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Why does the Stormfather speak to the windrunners


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The Stormfather calls Kaladin child of tanavast. And whenever someone becomes a knight radiant he says these words are accepted. Why haven’t we heard anything talking to the other orders. Shouldn’t something say these words are accepted for each of the orders.

NO SPOILERS OF RHYTM OF WAR. I haven’t read it yet. 

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3 hours ago, Munazir said:

The Stormfather calls Kaladin child of tanavast. And whenever someone becomes a knight radiant he says these words are accepted. Why haven’t we heard anything talking to the other orders. Shouldn’t something say these words are accepted for each of the orders.

NO SPOILERS OF RHYTM OF WAR. I haven’t read it yet. 

Basically he took over that role from Honor.

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5 hours ago, Munazir said:

The Stormfather calls Kaladin child of Tanavast. And whenever someone becomes a knight radiant he says these words are accepted. Why haven’t we heard anything talking to the other orders. Shouldn’t something say these words are accepted for each of the orders.

NO SPOILERS OF RHYTHM OF WAR. I haven’t read it yet. 

Part of this is who must accept the Oath. Note that it is not the same for each order:

- Bondsmiths: the words are accepted by the Bondsmith's "spren" since Stormfather accepted Dalinar's words

- Edgedancer: It's unclear in the Interlude if Lift is just remembering her second Oath, or if that actually when she said it. Same with Edgedancer, where she "said the words in her heart" - so neither time do we hear the words accepted; but this could also be because Lift is such a special case. 


It also seems that the "voice" accepting the words can only be heard by the Knight saying them.

- Windrunners: It seems Stormfather must accept the words. (Though maybe he has taken over this duty from Honor)

- Kaladin hears his third oath be accepted in WoR Ch 84, but in TWoK we see the words accepted by Stormfather (as indicated by the crack of thunder) through Teft's viewpoint; but Teft did not hear the "voice" (TWoK Ch 67)

- In Dawnshard, Lopen sees Huio's third Oath be accepted, but also does not hear the "Voice," but from Lopen's viewpoint he does hear the voice when his Second and Third Oaths are accepted (WoR and Dawnshard respectively). 


So, it comes down to Lightweavers - AFAIK the words were not "accepted" in any scene; unless in TWoK Ch 45, when Shallan hears "This is true" is an indication that only the Spren has to accept the "Oath" from a Lightweaver. this seems in line with Skybreakers:

- When Szeth swears his third Oath (OB Ch 121), snow crystalized in the air and he felt acceptance (possibly from the HighSpren), but didn't hear a "Voice."

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4 hours ago, Munazir said:

AFAIK? What book is that

4 hours ago, offer said:

Probably he means "As Far As I Know".

Sorry, yes; As far as I know there has been no on-screen "acceptance" of a Lightweaver's truth. But since they use Truths instead of Oaths; this may be a feature, not a bug.


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Honorspren are direct children of Stormfather, so the bond with Honorspren have a more direct Connection to Stormfather than other spren. Beyond that, acceptance and any oversight of that acceptance should be different from spren to spren and what the bondmate experiences with that acceptance should be different, as well.

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