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On some questions during events


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I at least want to get this out there, because at least being able to have this heard will let me relax a little. Not having a chance is driving me crazy.

I am not able to actually go out for events and the like, and do have questions I want to see asked. So I am seeing if anyone would like to ask them for me. Don't feel as if I am forcing you to, no need to if it is too much of a bother.


Is it correct to assume Unkalaki is a V-S-O Language?

Secret Project Spoiler Questions:


How exactly do the moons work on Lumar with their size, and being tidally locked, and being organized like a d12. 


I imagine it more like the vertices of the d20. Good question. Now, I will put the asterisk on this that we just got our work back from our scientists, who are trying to figure out how to make this even possible for me. So I haven't put that into the book yet; I haven't even read what they came up with yet, because I'm just digging in to revising this one. They could have something to say about this. But I have imagined it like the vertices of a d20. (Or a d12, since it's twelve.)

He said this, but I am wondering, does he have the answer now? I don't think it does work with physics, and if it doesn't, is there a Cosmere-explanation for how such an impossible system occured?



Can you give the names for the planets in SP3 or SP4 yet? It was said we can get them eventually, and am wondering if at least those in 3 were decided yet.


Again, feel no obligation to ask these for me. But if you do, I thank you.

Edited by Firesong
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Is it correct to assume Unkalaki is a V-S-O Language?

Dunno about this one, kinda curious to hear your thoughts.


I'd wait on the SP questions, as you're bound to get answers for both those questions soon enough. Either they will be directly and unequivocally addressed in the books or in their Ars Arcanums (if they get them), or you will have a chance to sit down and ask these after the books come out with much stronger impetus.

Secret Project spoilers:


A huge reason why we were pushing to get the planet names early, during the first spoiler streams for Secret Projects, was so that we could just start referring to them with the proper names from the get go, and reduce confusion. Now that he hasn't given them to us, it's... honestly not going to affect things much by rushing to get them as soon as possible.

That being said, these are just my thoughts, you're of course free to ask whatever you want during spoiler streams or on reddit threads.

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17 hours ago, asmodeus said:

Dunno about this one, kinda curious to hear your thoughts.


He said in a WoB that verbs are usually first in their language. Which reduces it down to VSO or VOS. Considering that the Unkalaki language is based on Ōlelo Hawaiʻi. This is obvious in the structure and use of glottal stops, and has been stated in WoB. Ōlelo Hawaiʻi happens to be VSO.

Secret Project


Yeah, and I want to be able to refer to them easily and correctly in the Secret Project forum and in my own head. 


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