external, which allows him to break the rules of Feruchemy.

The big question I have is: that works in the book, because you can dig into the technicalities of the book. But that's not gonna work in the movie, right? That explanation right there, that's so many levels over the heads of the audience. So I have to figure out a way to not break the cosmere magic, but make it simpler to understand in the movie. Which is the big headache in writing the screenplay. That's probably the biggest challenge in the screenplay is to figure out how to make that all work.

LTUE 2020 (Feb. 15, 2020)


If normal investiture can be stored in Nicrosilmind, then yes, you can use it to fuel all your Feruchemy. And Feruchemy fueled by something like Dor or Stormlight, would be far stronger than normally, as that’s a lot more investiture than Feruchemist can normally use.

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