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My copy of Alloy of Law has shipped. . .


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I am quite thoroughly looking forward to Tuesday.

I had to go back all of the way to July at Amazon in order to track my package, at which point I realized how much/long I have been anticipating this.

Mods: You may close this topic at your whim. Sorry for costing you the time, but true exuberance cannot be adequately contained. :D

P.S. I am also sorry about the ellipsis in the title. I tend to overuse those when excited.

Edited by Kurkistan
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I have my copy sitting right next to me here at work. I will be taking an hour for lunch today - rather than my usual 15 minutes - so that I can read.

The only question I have, now, is do I start at chapter 7, or do I read the previewed chapters I already read on Tor's website?

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My copy has shipped - expected delivery in 11-23 business days :( Stupid Amazon in Europe is only selling the British version, with one of those lame almost-white covers. Only way to get the US version is to ship it from the US...

On the other hand, I'll probably get the British one too when I go to the signing, since the US won't be there in time... Still, first world problems, eh? ;)

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Well, lucky you.

I need to whine. So here goes!

I ordered from where I always do in sweden(called SF-bokhandeln if anyone is from here aswell). And when I did (a month or so ago), I could choose between a hardcover and a pocket version.

Since they where said to arrive at the same time, and the cost difference was minimal, I took the hardcover.

Now however, the pocket is in stock, but the hardcover havent arrived yet:p. Called em, they said they didnt know why it was late(it hadent arrived to them yet), but they thought(hoped) it would arrive tomorrow.

So, waiting....:/

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