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About enlightened spren Tumi.


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So near the end of ROW when Tumi was bonding Rlain, Rlain could hear Rhythm of War. But in a WOB it was mentioned that pre-shattering spren are a part of cultivation's investiture. So how is it that Tumi is able to produce ROW? A mixture of honor's and odium's investiture?

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On 14.04.2023 at 6:25 PM, Shatterer said:

So near the end of ROW when Tumi was bonding Rlain, Rlain could hear Rhythm of War. But in a WOB it was mentioned that pre-shattering spren are a part of cultivation's investiture. So how is it that Tumi is able to produce ROW? A mixture of honor's and odium's investiture?

Tumi is enlightened, he contains a significant amount of Odium's investiture, he would be able to hear and resonate with rhythms of all 3 Shards and their mixes, because he is now connected to all 3 Shards of Roshar. 

All Radiant spren are a mixture of Honor and Cultivation's investiture, even Honorspren aren't 100% of Honor. But Radiant spren didn't exist before the Shattering of Adonalsium, they were created by Honor and Cultivation later. Before the Shattering spren on Roshar were already leaning towards one of the Adonalsium's aspects, mostly the one that became the Shard of Cultivation.



So, at the Forbidden Planet signing you said that when Adonalsium was Shattered, all Investiture in the cosmere was associated to one of the Shards... So, what happened with Adonalsium's spren on Roshar? Were those associated to Honor and Cultivation? What happened with them?

Brandon Sanderson

So they were very-- They were already associated to certain parts of Adonalsium and they went with those associations. There's a lot of Cultivation in all of the spren, particularly the natural spren.

Footnote: Chaos is referencing this exchange.
Salt Lake City signing (Dec. 16, 2017)




Is there a specific Shard that most of the spren come from?

Brandon Sanderson

Most of the spren are going to be related to a combination of Honor and Cultivation, weighted certain directions for certain types of spren. But the spren are mostly both of them. 


Are they considered Splinters?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, you could call spren Splinters if you wanted to. They work in the same way as a Splinter, so yeah.

LTUE 2020 (Feb. 15, 2020)





If the spren of the Truthwatchers are related directly with Cultivation or the Nightwatcher? Or both?

Brandon Sanderson

So, most of the sapient spren that form the Orders of Knights Radiant are related to a mixture of Honor and Cultivation. Some lean one direction much more than the other, and the spren of the Truthwatchers leans toward Cultivation.

EuroCon 2016 (Nov. 5, 2016)




Do the spren that we know of as the Cryptics exist before Honor and Cultivation came to Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

Ah, good question! No. Cryptics would be one of the forms of spren that were a later creation. Creation is the wrong term, but yeah. 

Billy Todd, Moderator

Later development? Evolution?

Brandon Sanderson

All of the sapient spren are later developments. 

Billy Todd, Moderator

Are they evolved from the earlier spren?


Evolution doesn't work the same way on the spren, right? The spren were created more than evolved, I would say.

Billy Todd, Moderator

Maybe cultivated?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, cultivated. *laughter*

JordanCon 2018 (April 21, 2018)


Edited by alder24
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