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Each metal is a magic system

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This theory is an offshoot of the ‘each Shard corresponds to one of the metals’ theory.
I figure Preservation can’t really create on their own, only keep things as they are; it and Ruin are also relatively flavourless Intents, being very fundamental and without much meaning beyond their core concept. So perhaps instead of inventing new powers for the 16 metals to grant, Preservation’s Investiture just used the Connections the metals already have with Shards to grant abilities related to that Shard’s magic systems. We can see the universality of the abilities the metals have in fabrial tech.
As I see it, the allomantic and feruchemical power of a metal translates into some of the major mechanics of the corresponding Invested Art, although it can be twisted/reinterpreted a bit to make it work.

For the least controversial metal-Shard examples:
Duralumin-Honour: Bondsmiths create their own Investiture and their job is to form a web of trusting relationships around themselves, which matches duralumin perfectly.
Nicrosil-Endowment: The major modes of Awakening are passively holding a lot of Investiture (feruchemy), or using it to Invest an object with some power (allomancy).
Cadmium-Preservation: Allomantically it is the power to keep things the same like how Allomancy doesn’t change the user or the metals’ abilities.
Bendalloy-Ruin: Increases change like Hemalurgy warps the recipient
(The problem with this theory is the feruchemical powers of cadmium and bendalloy are a great match for eating metal and having the metal in your blood, but they are switched. This could be explained away by the closeness of those Shards and the slightly messy nature of the Metallic tables)

If this model is correct it might help us figure out the basics of future magic systems and which Shard corresponds to which metal. I have some ideas for more but I’m keen to hear other people’s thoughts. Let me know yours :)

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Don't have much to contribute, but you might be able to flip Cadmium and Bendalloy by how it affects everything OUTSIDE the bubble instead. Preservation definitely didn't preserve himself well, he ruined himself to preserve OTHERS by the whole Well of Ascension trap and The Mists. Ruin's entire goal was to get the Atium without letting anybody else have it, he wanted to preserve himself so he could ruin OTHERS. Don't know if this means much of anything, but it makes Cadmium of Ruin, since you are making time faster for the OTHERS, and Bendalloy for Preservation, since you are making time slower for OTHERS. Sorry for the wild emphasis on 'OTHERS'.

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On 12/4/2023 at 1:30 AM, Voidwatcher said:

Don't have much to contribute, but you might be able to flip Cadmium and Bendalloy by how it affects everything OUTSIDE the bubble instead. Preservation definitely didn't preserve himself well, he ruined himself to preserve OTHERS by the whole Well of Ascension trap and The Mists. Ruin's entire goal was to get the Atium without letting anybody else have it, he wanted to preserve himself so he could ruin OTHERS. Don't know if this means much of anything, but it makes Cadmium of Ruin, since you are making time faster for the OTHERS, and Bendalloy for Preservation, since you are making time slower for OTHERS. Sorry for the wild emphasis on 'OTHERS'.

Aren’t those just the exceptions that show the lengths they went to to fulfil their Intent? The Vessels were certainly affected; Leras was presumably unchanged and Ati was unrecognisable, but the powers themselves aren’t really self-directed.

Anyway, I figure that since Allomancy uses Preservation’s power the Pulling one is gathering Preservation to you and the Pushing one removing its influence.

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12 hours ago, in Truth,watcher of tv said:

Aren’t those just the exceptions that show the lengths they went to to fulfil their Intent? The Vessels were certainly affected; Leras was presumably unchanged and Ati was unrecognisable, but the powers themselves aren’t really self-directed.

Maybe so. Either way, doesn't matter that much. Just some parallels to consider- we really don't know that much about the Intents and how it applies to the Shard itself that much, so I can only guess. Good theorizing though.

12 hours ago, in Truth,watcher of tv said:

Anyway, I figure that since Allomancy uses Preservation’s power the Pulling one is gathering Preservation to you and the Pushing one removing its influence.

Allomancy is fueled by Preservation's power, directly. That's why it's end-positive, the power is coming from somewhere else, leaving your original abilities after the Metal ran out or is no longer burned unchanged. If a Push-based Metal removed the Connection, then you would have no benefit from burning a Push-based Metal, as you can't access the power of Pres. The Push and Pull is meant to use Preservation's power to affect objects, not Connection. A Pewter Push ends up Pushing your body to be stronger, and a Tin Pull ends up Pulling your body to be weaker- more sensitive, for example.

Edited by Voidwatcher
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1 hour ago, Voidwatcher said:

Allomancy is fueled by Preservation's power, directly. That's why it's end-positive, the power is coming from somewhere else, leaving your original abilities after the Metal ran out or is no longer burned unchanged. If a Push-based Metal removed the Connection, then you would have no benefit from burning a Push-based Metal, as you can't access the power of Pres. The Push and Pull is meant to use Preservation's power to affect objects, not Connection.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant, since it uses Preservation’s Investiture, it would have some authority influencing that Intent in the world around the Allomancer. Cadmium Pulling concentrates Preservation in the vicinity, slowing time; the opposite for bendalloy.

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15 minutes ago, in Truth,watcher of tv said:

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant, since it uses Preservation’s Investiture, it would have some authority influencing that Intent in the world around the Allomancer. Cadmium Pulling concentrates Preservation in the vicinity, slowing time; the opposite for bendalloy.

Ah, okay. That makes sense, I understand now.

To add-on to the original topic, if I had to guess I'd pair Odium with Zinc. This one leans more into the Shardic Intent since we don't know much about Voidbinding or anything relating to Odium besides the Unmade. However, considering things like the Nergaoul and Ashertmarn, either Zinc or Brass could work. Considering the Shardic Intent I'd place it under Zinc- especially since Voidlight apparently makes all emotions STRONGER when inside a Singer. Not sure how it lines up Feruchemically.

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14 hours ago, in Truth,watcher of tv said:

Aren’t those just the exceptions that show the lengths they went to to fulfil their Intent? The Vessels were certainly affected; Leras was presumably unchanged and Ati was unrecognisable, but the powers themselves aren’t really self-directed.

Was Leras unchanged? He literally Shattered the god, and after 10000 years of holding Preservation he wasn't able to hold a knife. Holding Preservation didn't make him preserve himself, he still ruined his own mind to trap Ruin, it only made him focused only on preserving everything but himself.


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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the late replies, I've been stuck using my phone for the last month and quoting on those is a nightmare!


On 13/04/2023 at 11:18 PM, Voidwatcher said:

To add-on to the original topic, if I had to guess I'd pair Odium with Zinc. This one leans more into the Shardic Intent since we don't know much about Voidbinding or anything relating to Odium besides the Unmade. However, considering things like the Nergaoul and Ashertmarn, either Zinc or Brass could work. Considering the Shardic Intent I'd place it under Zinc- especially since Voidlight apparently makes all emotions STRONGER when inside a Singer. Not sure how it lines up Feruchemically.

Yes, I definitely agree (I also agree it's annoying we don't get a look at a clear 'Odium magic'). The Allomantic and Feruchemical powers are exactly the two sides of what Cultivation did to Taravangian to prepare him to take Odium: powerful emotions and a powerful intellect. He also notes after Ascending that the Shard has two sides, destructive rage and intelligent cunning, although tbf the cunning side might have been referring to himself as the Vessel. I've said before, I suspect the Feruchemical zinc side of Odium's magic might be in granting, not so much intelligence, but knowledge and understanding; like knowledge of the future or deep understanding of a Surge.


On 14/04/2023 at 0:39 AM, alder24 said:

Was Leras unchanged? He literally Shattered the god, and after 10000 years of holding Preservation he wasn't able to hold a knife. Holding Preservation didn't make him preserve himself, he still ruined his own mind to trap Ruin, it only made him focused only on preserving everything but himself.

Well, in his appearance as a Vessel he looked and talked as a normal guy, presumably how he was when he Ascended. Most Shards we've seen tailor their manifestation to the audience and circumstances with special effects and all, but every time Leras just looked like a normal guy in clothing unfamiliar to a Scadrian. Of course, the Shard bent him to its Intent, but I don't think it did any more than that, significantly changing his personality or anything. Also, he could hold the knife he just couldn't use it on someone.


Anyway, I think I'll sneak in another metal-Shard connection here. Gold-Cultivation: introspection and the best healing in the Cosmere. We literally see Renarin use both sides of gold (even though he isn't the best example of a Truthwatcher, I see no reason why the gold-shadow power came from his special circumstances).

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4 hours ago, in Truth,watcher of tv said:

Well, in his appearance as a Vessel he looked and talked as a normal guy, presumably how he was when he Ascended. Most Shards we've seen tailor their manifestation to the audience and circumstances with special effects and all, but every time Leras just looked like a normal guy in clothing unfamiliar to a Scadrian. Of course, the Shard bent him to its Intent, but I don't think it did any more than that, significantly changing his personality or anything. Also, he could hold the knife he just couldn't use it on someone.

All Vessels look almost the same (in terms of clothes etc), Ati's appearance didn't change. Rayse however changed his appearance, iirc Tanavest wore unfamiliar to Dalinar clothes. Sazed still has Terris robes he was wearing during Ascension.

Leras was shaking when he drew the knife and was unable to use it. That's what I meant. His personality was changed, but tbf Leras isn't a good example, because at this point he was already dead. What remained was only a shadow of his mind, not a real Leras.

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