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Storing Duralumin


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Given that Duralumin Ferrings can store Connection, and Coppermind implies that when you are storing it people become less aware of you and their friendship with you, could you max store Connection to become a Gray Man, essentially undetectable and the perfect scout/spy/assassin?



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Personally I doubt it.  My headcannon immediately went to Drab.  There also is likely a lower limit to how much Connection can be stored at once.  If you stored enough Connection as to be unseen you would also likely be storing enough Connection that you might lose access to Feruchemy since you are no longer connected to Ruin and Preservation.

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I don't think that Connection is the attribute that would most let you do this, as storing it wouldn't make you less noticeable but might make people more suspicious or hostile towards you (we don't really know what Connection storage is like yet). If you wanted to be more of a Gray Man I think that Identity would be a more useful attribute to store here. You're still noticeable, but could people remember who you are?

On the other hand, Identity in this sense may be more spiritual than social, so that may not have the desired effect either. Maybe a combination would work better? You blank your Identity and maintain some particular level of Connection, producing someone that no one can quite place as an individual but who definitely belongs where they are.

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