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12 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Your writing is so good!! i will admit, i am not keeping up with the story so i can't remark on the plot, but you write excellently.

Thank you! That means a lot :P 

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10 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

it was like about Raoden's Seon Ien, and it said his Aon Ien. I could be wrong though :P 

Yup! The error has been located and fixed :D Thanks for the help!

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2 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

yep! it might have happened multiple times, but I don't remember. Thanks for putting all this on the Shard for people to read. This is sooooo cool!!!!

It's a delight to write! Thank you so much for your encouraging words - it really means a lot! :D 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Helooooo humans!

Something wonderful, magical, and totally unexpected has happened!



[Implied Elantris Spoilers]


“There’s nothing here!” Raoden exclaimed. He slammed closed the large tome and added it to top of the tall stack beside him.

“Nothing on the suppression of Aons, or the temporary disruption of the Dor! Gah!”

Telrao sat helplessly beside him, offering the King a purr of consolation. Sarene glanced up from where she was surrounded in large volumes, much like the ones Raoden had stacked up.

“Dearest,” she said softly, reaching over a stack of books and touching his arm. “Why don’t we have our scholars go over this?” Raoden shook his head mournfully, petting Telrao’s soft fur.

“The only thing that I can think would cause this is what that Dilaf did, kolo? Could it be something like that?” Galladon turned another page in his book, not even glancing up.

“I didn’t feel any manipulation of the Dor…” Raoden muttered, rubbing his silvery forehead with a hand. “It just doesn’t fit any theories! It doesn’t make any sense! Why?”

Sarene gently closed her tome and set it on her stack, tucking a long strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Her eyes were concerned and tired. A night spent studying could do that to someone. She then stood and picked up a different tome, walking over to one of the ornate stone shelves, recently restored to its former glory under Taan the sculptor’s direction. Despite the fact that Taan himself had consumed many of the books held in the Elantrian university, it seemed he hadn’t gotten to eating the ones in here. A blessing, from the humans’ standpoint. Although Telrao was still a little befuddled at the fact. How come he had stopped eating the books?

She blinked, realizing that she had dozed off. The King and Queen had left, leaving behind Galladon and his Seon, Eda. Telrao mewed at the Seon, who hummed softly in reply, hovering a couple inches higher.

What a strange Seon…

“Little sule,” Galladon said to Telrao, “are you still worried about Saol?”

Telrao nodded, jumping off the desk and beginning to pace the floor. Something didn’t make sense about last night. She hadn’t smelled anything strange, although the scent of fear had been overwhelming. And that loud bang when the lights had gone out…

Eda hummed again, earning a glare from Galladon. “I told you not to hum like that, Seon. It annoys my ears, kolo?”

Eda hummed again, in what seemed a mischievous tone. Galladon sighed and closed his tome, rubbing the old leather cover. Telrao paused her pacing, then tipped her head feeling a… presence. Her head snapped up and she caught sight of a dark shape disappearing between two shelves.

Galladon followed where she was looking with his eyes and frowned. “What do you see, little sule?”

Telrao shook her head, her tail curling, uncurling, the curling again as she padded silently towards the suspicious shelving. The bright light of a large Aon Ashe overhead cast some shadows between the shelves, ones large enough for someone to –

“Oh! There you are!” A cheerful voice said. Matisse stepped forward, then squatted down to pet Telrao. She glanced towards Galladon as her Seon, Aeo, floated forward and bobbed in respect. “My lord.”

“Apparently.” Grumbled Galladon as he opened his tome again. Matisse stepped forward and peeked over his shoulder.

“What are you reading?” She asked. Telrao padded up behind her, hopping back up onto the desk.

“A tome.”

“What kind of tome?”

“A leather one.”

Matisse chuckled, and Eda hummed a low, annoyed note. “He is reading,” she said loftily in a musical voice, “The complete history of Seons. It contains accounts of famous Passings of Seons, theories of how we first came into being, and how they can be Passed onto other Elantrians.”

“You, Seon, are annoying.” Galladon said, wagging a finger at the Eda. “That is why I am reading this, kolo? To learn how to Pass you on to someone more unfortunate.”

Matisse let out a soft laugh, looking over Galladon’s shoulder again. “What’s this?” She asked, poking a particular sketch. Telrao leaned over and stared at the picture. It depicted a Seon but… different. Instead of radiating light, it seemed to suck light into it, forming a sphere of pure darkness. Did it… seem familiar?

“It is a Skaze.” Aeo said softly, floating closer to the group.

“What’s a Skaze?” Matisse asked, studying the image.

“No one – Seon, or man – is certain. It has been decades – perhaps centuries – since one was last seen.” Aeo replied in a sonorous voice. “I… am uncertain whether they truly exist.”

Telrao crinkled her forehead, searching though her mind. The picture was so familiar. Had she… seen one of these “skaze” before?

Galladon complained of being crowded, and everyone stepped (or floated) back. She continued to scour her memories… where… had she seen…

A blue pool. A dark figure. And black ball of the void. Yes… she had seen a skaze before... before she’d become an Elantrian…

But why now? Why…?

She glanced around again, blue eyes searching amongst the shelves. There were so many shadows, it was hard to see if - something dark darted between them. There!

She leapt of the desk and bounded after it, almost slipping on the white stone floor before regaining her balance.

“Telrao!” Matisse shouted as she ran after the small cat, her skirts fluttering. “Where are you going?”

Aeo zipped ahead of Matisse until he was hovering just above Telrao, keeping pace with the small cat. “What have you seen?” He asked, “What are you following?”

Telrao ignored him, running after the dark ball of blackness which darted amongst the shelves, attempting to lose her in the maze. Matisse soon fell behind, but Aeo kept with Telrao, following her every bound and pounce. She had to catch that Skaze!

Soon, the Skaze decided to hover up over the shelves, attempting to escape through one of the large doors of the library. Telrao scrambled to catch up, sliding around another corner. It zipped forward before –

Eda hovered right in front of the skaze, humming an annoyed tone. “You will stay.” She said petulantly. “Do not attempt to escape.”

The skaze halted and floated uncertainly, its eerie darkness appearing to absorb the surrounding light. It bobbed slightly, seeming to take consider its options. It made a dash for the door, but was again stopped by Eda.

“Fine.” It said in a rough voice. Telrao blinked in surprise. What was this thing?

Aeo hovered up behind the skaze, leaving behind a faint glowing trail. “I suppose they do exist, then.” He grunted. Telrao tipped her head in curiosity. How did a Seon grunt? How –

Focus. She told herself. The Skaze and two Seons slowly hovered down to human shoulder level as Galladon and Matisse jogged up, the latter looking very confused.

“Well then, little sule.” Galladon said, crossing his arms and staring at the Skaze. “That’s one mystery solved.”

Telrao flicked an ear and padded towards the skaze. One mystery solved… and yet there are so many more questions.

But I will get answers.

This one is a bit shorter than the others, and I am not as happy with it as I could be... but yee!

I know @Being of Cacophony has been waiting for this, so here ya go!

Also, @Aes Sedai, @Wittles of Shinovar, @Potato's Wit, y'all can come on over too!

Have a wonderful day/night/whatever time!

- Telrao

*throws muffins*

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3 hours ago, Telrao said:

Helooooo humans!

Something wonderful, magical, and totally unexpected has happened!



[Implied Elantris Spoilers]

  Reveal hidden contents

“There’s nothing here!” Raoden exclaimed. He slammed closed the large tome and added it to top of the tall stack beside him.

“Nothing on the suppression of Aons, or the temporary disruption of the Dor! Gah!”

Telrao sat helplessly beside him, offering the King a purr of consolation. Sarene glanced up from where she was surrounded in large volumes, much like the ones Raoden had stacked up.

“Dearest,” she said softly, reaching over a stack of books and touching his arm. “Why don’t we have our scholars go over this?” Raoden shook his head mournfully, petting Telrao’s soft fur.

“The only thing that I can think would cause this is what that Dilaf did, kolo? Could it be something like that?” Galladon turned another page in his book, not even glancing up.

“I didn’t feel any manipulation of the Dor…” Raoden muttered, rubbing his silvery forehead with a hand. “It just doesn’t fit any theories! It doesn’t make any sense! Why?”

Sarene gently closed her tome and set it on her stack, tucking a long strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Her eyes were concerned and tired. A night spent studying could do that to someone. She then stood and picked up a different tome, walking over to one of the ornate stone shelves, recently restored to its former glory under Taan the sculptor’s direction. Despite the fact that Taan himself had consumed many of the books held in the Elantrian university, it seemed he hadn’t gotten to eating the ones in here. A blessing, from the humans’ standpoint. Although Telrao was still a little befuddled at the fact. How come he had stopped eating the books?

She blinked, realizing that she had dozed off. The King and Queen had left, leaving behind Galladon and his Seon, Eda. Telrao mewed at the Seon, who hummed softly in reply, hovering a couple inches higher.

What a strange Seon…

“Little sule,” Galladon said to Telrao, “are you still worried about Saol?”

Telrao nodded, jumping off the desk and beginning to pace the floor. Something didn’t make sense about last night. She hadn’t smelled anything strange, although the scent of fear had been overwhelming. And that loud bang when the lights had gone out…

Eda hummed again, earning a glare from Galladon. “I told you not to hum like that, Seon. It annoys my ears, kolo?”

Eda hummed again, in what seemed a mischievous tone. Galladon sighed and closed his tome, rubbing the old leather cover. Telrao paused her pacing, then tipped her head feeling a… presence. Her head snapped up and she caught sight of a dark shape disappearing between two shelves.

Galladon followed where she was looking with his eyes and frowned. “What do you see, little sule?”

Telrao shook her head, her tail curling, uncurling, the curling again as she padded silently towards the suspicious shelving. The bright light of a large Aon Ashe overhead cast some shadows between the shelves, ones large enough for someone to –

“Oh! There you are!” A cheerful voice said. Matisse stepped forward, then squatted down to pet Telrao. She glanced towards Galladon as her Seon, Aeo, floated forward and bobbed in respect. “My lord.”

“Apparently.” Grumbled Galladon as he opened his tome again. Matisse stepped forward and peeked over his shoulder.

“What are you reading?” She asked. Telrao padded up behind her, hopping back up onto the desk.

“A tome.”

“What kind of tome?”

“A leather one.”

Matisse chuckled, and Eda hummed a low, annoyed note. “He is reading,” she said loftily in a musical voice, “The complete history of Seons. It contains accounts of famous Passings of Seons, theories of how we first came into being, and how they can be Passed onto other Elantrians.”

“You, Seon, are annoying.” Galladon said, wagging a finger at the Eda. “That is why I am reading this, kolo? To learn how to Pass you on to someone more unfortunate.”

Matisse let out a soft laugh, looking over Galladon’s shoulder again. “What’s this?” She asked, poking a particular sketch. Telrao leaned over and stared at the picture. It depicted a Seon but… different. Instead of radiating light, it seemed to suck light into it, forming a sphere of pure darkness. Did it… seem familiar?

“It is a Skaze.” Aeo said softly, floating closer to the group.

“What’s a Skaze?” Matisse asked, studying the image.

“No one – Seon, or man – is certain. It has been decades – perhaps centuries – since one was last seen.” Aeo replied in a sonorous voice. “I… am uncertain whether they truly exist.”

Telrao crinkled her forehead, searching though her mind. The picture was so familiar. Had she… seen one of these “skaze” before?

Galladon complained of being crowded, and everyone stepped (or floated) back. She continued to scour her memories… where… had she seen…

A blue pool. A dark figure. And black ball of the void. Yes… she had seen a skaze before... before she’d become an Elantrian…

But why now? Why…?

She glanced around again, blue eyes searching amongst the shelves. There were so many shadows, it was hard to see if - something dark darted between them. There!

She leapt of the desk and bounded after it, almost slipping on the white stone floor before regaining her balance.

“Telrao!” Matisse shouted as she ran after the small cat, her skirts fluttering. “Where are you going?”

Aeo zipped ahead of Matisse until he was hovering just above Telrao, keeping pace with the small cat. “What have you seen?” He asked, “What are you following?”

Telrao ignored him, running after the dark ball of blackness which darted amongst the shelves, attempting to lose her in the maze. Matisse soon fell behind, but Aeo kept with Telrao, following her every bound and pounce. She had to catch that Skaze!

Soon, the Skaze decided to hover up over the shelves, attempting to escape through one of the large doors of the library. Telrao scrambled to catch up, sliding around another corner. It zipped forward before –

Eda hovered right in front of the skaze, humming an annoyed tone. “You will stay.” She said petulantly. “Do not attempt to escape.”

The skaze halted and floated uncertainly, its eerie darkness appearing to absorb the surrounding light. It bobbed slightly, seeming to take consider its options. It made a dash for the door, but was again stopped by Eda.

“Fine.” It said in a rough voice. Telrao blinked in surprise. What was this thing?

Aeo hovered up behind the skaze, leaving behind a faint glowing trail. “I suppose they do exist, then.” He grunted. Telrao tipped her head in curiosity. How did a Seon grunt? How –

Focus. She told herself. The Skaze and two Seons slowly hovered down to human shoulder level as Galladon and Matisse jogged up, the latter looking very confused.

“Well then, little sule.” Galladon said, crossing his arms and staring at the Skaze. “That’s one mystery solved.”

Telrao flicked an ear and padded towards the skaze. One mystery solved… and yet there are so many more questions.

But I will get answers.

This one is a bit shorter than the others, and I am not as happy with it as I could be... but yee!

I know @Being of Cacophony has been waiting for this, so here ya go!

Also, @Aes Sedai, @Wittles of Shinovar, @Potato's Wit, y'all can come on over too!

Have a wonderful day/night/whatever time!

- Telrao

*throws muffins*


edit: Having read it, I now wish I hadn't. Not because it was poorly written or didn't live up to my expectations, but because now I'm going to have to wait for the next one :cry: 

Edited by Being of Cacophony
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10 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:


edit: Having read it, I now wish I hadn't. Not because it was poorly written or didn't live up to my expectations, but because now I'm going to have to wait for the next one :cry: 

*whispering* Don't worry the next one's not too far off, I promise! Gonna write some "essays" this week >:) *ends whispering*

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1 minute ago, Telrao said:

*whispering* Don't worry the next one's not too far off, I promise! Gonna write some "essays" this week >:) *ends whispering*

*whispering* YAY!!!!!!! but any amount of time is too much. I NEED MORE KITTY!!!!!!!! *ends all attempts at coming even close to whisper volume*


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you guys so much! This really means a lot :D 

And now, Episode 8 is out!

[Disclaimer: Elantris spoilers]


Part 1


Telrao sat patiently on the King’s desk, studying the strange floating orb. It was like… the opposite of a Seon. Instead of radiating light, it seemed to suck light into it, a black void with imperceptible edges. Instead of having an Aon in the centre, it was ringed with a hoop of misty characters. They were like Aons but… different…

“Galladon, what in blessed Domi’s name is that?” Raoden asked as he strode into the room, his silvery skin glowing softly like the walls. He paused just inside the doorway, causing Sarene to bump into him. She gave him a little prod to coax him into the room, and was promptly followed by her Seon Ashe. The Seon gasped softly, then hovered up a little higher.

“So it is true. Eda was correct.” He said in his calm voice, pulsing gently in surprise. “The skaze do exist.”

Eda harrumphed from where she hovered close by Galladon’s shoulder. “Of course.” She muttered quietly. Galladon rolled his eyes and stood, glancing over to where the skaze hovered in the corner of the room, as far away from the others as possible.

“Shall we begin?” Galladon asked.

Raoden nodded and stared again at the strange being. “Skaze, what is your name?”

“Pardon?” The skaze asked in a gruff feminine voice. “Skitale is what I am called by my own kind, although I have many names.” It said its name like “Skee-tahl-eh.”

“Well then, Skitale,” Sarene said, “Could you inform us as to why you are here?”

“To view the library.” Skitale replied pointedly, her symbols pulsing slightly. Telrao mewed softly, glaring at the skaze. It pulsed back at her, then orientated its ring back towards the others.

“You came to Elantris for the sole purpose of viewing the royal archives?” Raoden asked disbelievingly.

“Of course.”

Galladon rubbed his chin. “This one may be tricky to get information from, sule.”

Raoden narrowed his eyes, then glanced towards Sarene, who nodded.

“Does the name Saol sound familiar to you?” Sarene asked, stepping forwards. The skaze pulled back slightly. “Excuse me?”

“It is a simple question, Skaze. Does the name sound familiar?”

Skitale recovered from her shock. “I recognise the base Aon Sao. But I have not heard of someone named Saol.”

Telrao glared at the skaze again, growling softly. Sarene glanced towards the cat, then to the skaze. “Very well then,” She said, leaning against the desk and picking up Telrao, stroking her soft fur. “I see you have met our Royal Feline, Skitale. Do you know what is so special about her?”

The Skaze hesitated for a moment. “She is considered royalty? Pardon, but I do not see the purpose behind this query.”

“Telrao is an Elantrian. A rarity, you might say.”

“An impossibility.” The Skaze muttered softly.

“And your kind has not been seen in hundreds of years. So, therefore, you could call yourself an impossibility.”

“I see no purpose in this tangent, Queen Sarene.”

Sarene narrowed her eyes, and the skaze’s symbols dimmed slightly. “And how, Skitale, did you know my name?”

“Your beauty and fame proceeds you, Your Majesty.” She replied quickly. “It would be inconceivable to not know you on sight.”

Telrao growled again, and Sarene smiled. “You lie, Skaze. Why are you here?”

Her ring of misty letters dimmed further, and she hovered a little higher. “Why do you question me?”

Sarene placed Telrao back onto the desk and strode closer to the Skaze as she shied away. “There have been some unusual occurrences recently. And it is very, very suspicious that a creature such as yourself would appear the day after the incident, supposedly admiring the Royal Archives.”

“I have nothing to do with the disappearance!”

“Ah ha!” Sarene said, pointing an accusatory finger at the Skaze. “I never mentioned a disappearance, Skitale.”

“I had heard the humans discussing it!” She blustered, runes pulsing.

“I doubt it.” Galladon grunted from the corner. The skaze hovered even higher, her runes darkening further.

“What do you know about Instructor Saol’s disappearance, Skitale?” Sarene asked as Telrao gave a soft growl.

The Skaze gave a frustrated sigh and hovered down so that it was eye-level with the humans. “Fine.” She grunted. “You got me. What do you wish to know?”

Raoden blinked. “Wait, it was that easy?” He said before Sarene elbowed him in the ribs. “Ow!”

“Hush.” Sarene replied, turning her attention back to the sobered skaze. “Where do you come from, and whom do you serve?”

Skitale sighed quietly and began to speak.

Part 2


Daaron strode back and forth along the training arena, his sandaled feet kicking up the yellow-white sand. He glanced up towards the palace, where it rose high above the ground, graceful spires almost touching the darkening sky.

Someday, I shall be above all. A master. He stabbed the air with a finger, dotting the middle of Aon Aon. Then, he began to add more lines that wove and curved, lines of light bursting with a mighty power. He added the final line and the Aon began to melt, the sound of a burning fire building until…

Vwoom! The Aon exploded across the field in a raging column of orange flame, licking upwards towards the heavens in a glorious display of power. Daaron smiled, drawing another line in the air.


“What was that?” Raoden asked, standing quickly and striding to the window. A burst of bright orange flame burst across the training field, lighting the dark arena.

“Idos Domi… that cannot be good.” Galladon said from behind Raoden. He squinted. “Who is that down there?”

“Not sure…” Raoden replied, squinting also.

“Ahem.” Sarene said. “Aon Nae?”

“Oh, right.” Raoden grinned at Sarene, then began to draw the graceful Aon. When he finished, he placed his palm in the centre and adjusted it to focus on the small figure. The centre of the Aon fuzzed, then cleared, displaying…

“Is that… Daaron?” Raoden said uncertainly. The Aon showed a young man with sharp features drawing glowing lines in the air.

“It would appear so, my King.” Ashe said. He had just returned from supervising the imprisonment of Skitale and seemed quite solemn.

“Hmm… he’s trouble, that one.” Galladon said. “Power hungry.”

“Well, he’s going to burn down Elantris if we don’t stop him.” Sarene frowned. “Did we ever give clearance for the use of Aon Ehe?”

“No, my Lady.” Ashe replied, pulsing slightly. “Do you wish for me to inform him of the fact?”

“Yes.” Sarene said, crossing her arms. Telrao studied Daaron through the Aon and growled softly.

“What are you thinking, little sule?” Galladon asked as Ashe hovered out the window and zipped down towards Daaron.

Telrao flicked her tail and licked her shoulder in annoyance. How I wish I could speak! Instead she was stuck with meowing and… Aons? Yes!

She glanced at the desk and saw the many Aons carved into it. Ha!

She began to draw lines in the carefully in the air, one by one bursting with bright white light. She neglected to add the chasm line, allowing the Aons to float in the air for a moment, before fading.

“Aon Seo… Aon Daa, Aon Sao… Aon Daa again…” Raoden muttered. “What… what does she mean?”

Sarene hmmed softly. “Seo… could mean a Seon or… perhaps the Skaze?” Telrao nodded eagerly, and Sarene continued. “Daa could be power, Sao could be Saol, and the next Aon Daa mean Daaron?”

Telrao purred wildly and slow-blinked at Sarene.

“You think Skitale and Daaron and connected to Saol’s disappearance?” Raoden asked uncertainly.

Yes! Telrao nodded again, purring happily.

Galladon rubbed his chin and glanced at where the Aon Nae still hung in the air, its centre showing Daaron speaking with Ashe.

“He does not look happy, Sule.” He said, crossing his silvery arms as Daaron yelled something at Ashe, then stalked away from sight.

“I know.” Raoden replied as he touched the Aon in the centre, causing it to ripple and fade from sight. He sighed. “We’ll have to keep a close eye on that one. But we don’t have anybody to send!”

Telrao mewed pointedly, causing the humans to turn and look at her. She slapped her tail on the desk and mewed again. A slow smile spread across Sarene’s features. “I think we have someone. And she happens to be missing an instructor...”

The small fluffy feline slow-blinked at Sarene again and purred as she was scooped up in Galladon’s arms. “You think you are ready for this, little sule? It will be hard, kolo?”

Telrao nodded confidently and purred again.


I've split it up into two sections because... storms it's way long! I was going to split it into two episodes, but I decided not enough was happening to justify that.

So there you have it! Another episode out. Hope y'all enjoyed, and see you guys in the next one!

- Telrao

@Being of Cacophony @Aes Sedai @Wittles of Shinovar @Cash67

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I have now read it. I'm going to go scream into a pillow, IT'S SO GOOD!!!!!!!


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On 09/04/2023 at 0:33 AM, Cash67 said:


Auughhhh the unanswered questions are killing me! You know how to make a story interesting by making your book seem like a puzzle. 

Thank you! :D I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, but thanks!!

15 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:


I have now read it. I'm going to go scream into a pillow, IT'S SO GOOD!!!!!!!




Thank you so much!! MILESTONE POSTS YEAHHHH!!!

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