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Just ask a Silvereye anything!

Just a Silvereye

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I just reached 42 posts! Well, 43 now. Unless you count the way-too-many messages in forum games. So I thought this was the best time to start an AMA! You can ask me anything, and I will try to answer in less than 7.5 million years.

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1) This is the origin of the word "silvereye"



Was there an Allomantic power that didn't make it into the book?


Brandon Sanderson

Was there an Allomantic power that didn't make it into the book. Oh... Yes, but I'm trying to remember. I had like two dozen of them? Oh boy I can't even remember the ones that I discarded. I was going to do a lot more stuff externally, stuff that like wasn't inside of you and it didn't end up working out. The big thing that I talk about with Allomancy that changed is originally I was using...silver as one of the metals, this is-- this is because... Dumb story time, so when I was a kid I painted these little miniatures that you do in D&D so your little guys can actually fight each other, right? And my brother still does this, they're awesome, I was terrible at it, but I painted these little guys. And at one point I went-- and they used to be lead, and then they realized that lead kills you *laughter* and so--or maybe it just makes you strange, I can't remember--I went and all of the prices had gone up, like by a double, because they had made them out of pewter instead. And I said to the guy "What is up with this, you are totally ripping us off. My figures now cost us 50 cents instead of--" I don't remember what it was and he went "Uh yeah it's because pewter has silver in it man. You're buying little silver figures now" and I went "Oh. That's cool." And I bought them. And so for years I thought pewter was an alloy of silver and I wrote an entire book. An Entire Book. The whole first Mistborn book with silvereyes and pewterarms until it went to my beta readers and like "There's almost no silver in pewter Brandon, you don't even really need it. Everything in this magic system works except that." and I went "Well maybe we can just pretend in this world pewter--" "No that's stupid" *laughter* So I had to change it to tin which is actually what you find in pewter. To this day my assistant Peter, who is my continuity editor, came to me and said "You realize you wrote silvereye instead of tineye in the newest Mistborn book that you just finished? It's been ten years Brandon get over it." *laughter* Still happens.

However the name @Silvereye is already taken, hence the "Just a".

2) Bolognese pasta, definitely.

3)I love them all, I can't really name one. If you put a gun on my head, though... I'd go with either Rhythm of War (because Kaladin's arc is just so good), Hero of Ages (one of the best endings I have ever read) or Emperor's Soul (great magic, great character work, and possibly a bit of nostalgia bc it was my first cosmere book)

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/3/2022 at 9:54 AM, Just a Silvereye said:

1) This is the origin of the word "silvereye"

However the name @Silvereye is already taken, hence the "Just a".

2) Bolognese pasta, definitely.

3)I love them all, I can't really name one. If you put a gun on my head, though... I'd go with either Rhythm of War (because Kaladin's arc is just so good), Hero of Ages (one of the best endings I have ever read) or Emperor's Soul (great magic, great character work, and possibly a bit of nostalgia bc it was my first cosmere book)

1) Fascinating! I didn't know about that, that's hilarious.

2) I can respect that, though I'm more of a starfish person myself.

3) Excellent books; excellent answers.

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heyyyyyyyyy Silvereye whats your alignment in LG90?




or am I?:rolleyes: 




I am kidding, I don't want to ruin the integrity of the game, plus, I don't trust you to tell the truth :) 







serious question:

How were you introduced to Brandon?

Edited by Cinnamon
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I fell into Wheel of Time about two years ago, when it was recommended to me by a friend. After the magnificent Sanderson books, I checked on the internet what else did that guy wrote. I see lots of references to something called the Cosmere, and find a website called Coppermind explaining what it is. I read... way too much spoiler-filled pages trying to understand what's the general plot of that Cosmere series, but I love the concepts I read about. 

A few weeks after A Memory of Light, I am emptying my city's public library in prevision for an upcoming Covid lockdown. I see, around the Ss, a thin book called Emperor's Soul. I remember it being recommended as the best entry point for the Cosmere, so I take it.

Six months later, I was up to date save for White Sand (which I still haven't read):lol:

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