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Lerasium's alloy


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So I have been thinking what Lerasium's alloy would be and it seems to me that if lerasium grants people allomancy, then it's alloy would take it away. For example, if a mistborn(or a misting) burned lerasium's alloy, then the mistborn would lose his or her allomantic abilities. The metal would fit as an alloy of lerasium and aluminum, as aluminum has such a negative effect on investiture. The metal could be used as a wepon against allomancers. Sorry if this has already been discussed or there already is a WoB for this.

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shardmetals do not have specifics alloys. You could alloy lerasium with any allomantically viable metal and it would make an alloy you could burn.

Those alloys would make you a misting of whatever metal you alloyed it with.



I was also wondering if... I just finished reading the Ars Arcanum in the back of Bands of Mourning and I heard it mention that god metals could be alloyed to give different abilities or traits.

Brandon Sanderson



Could you give an example of one?

Brandon Sanderson

So, you could alloy lerasium with certain metals of the sixteen in the table and get, if you had just enough lerasium, it would make them a misting of those powers.

Calamity Philadelphia signing (Feb. 20, 2016)


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3 hours ago, Ati16 said:

So I have been thinking what Lerasium's alloy would be and it seems to me that if lerasium grants people allomancy, then it's alloy would take it away. For example, if a mistborn(or a misting) burned lerasium's alloy, then the mistborn would lose his or her allomantic abilities. The metal would fit as an alloy of lerasium and aluminum, as aluminum has such a negative effect on investiture. The metal could be used as a wepon against allomancers. Sorry if this has already been discussed or there already is a WoB for this.

3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

shardmetals do not have specifics alloys. You could alloy lerasium with any allomantically viable metal and it would make an alloy you could burn.

Those alloys would make you a misting of whatever metal you alloyed it with.

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I was also wondering if... I just finished reading the Ars Arcanum in the back of Bands of Mourning and I heard it mention that god metals could be alloyed to give different abilities or traits.

Brandon Sanderson



Could you give an example of one?

Brandon Sanderson

So, you could alloy lerasium with certain metals of the sixteen in the table and get, if you had just enough lerasium, it would make them a misting of those powers.

Calamity Philadelphia signing (Feb. 20, 2016)


Also, if you are thinking of "The Eleventh Metal" (Malatium) - remember that the presense of Atium adn Malatium on the Allomancy table was a change made by Preservation and reversed by Harmony.  WoB


Brandon Sanderson

Preservation wanted Atium and Malatium to be of use to the people, as he recognized that it would be a very powerful tool—and that using it up could help defeat Ruin. But he also recognized that sixteen was a mythological important number, and felt it would make the best sign for his followers. So he took out the most unlikely (difficult to make and use) metals for his sign to his followers.

For Preservation's long plan, he needed the people of Scadrial to be able to use up Atium, and replaced Cadmium and Bendalloy from the "16" metals (since those two would be unavilable until technology and metallurgy progressed enough to refine them). So, the presence of Malatium was already an artificial construct that was reversed by Harmony. 

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