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Length of years in Cosmere Worlds


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Since years became longer after 


Sazed's Ascension on Scardial

So would age difference be a thing between worlds, what a Rosharan would consider a 20 year old man, a Selish might think he's 30.(maybe that's a stretch but you get what I'm talking about). Your thoughts?

Edited by Adamkarma
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We have the math on a lot of it.  Rosharan years are 1.1 earth years, for example, so everyone is a little older by our scale than the numbers they cite in the text.

Im pretty sure we have the math for Scadrial too but I cant seem to find it right now.    We have the stats on Sel's overall size and gravity, but as far as I know nothing about it's wider solar system or its relative Year length.  


EDIT: I take it back.  This says in most cases there's not significant time dilation between worlds because the Spritual realm sort of standardizes it.  Buuut, there will be if there is a lot of Investiture in the Cognitive and/or Physical Realms.  Like the Dor, so Sel is going to be weird...




If vast amounts of Investiture can distort time in a similar manner as a black hole, [...] does that include Shards? Would time dilation be greater on Roshar than on Nalthis?

Brandon Sanderson

No, because the Shard is contained almost entirely in the Spiritual Realm. In the Spiritual Realm, time and distance have no meaning. So, what this means is: Large piles of Investiture that somehow make it into the Cognitive Realm or the Physical Realm are going to cause time dilation, but the Spiritual Realm—where it belongs—it's not going to do that.

That's gonna make some exclamation points raise above the heads of some people.

The Dusty Wheel Show (June 17, 2021)



Edited by Quantus
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9 hours ago, Quantus said:

We have the math on a lot of it.  Rosharan years are 1.1 earth years, for example, so everyone is a little older by our scale than the numbers they cite in the text.

Im pretty sure we have the math for Scadrial too but I cant seem to find it right now.    We have the stats on Sel's overall size and gravity, but as far as I know nothing about it's wider solar system or its relative Year length.  


EDIT: I take it back.  This says in most cases there's not significant time dilation between worlds because the Spritual realm sort of standardizes it.  Buuut, there will be if there is a lot of Investiture in the Cognitive and/or Physical Realms.  Like the Dor, so Sel is going to be weird...


So basically you tell me that a 17 year old Rosharan is the same as me, but a 17 year old Selish might be 50 or 5?

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8 hours ago, Adamkarma said:

So basically you tell me that a 17 year old Rosharan is the same as me, but a 17 year old Selish might be 50 or 5?

Rosharans might define a year differently but yes, time itself should be one to one.  But on Sel that may not be the case, and it might essentially be stuck in a planetary size time bubble.

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On 11.10.2022 at 6:38 AM, Adamkarma said:

So basically you tell me that a 17 year old Rosharan is the same as me, but a 17 year old Selish might be 50 or 5?

No. It should not make them younger, respectively older depending on perspective.

In the case of Sel you need to differentiate between internal and external age as opposed to units of measurements. A 20 year old Rosharan is 22 in Earth years. But if you measured his or her age with a clock you would still arrive at the same amount of time if you take the same model of clock.

That is not the case with Sel. The length of the Selish year may be different, but a clock would really run slower on Sel, hence it would mean that to an exterior observe it takes longer to attain an age.

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