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So I have a theory.

The Malwish have so far in chapter 9, been changing to be more unified and more aggressive to the Northeners, mostly from Wax's POV but I digress, I wonder if these rather rapid political decisions might be because of another group like the Set, just set (heh) up in the Southern Continent by Trell.

After all Trell wouldn't be hindered by measly distance and would definitely want a way to influence the Malwish. And sure it might just be natural tensions rising, but I think that just as the Basin's politics are being influenced by the Set to go to war, so too are the Malwish.

What do you think?

Edited by JustQuestin2004
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I think that if there existed a second clandestine group serving Trell, the Northern Set would not have to study the crashed Malwish ship in BoM so hard: they would have allies in the Southern continent to share the tech. Unless, of course, Trell keeps them both unaware of each other for some reason

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13 hours ago, Yuliya said:

I think that if there existed a second clandestine group serving Trell, the Northern Set would not have to study the crashed Malwish ship in BoM so hard: they would have allies in the Southern continent to share the tech. Unless, of course, Trell keeps them both unaware of each other for some reason

I reckon that that might actually be the case. Think about it, Trell only started trying to destroy Scadrial once the Northen and Southern societies started to make contact. This is probably because if they came together they'd have the potential to speed up development and become far more advanced far more quickly, since the Malwish have advanced technology but very few Metalborn while the Basin has stagnated technologically but has many Metalborn.

This would probably be bad for Trell's plans whatever they may be.

And for the reason to not allow the hypothetical 'Southern Set' and the Northern Set to know about each other is to ensure that there would be zero interaction of any kind between the North and the South. Maybe since Trell can't be completely sure of everyone's loyalties, and it would only take a single person getting cold feet or greedy to screw it up and reveal to others who are not in the Set. So it would probably be simpler and easier for Trell to ensure this secret is kept by not letting anyone know.

But of course, they failed and now they want to destroy Scadrial.


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4 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

Damnation, I can't believe I've been RAFO'ed for the first time.

I can't wait to do it to others.

Haha, I think every Sanderfan had been RAFO'ed more times that they can count. It is the beauty and the curse of reading an unfinished universe as complex as Cosmere 

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3 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

I would think the Sovereign's Friends would have a better grip in Southern Scadrial than someone like the Set, but them being influenced towards a war is definitely likely.

Oh yeah, the Southern Continent might actually be where the Ghostbloods are stationed on Scadrial.

So Kelsier has quite a bit of influence over both the North as the Survivor, and in the South as the Sovereign. Perhaps he might dissuade the chance of Scadrial's first World War by coming out into the light and telling them all to stop trying to kill each other?

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