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Heeey everybody!


My name's Hailey!  I've been a huge Brandon Sanderson fan ever since I devoured read Mistborn in high school. I've never truly joined a forum in my life, so forgive me if I royally fudge something up (the likelihood is...pretty high). 


My friend--he goes by Erai on here--convinced me to sign up, so maybe he can get brownie points for that. Haha. 


I've read all of Sanderson's Cosmere books besides Elantris & Alloy of Law. Elantris somehow got dropped like a year ago and I'm right in the middle of AoL now!! (Wayne?? Wayne. Just. Wayne is perfect.) 


Not much to say about me besides I'm a gigantic fan of fiction, particularly fantasy and YA, I'm a senior in college, and I think seahorses are way too cute to be real life things. 


I guess I'm hoping to meet lots of fellow Cosmere friends because not having many people to gush over these books is kind of wreaking havoc on my happiness. So please don't hesitate to chat me up because I already think you guys are super amazing!!


My question to you: if you could go on a super stellar date with a Brandon Sanderson character, who would it be and where would you go? :D  



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Any friend of Erai is a friend of mine, seeing as how we're brothers in arms under Queen Elsa.

In answer to your question....maybe Lift once she's a little older. Or wait, no. THE STICK!!!!

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You did it! :D Don't worry, you'll be treated nicely :) that is until someone declares war on your and starts attacking. haha

A date with a character.. That's actually a difficult question! They'd all put me to shame with their wits and what not.

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Welcome to 17th Shard!!! :)

A date with a character....... Steelheart maybe?... if he wasnt evil :D


Good Steelheart? If wishes were Hemalurgic spikes, Elsa, we'd all be bloodied caricatures of our past selves stacked with arcane power.

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Any friend of Erai is a friend of mine, seeing as how we're brothers in arms under Queen Elsa.

In answer to your question....maybe Lift once she's a little older. Or wait, no. THE STICK!!!!

THE STICK. definitely the perfect answer :) 

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Very, Very dangerous metal spikes M'Queen. Basically you take a magical person and stab them, in the right spot, with said spike. You then proceed to stab yourself with it. People like Swimmingly and Kurkistan go around doing it all the time.

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Very, Very dangerous metal spikes M'Queen. Basically you take a magical person and stab them, in the right spot, with said spike. You then proceed to stab yourself with it. People like Swimmingly and Kurkistan go around doing it all the time.

Oh wow. Thanks.

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Hail, Hailey/Shorty/Shortycake/Cake (whichever you would prefer)!

Welcome to the 17th Shard (the numeral is important)

It's also the first forum I've joined, and I've really enjoyed it.

So how much do you know about the Cosmere?

There is really a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes there.

Pertaining to your question: I am thinking Shallan, in Shadesmar.

Again, a warm welcome! I hope that you truly enjoy yourself!

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Hail, Hailey/Shorty/Shortycake/Cake (whichever you would prefer)!

Welcome to the 17th Shard (the numeral is important)

It's also the first forum I've joined, and I've really enjoyed it.

So how much do you know about the Cosmere?

There is really a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes there.

Pertaining to your question: I am thinking Shallan, in Shadesmar.

Again, a warm welcome! I hope that you truly enjoy yourself!

Hello there! :) Any one of those monikers is fine, haha. I'm not super knowledgeable about the Cosmere, but I think I understand most of the basics since I've read almost all of the books. I'm not about to spout any super crazy intense theories just yet. I definitely want to learn more :)!! 

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I've never been on a forum either before this one. 

I wonder if this is why I've had to work so hard to get close to top 50. This is my second forum. And my first one I'm a moderator.... I understand now.

Hailey, your in luck. Your first forum is also the best. You shall go far.

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I wonder if this is why I've had to work so hard to get close to top 50. This is my second forum. And my first one I'm a moderator.... I understand now.

Hailey, your in luck. Your first forum is also the best. You shall go far.

Ahhh Leftinch this is wonderful, wonderful news...I understand like 8.5% of this forum stuff but I think I can totally go the distance on pure Cosmere love alone :D

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Ahhh Leftinch this is wonderful, wonderful news...I understand like 8.5% of this forum stuff but I think I can totally go the distance on pure Cosmere love alone :D


Or do what I do and make cheap jokes on every thread you come across. You'll be in the top ten list before most people even know who you are. ;)

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Haha, yeah. People here can be real grammer nazi's. Oh and cosmere swears are generally used.


Also a tip: close to the top, by the search box, is a button with a bunch of horrizontal lines on it. If  you hover it you'll see the option "View New Content". This button is your friend.

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Haha, yeah. People here can be real grammer nazi's. Oh and cosmere swears are generally used.


Also a tip: close to the top, by the search box, is a button with a bunch of horrizontal lines on it. If  you hover it you'll see the option "View New Content". This button is your friend.

When forums don't have that option it's a real pain!

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Erai you lucky... How come you are the only one of us that have a girl friend?


Welcome to the fun club, shorty. I recommend joining a "faction", since there's going to be a RP war coming soon (an RP war is pretty much a word war we like to have)


You could also join the (Next) Sanderson Elimination Game. It's like Mafia, but with Items and Roles. :D

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I wonder if this is why I've had to work so hard to get close to top 50. This is my second forum. And my first one I'm a moderator.... I understand now.

Hailey, your in luck. Your first forum is also the best. You shall go far.

Gasp! I just Passed Satsuoni! I'm number 43 Now! Also,


Also a tip: close to the top, by the search box, is a button with a bunch of horrizontal lines on it. If  you hover it you'll see the option "View New Content". This button is your friend.

I have never seen this Button. Thank you So much. This will be useful in my attempt to pass all the catquisitors.

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Erai you lucky... How come you are the only one of us that have a girl friend?

Welcome to the fun club, shorty. I recommend joining a "faction", since there's going to be a RP war coming soon (an RP war is pretty much a word war we like to have)

You could also join the (Next) Sanderson Elimination Game. It's like Mafia, but with Items and Roles. :D

That's not fair... Just look at me! I don't, the case is not indicative of the whole, so there's a fair chance that the others do. Logic! Logic is your friend! Excuse me I need to go cry now. Seriously, though, we get people from all walks of life.

There's just a small bias.

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Joe..... Your 43 and didn't know..... I'm going to cry for a while guys.

Panda, we just finished the chaos war, what's next another crusade against the shroomies.

There are a couple married folks, but there are very few people here that have REAL girl/boyfriends.

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