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Fan art I didn't get

S. Stormy

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I was scrolling through this random thing:


And the picture for Invested I don't get. I just... am confused. I haven't read Era 2, and I think I'm missing something... could someone explain it to me?

Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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4 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

I was scrolling through this random thing:


And the picture for Invested I don't get. I just... am confused. I haven't read Era 2, and I think I'm missing something... could someone explain it to me?

"Invested" - there are two under that prompt.

  1. SiarexKH - this seems to be a Ghostblood summoning or dismissing a shardblade
  2. _castanne - This appears to be the "symbolheads" watching Shallan and Jasnah in Kharbranth
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12 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

The Ghostblood one is the one I'm confused about. Don't get me wrong, it's incredible! I just am pretty sure I'm missing something.

Well, the right hand appears to be a prosthetic (or metallic hand of some kind - unless it's a glove - but it seems thinner than the left hand) so that could be a clue. The character seems to be talking to or about Kelsier. . . (RoW Spoiler)


but who would call him Kell instead of Thaidakar in the age of the Ghostbloods?

So, it could just be a character of the artist's imagination; but, if not, we may be able to reason it out with those clues.

Edited by Treamayne
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