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Lost Lobo

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I am a WoT -> Sanderson Convert, who, having realized (awkwardly) that I actually enjoyed the last books in that series best, was delighted to find out that this new guy they brought in actually had an entire freaking galaxy of stuff out there. I've been reading Sanderson, giving Sanderson to my kids, giving Sanderson to my friends, occasionally chasing down strangers to explain how they should get Sanderson themselves.... for about... maybe 3 years or so, now, then.

I have about a 2 hour commute and occasionally take pretty long trips, so, I've mostly read via audiobook. Outside of the Novellas (and a re-read of Elantris), Tress was my first "okay, I'm going to get this and read it cover to cover" hardbound... and.... I think I'm going to have to invest in a re-read of at least SA via dead tree. There's just too much that I miss, elsewise.

:) Thankful to the Shardcasters for setting up and running this thing. I'll probably not be a constant presence, but, looking forward to learning more.

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2 hours ago, Lost Lobo said:

I have about a 2 hour commute and occasionally take pretty long trips, so, I've mostly read via audiobook.

Ah yes, like a Vorin man. :P 

Welcome to the Shard! We hope you enjoy your time here! Who is your favourite non-POV character from any of Sanderson’s books?

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15 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Ah yes, like a Vorin man. :P 

Welcome to the Shard! We hope you enjoy your time here! Who is your favourite non-POV character from any of Sanderson’s books?


:D It would be a fun piece of meta (in the "for-those-who-obsessively-track-these-things" style) if we ever got Michael Kramer implicitly acknowledged as a problem for some of his subjects. 

Favorite non-POV.... that is... hard. I'm such a huge fan of Teft, but, that doesn't count. Same/Same Gaz.... Generally, the "broken soldier who has done things that were wrong, but who ends their story redeemed" motif, when done well, is just so fantastic.


When Teft spoke the Third Ideal and brought the army through the Oathgate,

I pulled over to the side of the road, and wept.

....there are so many fun characters, light-hearted characters, rich characters.... but... since I'm thinking in that vein, today I'll go with: Teofil.



14 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

Hi!! Always glad to see another WoT fan! Do you have a favorite scene or character from WoT?


:) It was a long, good, ride. I loved the depth, and the history that were in it.

Favorite Character: So, everyone has a different take, and I understand that people's personalities will impact them strongly in this area.... that being said, I think I can say with confidence that the correct answer is Matt. :D

Favorite Scene:... so, one of the reasons I ended up liking Brandon more than Jordan was how Brandon writes women in his stories. Jordan seemed sometimes to only know how to write variations on a single, almost flat archetype (and that archetype was "kind of a b----") for women. Even though Jordan was writing them to have their own power and agency, and that was great to see in a serious way in high fantasy... his female characters seemed to spend all their time "glaring knives" or "nailing people with their eyes", or some such. It was irritating. Jordan really wanted to emphasize that the arrogance of the Aes Sedai was a major vulnerability and... he achieved that goal.

And one of the most irritating was Nynaeve. I did. not. like. her.

And yet.


"Lan told me once that Malkier lives so long as one man wears the hadori in pledge that he will fight the Shadow, so long as one woman wears the ki'sain in pledge that she will send her sons to fight the Shadow. I wear the ki'sain, Master Aldragoran. My husband wears the hadori. So do you. Will Lan Mandragoran ride to the Last Battle alone?"

.... oof. Chills.


Edited by Lost Lobo
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48 minutes ago, Lost Lobo said:

:D It would be a fun piece of meta (in the "for-those-who-obsessively-track-these-things" style) if we ever got Michael Kramer implicitly acknowledged as a problem for some of his subjects. 

Favorite non-POV.... 



39 minutes ago, Lost Lobo said:



Just so you know posting twice in a row or “double posting” is generally frowned upon, and be warned that you might be smote (smited?) by the mods :) 

If you have to quote multiple things in one post there’s this really cool multi-quote option where if you press the “+” button next to the word “quote” you can have many quotes! Also, if you need to add more to a post you can edit it. Oh, and one more thing you might want to put some of those things in spoiler boxes because a bunch of new people hang out in these threads and we don’t want to accidentally spoil them :P You can do this by editing your post and highlighting all the text you want in the spoiler box and clicking the eye button.

I have another question for you! If you could only choose one, would you rather meet Lightsong, Wayne, The Lopen or Lift?

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Just now, Cinnamon said:


Just so you know posting twice in a row or “double posting” is generally frowned upon, and be warned that you might be smote (smited?) by the mods :)

If you have to quote multiple things in one post there’s this really cool multi-quote option where if you press the “+” button next to the word “quote” you can have many quotes! Also, if you need to add more to a post you can edit it. Oh, and one more thing you might want to put some of those things in spoiler boxes because a bunch of new people hang out in these threads and we don’t want to accidentally spoil them :P You can do this by editing your post and highlighting all the text you want in the spoiler box and clicking the eye button.

I have another question for you! If you could only choose one, would you rather meet Lightsong, Wayne, The Lopen or Lift?

My apologies - wasn't tracking the multi-quote-frowning bit :-/

Food is expensive with inflation - love Lift, but, don't know if I can afford her.

Within that monetary theme, I tend to view Lopen v Wayne like asking if I'd rather have a quarter, or $0.25. It's the same picture.

Lightsong would be chill, but, unlikely to be really interested in engagement.

Lift would be the most fun. :) Lift it is, and, I'll just buy a lot of potatoes.



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17 minutes ago, Lost Lobo said:

My apologies - wasn't tracking the multi-quote-frowning bit :-/

Lift would be the most fun. :) Lift it is, and, I'll just buy a lot of potatoes.


In summary:

you should not post two times consecutively and some of the things in your posts where spoilers for Oathbringer (and, I’m assuming wheel of time). 
you can put spoilers in things called “spoiler boxes” . To do this click on the icon that looks like an eye.

Oh, great answer btw! Lift for the win!

Edited by Cinnamon
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19 hours ago, Lost Lobo said:


:) It was a long, good, ride. I loved the depth, and the history that were in it.

Favorite Character: So, everyone has a different take, and I understand that people's personalities will impact them strongly in this area.... that being said, I think I can say with confidence that the correct answer is Matt. :D

Favorite Scene:... so, one of the reasons I ended up liking Brandon more than Jordan was how Brandon writes women in his stories. Jordan seemed sometimes to only know how to write variations on a single, almost flat archetype (and that archetype was "kind of a b----") for women. Even though Jordan was writing them to have their own power and agency, and that was great to see in a serious way in high fantasy... his female characters seemed to spend all their time "glaring knives" or "nailing people with their eyes", or some such. It was irritating. Jordan really wanted to emphasize that the arrogance of the Aes Sedai was a major vulnerability and... he achieved that goal.

And one of the most irritating was Nynaeve. I did. not. like. her.

And yet.

  Reveal hidden contents

"Lan told me once that Malkier lives so long as one man wears the hadori in pledge that he will fight the Shadow, so long as one woman wears the ki'sain in pledge that she will send her sons to fight the Shadow. I wear the ki'sain, Master Aldragoran. My husband wears the hadori. So do you. Will Lan Mandragoran ride to the Last Battle alone?"

.... oof. Chills.


Yes, I love Mat very much. 

Good answers, very good answers.

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