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Coolmint reporting


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Coolmint stumbling around here.  (It looks like a nice forum with lovely people but not used to the format!)

Longtime reader and writer of SF/F….I was in a band once but that's a long story.  Frivolous sort, easily distracted by shiny objects.  If I'm being blunt, I also came for the fountain pens!  

Gotta run for now.  How do I make the post font bigger? :blink:


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1 minute ago, Coolmint said:

Coolmint stumbling around here.  (It looks like a nice forum with lovely people but not used to the format!)

Welcome to the Shard! Thank you very much and don't worry, it's fairly intuitive and if you make any mistakes, we are a forgiving bunch :D

8 minutes ago, Coolmint said:

How do I make the post font bigger? :blink:

If you're on desktop there should be a size option in the toolbar. There's a BBCode shortcut for mobile, but I've forgotten it.

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1 hour ago, Robin Sedai said:

Welcome to the Shard! Thank you very much and don't worry, it's fairly intuitive and if you make any mistakes, we are a forgiving bunch :D

If you're on desktop there should be a size option in the toolbar. There's a BBCode shortcut for mobile, but I've forgotten it.

Thank you very much.  I tried 'liking' your post but for some reason it won't let me (maybe because this is a tablet.  Consider yourself Liked.  

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2 hours ago, Coolmint said:

Thank you!  I figured out how to 'like' a post, too.  Say, is there any kind of FAQ thread that tells you when you can have an avatar and such?

You just have to go to your profile page and click the profile photo button on the little circle in the top left.

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And you can get a rank/member title (different names for the same thing) by going to Edit Profile and changing your rank. For an example of what a rank is, mine is about Kaladin and thestrals.

What books have you read?

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57 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

And you can get a rank/member title (different names for the same thing) by going to Edit Profile and changing your rank. For an example of what a rank is, mine is about Kaladin and thestrals.

What books have you read?

Millions.  But of Brandon's?  Just started Elantris.

And thanks, I found where to load a pic!  :wub:

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Since many of you on this forum write (and very well, from what I've seen), I thought I should mention this incident.

Yesterday I got a phone message from someone who said she wanted to re-publish my 2003 chapbook.  The recording was from a person with such a heavy accent, and the background chatter (from the call center) so overwhelming, I had to play the recording three times to understand what she was saying, or the name of the 'company.'  And it was a lonnnng message.  The caller said my book was also connected with another company I had never heard of, much less signed up with.   
The caller went on and on and on about this 'opportunity.'
They must be desperate and phoning anyone who ever published anything.  The press that published my chapbook is defunct.  And I sold maybe three of them (mainly by begging friends and family).
Scam alert.
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