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I'd love to have more Shallan/Jasnah interactions

Torol Sadeas

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Now, I do not mean this in a romantic way, but ever since the first book I've felt that Shallan and Jasnah actually have pretty good chemistry and are also good for each other. Jasnah, although Shallan's worshipping of her is sometimes a little much, can be a great anchor for her. I really loved that flashback in WoR where young Shallan was reading her work. On the other side, Shallan is one of the very few characters we see Jasnah be vulnerable with. Thinking about it, Shallan must have really charmed Jasnah to take her on as ward in the first place. We know from their interactions on the ship how pressured Jasnah felt about the whole Voidbringer situation and taking on a new student would surely seem like a waste of time to her.   

They clearly care about each other and have very good dialogue most of the time, personally I would love to have more scenes of their relationship! 

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I'm a bit more skeptical. I think in Oathbringer we saw just how difficult it would be for Jasnah and Shallan to maintain a relationship of trust. Shallan desires Jasnah's approval, but is unwilling (and probably unable) to jump through all the hoops necessary to become what Jasnah wants her to be. Likewise, Jasnah values Shallan, but not enough to deal respectfully with her (many) character flaws. 

For all of her strengths, Jasnah is not a very emotionally intelligent person, and has limited patience for people's mental/emotional foibles. Despite a similarly utilitarian approach to life, she's basically the polar opposite of Adolin, whose greatest redeeming quality (at least where relationships are concerned) is his willingness to set aside his desire to "fix" things when dealing with Shallan.

I think that when we see further interactions between Shallan and Jasnah, they will likely be mostly unpleasant -- especially as their ideals come into conflict with each other. But we shall RAFO that one.

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There is some potential for their relationship, but because of Shallan's previous (and maybe future) interactions with the Ghostbloods, I doubt she and Jasnah will ever really get along. However, I do want to see how Shallan and Pattern's interactions play out, mainly because Shallan may be less trusting of Pattern, and also because Pattern now knows the Shallan killed Testament. It could be interesting.

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I'd like to see more meaningful interactions between major characters generally, and I really want more with Shallan and others. So much time has been spent on Shallan's inward-looking relationships, like with Veil, Radiant, and Formless, and more broadly with her own memories and feelings, that I feel like her interactions with others have been a bit lacking. We've got a lot about how Shallan and Veil interacted, for example, and how Veil and Kaladin interacted, but we haven't gotten a ton of Shallan proper interacting with others since WoR. Especially given how dramatically Shallan is changing as she progresses through her Lightweaver oaths I think that those external interactions will be interesting to see.

I see potential in more interactions with Jasnah since they have many similarities and contrasts, but like others have posted think that it will be hard for them to have on-screen interactions with much depth. I think that their positions are really unequal and that their differences will lead to conflicts more than anything else, which will require them to stay apart more than they are together.

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15 hours ago, Kvothe the Bloodless said:

There is some potential for their relationship, but because of Shallan's previous (and maybe future) interactions with the Ghostbloods, I doubt she and Jasnah will ever really get along. However, I do want to see how Shallan and Pattern's interactions play out, mainly because Shallan may be less trusting of Pattern, and also because Pattern now knows the Shallan killed Testament. It could be interesting.

There have been enough hints dropped by Pattern to make me think he knew all along.

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