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Ideals of the wind runners, inconsistencies in earning blade?


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    So, I’m on my 10th or so read through of SA, and just started RoW again. We learn during the evacuation of hearthstone that Kaladin has lines of squires ready, but that he needs Spren for them to say their third ideal and become full knights. In earlier books, specifically the end of WoR (when Kaladin earns his blade) and End of Oathbringer (When Teft and The Loren earn their blades/become full knights) it is on their second.

   As well, though this deals with Skybreakers rather than Windrunners, back in Oath bringer, when Szeth is joining the SBs, he says the first ideal, but cannot consume Stormlight, unlike both Vathah (who seems to have done it without saying and ideals at all) or Kaladin (who also seemed to have done it without saying oaths) is this because the skybreakers are more “orderly” than other sects of Radiants? In general, the rules for ideals and progressing through radiancy have seemed somewhat inconsistent throughout the books, the only true consistency being that you get your armor at the 4th Ideal. Actually, we also never seem to see Nale in his armor, even though we know he is a sky breaker of the 5th ideal. Sorry for the rambling, more ideas come to me as I’m writing out this post.

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I think this is a case of not remembering that the First Ideal is Life before Death, etc. The Third of the Windrunners deals with protecting, even when they don't want to. 

As far as Szeth, his may come from the fact that the words didn't mean something to him at that time, as far as I know there's no solid answer on that. 


And Nale might not use the Plate as a matter of preference. 

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2 minutes ago, Stormgate said:

I think this is a case of not remembering that the First Ideal is Life before Death, etc. The Third of the Windrunners deals with protecting, even when they don't want to. 

As far as Szeth, his may come from the fact that the words didn't mean something to him at that time, as far as I know there's no solid answer on that. 


And Nale might not use the Plate as a matter of preference. 

Ah, that’s probably it. Yeah, looking back at it, Kaladin did get his blade on the third ideal. But I’m still confused as to why he was able to draw in Stormlight before he even had KNOWN about the ideals (life before death, etc.) while Szeth, after saying those words, could not. Kaladin couldn’t have believed in those ideals if he hadn’t even known they existed yet

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2 minutes ago, Stormgate said:

The bond can form before any Words are said. It's just solidified by them. And Szeth is an odd one in general. I make no further attempts to figure out what is going on with him. 

Yeah, I wonder if it has something to do with him being a (by Vasher/Zahel’s system), a type 2 invested entity “dead man walking”

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