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Telrao's Creative Corner!


Should I make a commissions thread?  

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  1. 1. Ya want me to draw stuff for you?

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    • Noo
    • Whut is a Commission? (pls ask in the thread
    • Uhm maybe
    • Dis is fine
    • DRAW CAT

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Alllrighty, folks!

I'm in math. We're meant to be doing revision. I have a laptop and a teacher that hasn't checked what I'm doing.

So, have a sketchie!



I'm pretty proud of this one (although Ashe is a little deformed) I drew this... last week? But hadn't the time to upload it. I used this same design in the sketches I put in my short story miniseries (linkie is in my signature) aaand yee. Hope y'all like it.

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

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Ooooo it's BIRD TIME!!!


Bronzewing sketchies!

Here's the overall page



And some closeups


Coloured one



Chubby boi 1



Chubby boi 2





I pulled a Shallan and went outside to do some sketchies of real life birds. I sat on the back patio, and a couple of female bronzewings were kind enough to chonk on the grass for me, and peck around on the grass (it's spring where I am, but it was frigid yesterday!) We have a pair of Common Bronzewings nesting in a tree in our backyard. Have some facts about them!

Common Bronzewings are a native Australian species that are a relative to the pigeon family. Males and females can be told apart easily - males have a bright golden badge on their forehead, with some red and blue colouring along the neck and chest. They're super chubby and chonky - like super chonky. I wasn't exaggerating their roundness in those sketches - that's what they look like.

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

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I have a math exam in one hour and I'm on the Seventeenth Shard. How unexpected!

Have a sketchie!



Yarrr! A pirate lass to conquer the seven seas! *enthusiastic pirate noises*

I drew this like a week ago. It's okay, I guess. My favourite part of her is the pants. Groovy pants. I want me some!

Anyway, have a wonderful day, Humans!

(PS: Thank you guys for being so supportive! I really appreciate it!)

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Everything looks so good! The chonky birds are so cute and I just want to squish them. (By the way, if you ever think your art isn’t good enough, come back here and know that a fellow cat appreciates it. And everybody knows that cats would never lie about something as important as this. So be proud of your art!) 

Edited by Ookla the Fluffy
Now with more positivity
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20 hours ago, Ookla the Fluffy said:

Everything looks so good! The chonky birds are so cute and I just want to squish them. (By the way, if you ever think your art isn’t good enough, come back here and know that a fellow cat appreciates it. And everybody knows that cats would never lie about something as important as this. So be proud of your art!) 

Awww thank you so much! I really appreciate your support!

Anyways, another sketch! In celebration of the fourth episode of Telrao's adventures, y'all get to see a sketchie I did a week back.


Telrao looking suitable grumpy after drawing so many Aons!


This is what Telrao looks like after Saol tells her to draw another hundred Aons.

I had a reference for this one - but it was a different breed, so the head's not quite accurate. Soooo floofy! And there's a BEAN. I smile every time I look at this sketch - hope it makes you smile too!

Have a wonderful day, Humans! >:3

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(Don't mind the flower in the corner. That's just part of the sketchbook) In this one, I was just mucking around with the style of dress and hair flow. Not really a good sketch... Just a practice!

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

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Haha! You'd thought I'd put a sketch here, didn't you? No, coloured pencil and fineliner exists!



This is an art of one of the characters in one of my stories (wow, I said "one" a lot!) I did steal the typography from Ranger's Apprentice, so that's probably why it looks familiar to some of you.

Irene (the human) is a Bonder, meaning that she has a Bond with a creature - in this case, Leeta, a Night Panther (I came up with this when I was 13, OK? Names ain't creative.) Basically, she has to go on an adventure to find her mur'aa (bonded creature) then runs into a whole buncha stuff. Classic adventure then "Storms. We have to save the world? Really??"

Yup. Fun.

I first did a rough sketch, then traced it in fineliner, erasing the graphite lines. Then, I added colour! Good fun. Don't mind that Irene's proportions are off - it's fine *nervous laughter*

Anyways, have a wonderful day, Humans!

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Floofy said:

This is an art of one of the characters in one of my stories (wow, I said "one" a lot!) I did steal the typography from Ranger's Apprentice, so that's probably why it looks familiar to some of you.


That cape looks familiar too. :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi! Haven't posted on here for a while... so have some poetry!

I just wrote this stuff randomly, so apologies if it's bad :P 

Ze collection:




Trees lightly sway above me
As the breeze brushes the darkling sky
I look up and listen
As the birds begin to sing

As the world begins to dim
I brush through the green ferns
To return to my green meadows
And wood cabin on the hill

Leaves crunch beneath my bare feet
And the stream gurgles over smooth stones
My heart sings with the birds
So light and glad to be free.

Can't focus


Can’t focus.
The pen slips from distracted fingers
Clatters onto a cluttered desk
Filled with paper, assignments, and piles of unfinished essays.

Ideas flutter in my mind,
Bursting to be free.
A realm of fantasies, adventures and conquests
That will never be.

I finally want to play my instrument!
I have inspiration to write my stories!
To go outside, smell the air, touch the grass…

Reality picks me up and shoves me into my hard chair.
Exam tomorrow. Another the next day, and the one after.
And I haven’t studied.

Thoughts in the City


Humming softly,
The train clacks and clatters
On the cold iron rails.
Off to yet another station.

Packed together,
Each person on their way
To some place or other,
Enraptured with cold, lifeless screens.

The train pulls up
To another crowded station
Filled with more sober faces
And more nameless strangers.

Breathing deeply,
Step onto the platform, praying
That others won’t speak to me
Won’t ask for directions
Or how my day has been.

In the middle of a clogged street,
City smog filling my lungs
Loud sounds burning my ears.
Everything but speech…

I realise in that moment,
How separate we are.
Shouldn’t we speak with one another?
Smile? Laugh? Sing?
A pinch of loss twists my heart.
I’m shoved to the side,
Unimportant in the name of progress.

On the sidewalk,
I sit and contemplate
How broken our world is.


Hope y'all enjoyed! I'll put some arts on here soon!

Have a wonderful day, Humans!!

Edited by Telrao
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  • 3 weeks later...

Uhm hi Humans!

Sooo... haven't posted anything on here for a while, so have a sketch and a poem!
(I have done so many sketches and I need to upload them... alas, it shall be a while 'til then)


Sketchie of Eliira



Sweetly Singing


Sweetly Singing

Humming softly, I step
Over the edge of yet another rolling hill.

Breath held, attuning to
The Rhythm of Awe, admiring the land.

The plain is so large! So grand!
The stone is covered with green vines after the storm.

Carefully unfold the map
Another line of ink, an unfamiliar ridge.

The rockbuds blossom and bloom,
Cremlings lapping up water, munching up plants.

The lifespren bobbing, humming
Sweetly singing to the rhythm of the living land.


Eliira is my character for Fadran's Fellowship of the Thing RP - She's not active at the moment, because I'm not very active *cough* It'll be a couple more weeks 'till I can get back into RP's haha :sweat:

The poem is from Eshonai's perspective (the Stormlight Archives). If you've been watching my SU's, you've probably seen the poetry I've been writing from different character's views. They're quite enjoyable to write!

Welp, have a wonderful day, Humans!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This page has been abandoned - and I am so sorry!

I mentioned my final artwork from last year's art class in my SU - so be prepared to learn about the creative process and the amount of storming work that goes into art making! Wheee


The First Step to making an artwork!


My epic quest to create an artwork began at the start of Semester 2. We (my art class) were given a guideline (which was not used) a timetable for making arts (also not used) and a topic - Appropriation.

Appropriation is defined as using another artist's artwork in your own - taking elements from a piece of art, then making it into something new!

We were to choose an artist to appropriate - research their background, what materials they used, so on and so forth. We could choose any artist from any art movement (contemporary, cubism, realism, impressionism), and had to use one of their artworks. We also had to choose a topic - whether it be body image, family or emotions.

I started with a large brainstorm, seeking to find what artists I wanted, what kind of medium I wanted to use, and what subject matter I was going to explore.

As part of my initial research, I wrote an exploration proposal - that is, a short essay detailing my inspiration (personal and from artworks), what artists I was thinking of appropriating (Franz Mark [Expressivism] 1880-1960; Van Gogh 1853-1890), what subject matter I wanted to explore (Bonding and Connection) and finally what materials I wanted to use (Oil paint, acrylic paint, gauche paint.) 

From there, I began the process of research!

Research and sketching... and thinking

Designing the piece

Finally making the thing!


Ah, and now, the frantic weekend before the artwork was due! Enjoy the frantic process!

Step 3: Painting a frame.

Step 4: Stars and figures.

Step 5: Sky on the left and land too!

Step 6: More sky! More land!

Step 7: Wiiiiiiinndd

Step 8: Sky on the right! Stars too

Step 9: More wiiiiiind and terraforming

Step 10: Correcting and final strokes.

Step 11: Admire the artwork!


Da heck is this artwork about?

Also, funny story, apparently a teacher wanted to buy it after it was displayed in the school library! Dunno why tho. Anyhow, that was funny.

I hope you enjoyed this long winded and definitely unnecessarily long post about a single artwork! 

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

PS: I don't know why things are underlined - sorry!

Edited by Telrao
I have no idea why things are linked lol pls help
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1 hour ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Oh, WOW Telrao! This is so storming coooool! Ya did so good!

Eee thankoo

And now @Shining Silhouette, here's your commission!



@The Wandering Wizard your commission should be along shortly (tomorrow or the day after)

Oh, um, in case you humans didn't know... I do commissions now! I'm doing 1-2 per week - so if you want me to draw something for you, be sure to create a fairly detailed desc of your character with something about their personality - if it's something super specific, you can send me a reference too!

I also draw pets (please provide references of the face and body) here's an example of a picture I made for my sister's Christmas present!



The above is just coloured pencil, whereas Silho's is fineliner and coloured pencil. So uh, please tell me what you would like if you want a commission!

Alrighty, Humans! Have a wonderful day!


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2 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Out of curiousity, what was the commission?

Silho wanted me to draw a tallish guy with "deep blue eyes" medium length dirty blond hair and a mischievous grin... so that's what I drew :P 

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On 2/5/2023 at 3:55 PM, Telrao said:

@The Wandering Wizard your commission should be along shortly (tomorrow or the day after)


I eagerly await it!

And I may take you up on the cats! Because who doesn't love cats! :D

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