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Hoid and Odium


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20 hours ago, Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack said:

So, we know that Hoid and Odium met over 1000 years ago (according to the RoW Epilogue), and I'm assuming that Odium was stuck on Braize for 4500 years (how long Taln was in Braize), so what was Hoid doing on Braize?  Are there any theories on this?

Rayse was the original vessel for Odium, it's my understanding that all the original vessels and Hoid knew each other at the time of the shattering Adonalsium on Yolen, so it's not necessarily implied that Hoid did go on Braize to meet him, unless I'm forgetting something about the RoW epiolgue.

Of course we have no evidence of the contrary so he might as well have visited.

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6 hours ago, SpinningSky said:

Rayse was the original vessel for Odium, it's my understanding that all the original vessels and Hoid knew each other at the time of the shattering Adonalsium on Yolen, so it's not necessarily implied that Hoid did go on Braize to meet him, unless I'm forgetting something about the RoW epiolgue.

Of course we have no evidence of the contrary so he might as well have visited.


I was referencing the following Wit quote, which is at the end of the RoW epilogue (note that I'm an audio book listener, so if I misunderstand something please correct me):


"Don't trouble yourself," he  thought, "This is working, after all Wit's first meeting with Odium in over a thousand years had gone exactly as he had imagined."

I'm probably overthinking this quote and is probably not very relevant.  I just thought it was interesting that Wit mentioned "over a thousand years", rather than closer to how long Odium was "stuck" on Braize.  But maybe Odium was able to send "pieces" of himself off of Braize and maybe that was the meeting?

Edited by Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack
Added clarification.
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14 hours ago, Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack said:

I'm probably overthinking this quote and is probably not very relevant.  I just thought it was interesting that Wit mentioned "over a thousand years", rather than closer to how long Odium was "stuck" on Braize.  But maybe Odium was able to send "pieces" of himself off of Braize and maybe that was the meeting?

I guess there are many ways of intending a meeting with a shard, you might be right it could turn out that there was some event during Odium's "captivity", I don't think there's much evidence for it, and maybe Brandon just thought "over a thousand" sounded better than "over 5 thousand", you should also consider that to Hoid probablty time feels like it does to shards, so from his POV a few thousand years aren't so relevant

But if we do assume there was a meeting, I have no idea what it might entail, but this might come up once we have enough pieces to put together what Hoid was doing hopping about all of our favorite books

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On 9/11/2022 at 11:07 AM, Nick_Nack_Patty_Whack said:

So, we know that Hoid and Odium met over 1000 years ago (according to the RoW Epilogue), and I'm assuming that Odium was stuck on Braize for 4500 years (how long Taln was in Braize), so what was Hoid doing on Braize?  Are there any theories on this?

I think he had to have met him on Braize. In RoW epigraph 80 Kalak says the Fused and Heralds have been fighting for 7,000 years. We know from OB CH. 38 that Honor and Cultivation bound Odium to Braize and then the Heralds bound the Fused to Braize kind of emulating what H&C  had done. Odium's been on Braize for at least 7,000 years, well over 1,000. If Hoid was referring to an event 9,000 years ago he wouldn't have thought "over 1,000".

Brandon was asked a while ago if Hoid had been to Braize and he RAFO's but in doing so implies the answer to that is extremely important. 


It's a non-answer, but given Hoid's thought about meeting Rayse over 1,000 years prior it seems the answer is yes. 

One thing I don't understand is why Hoid is so afraid of Rayse finding him in the present timeline if he went to Braize where Odium is at his most powerful not that long ago. "I came to  your land to chase an old acquaintence, but I end up spending most of my time hiding from him instead." - WoK ch. 57. 

I assume that's referencing Rayse. They knew each other pre-Shattering and were friends.


Wit is also dodging the 17th Shard, but Frost is the old friend running that group and he never leaves Yolen per Brandon. Wit wouldn't come to Roshar looking for him.  

Maybe Wit made a deal with Rayse 1,000+ years ago and then went back on it which is why he's worried now.  My understanding is Wit only seeks out Odium after the contract is agreed to because he wrote protections for himself in the contract (he includes his name in it according to the RoW epilogue). 

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