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Are Godmetals Unsealed Metalminds?


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So the rules are that anyone can Burn a Godmetal, the Atium from Era 1 was apparently a Electrum Alloy so it doesn't count, so would that mean that anyone could store into one? Like an Unsealed Metalmind?

I think that you need to know it was possible before you could do it, like with the Medallions.

Any thoughts?


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That seems entirely possible, and that's definitely knowledge it would be easy to suppress, especially since the only "readily available" godmetal (in an extremely relative sense- Atium was still extremely rare and expensive, but it could be obtained which is more than can be said for lerasium or any other godmetal) was an alloy so anyone that tested would fail. And there were extremely few nonferuchemists who knew about its existence to be able to to be able to test that in the first place. Now that it is more common knowledge, the godmetal wells have all dried up. (We might be seeing Ettmetal more frequently, but that gets rather explody when exposed to anything wet so good luck touching it.) So there's never really been a time it could have been tested.

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14 minutes ago, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

(We might be seeing Ettmetal more frequently, but that gets rather explody when exposed to anything wet so good luck touching it.)

Easy solution, just dry your hands and put it in a fridge. Then you'll have a Godmetalmind that you can only use with extreme caution or it'll take your whole hand off.

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