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How did Xisis make Fort's Tablet

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Hello all,

I have been thinking about how Xisis, a dragon from Yollen who currently lives on Lumar could possibly have the Breaths that would be required to make Nalthian Tech that advanced. How could he have Awakened it? I'm guessing he could have known the command through study, but I still don't understand. Did he live on Nalthis for a time before Lumar? He seems to have lived on Lumar for a long time, so I truly don't know. 

What do you all thing?

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1 hour ago, Walter The Moral said:

Hello all,

I have been thinking about how Xisis, a dragon from Yollen who currently lives on Lumar could possibly have the Breaths that would be required to make Nalthian Tech that advanced. How could he have Awakened it? I'm guessing he could have known the command through study, but I still don't understand. Did he live on Nalthis for a time before Lumar? He seems to have lived on Lumar for a long time, so I truly don't know. 

What do you all thing?

He is a dragon, a very magical creature, he likely has Breaths (fabrics around the columns were moving without his verbal command, that's 10th Heightening), but most importantly, he grants boons, like Nightwatcher/Cultivation does, it's very likely that his magic can just do it without using Breaths and Awakening. His magic could provide him some Breath-like abilities allowing him to move fabrics around the columns like they were Awakened, create glasses, HEAL spore eaters, and know where a certain person is currently, so I see no reason why he can't make Awakened tablet with his dragon abilities, or his Breaths, that he could have get hundreds or thousands of years ago, and since they learn how to use them on his own. He never really had to visit Nalthis, he just needed people to give him their Breaths. Or if his dragon abilities allows him to do so, he could use any type of investiture to replicate other invested arts. They are worshiped as a gods, so they might be able to do stuff like that:


Madness Lemon

What exactly do the humans that serve Xisis do? He promises that they would have engaging work. But would that just entail maintaining his home beneath the spores? Or assisting in his research?

Brandon Sanderson

There were select individuals who assist with the research. And he is studying the water cycle and the decomposition of the spores at the bottom of the ocean and is very, very interested in that. And some of those who work with him are allowed into that work, as well. Some just take care of things. Certain individuals may not be of a temperament to ever do more than that.

Madness Lemon

How honest can we assume he was being when talking about how his slaves are treated?

Brandon Sanderson

Pretty honest. Dragons on Yolen are deities, and they view themselves as deities. They are generally quite trustworthy in the way that they say things, but they are also quite imperious, as a general rule. Because you are an immortal being that is worshiped as a god, and that gets in your head and does things to you.

Tress Spoiler Stream (March 31, 2023)


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