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Night Four: Jack Out

On a previous run, Jack Ladrian’d worked with a mistrunner with a predilection for old, obscure movies, the sort other people’d never have heard of. The more obscure, the better. Most of them were invariably sad.

Betrayal, or the team getting wiped out, or the protagonist dying. He’d asked her about it, once. 

“It’s not about how it ends,” she said, reflectively. He wondered if she was slotting a moodchip. Jack never liked that, not when he was working a job, and not even after. He liked to think that for all his vices, neither Breeze nor Wax would’ve indulged, so he never did, either. 

He did that a lot. Asked himself what those celebrated ancestors would do, and held himself unstintingly against the measure they presented and always, always found himself wanting.

“It’s about the setting. The going. It always ends in heartbreak, or else it wouldn’t be called the ending.” She sounded almost wistful.

Jack’d just laughed. He was young (still was), and eager to prove himself, and the future lay wide open before him, like the pale canvas of a painting still taking shape, and idly, he wondered what Breeze or Wax would have made of that.





It was eerie, moving through what seemed like an otherwise abandoned facility. The knowledge that they were being watched kept him sharp. Jack’d seen the SynthKandra strike from hiding several times. He wasn’t about to let them take him without a fight.

Kesed’d described the objective to the gathered mistrunners. They needed to secure the area, and locate the security terminal, which was in the ops room. Forcing the room would not work: they’d need the hackers for this. If they discovered fallen members of Red Team, they were to report back in. If they noticed any sign of SynthKandra activity, they were to report in and wait for reinforcements, rather than pursue it. Jack had been somewhat disappointed by this order, but he saw the sense in it. By this point, no one was seriously expecting to find survivors. The SynthKandra had been ruthlessly effective in turning the people in the facility against each other. Give them half a chance, he thought, and the SynthKandra would whittle their numbers down still further.

If they weren’t already hiding among them.

Jack shivered at the thought, but he wasn’t about to feel sorry for the SynthKandra. He was here to get paid. He was pretty sure that Wax had never let sympathy get in the way of what he needed to do, when it came to stopping criminals.

“Ladrian,” Scorpion mused aloud. “An admirer?”

“Aren’t we all?” Jack replied, casually. But he had never made a habit of hiding his lineage. He was proud of it, even if it was unusual, in this line of work, to advertise it so openly. “I’m a descendant.”

It was a distant blood connection to Wax Ladrian, and his branch of the family tree didn’t even carry the Ladrian name any longer, but Jack would be damned if he let that stop him when picking his own street name, the first time he ran the mists. Jack was common enough, but Ladrian…Ladrian made him unforgettable.

Scorpion raised an eyebrow. “And you went into being a mercenary operative instead of policing?”

Jack shrugged. The thought didn’t bother him. “Wax worked on his own as a lawman, rather than in the constabulary,” he said. “And I’m careful with the jobs I accept.” This one with Heron Industries could open the right doors for him, and Wax had stopped rogue kandra in his day. As far as Jack was concerned, being asked to put down some SynthKandra seemed almost like a sign from Harmony himself.

Scorpion made a dubious, thoughtful noise. “And you’re supposed to be our infiltration specialist.”

Jack felt that prickle of guilt. He’d been wrong about Atari, after all. But he’d just have to be more careful, and to ask the right questions, and to stay alert. “I am, yeah,” he said.

“So riddle me this,” Scorpion said. “Vulture’s been odd lately. I can’t really put my finger on why. I figured Weasel was behaving odd, but Weasel was—very interested in Vulture. Hyena seems to think so too.”

“You think Vulture was taken?” Jack asked, startled. 

He supposed he could see that. He glanced ahead to where Vulture and Dragonfly were running point, and his eyebrows drew together in a thoughtful frown. Vulture had been…different. Jack couldn’t put his finger on why. It was as though Vulture had lost interest in trying to work out where the SynthKandra could be hiding, had lost that edge of wary alertness that had kept him on point for the past days.

“...Yeah, okay,” he finished. “I guess I can see that.”

If it wasn’t Vulture, who was it? That was the problem Jack chewed over. He wondered what Wax would’ve made of this. This seemed like the sort of mystery that Wax would’ve attacked unrelentingly, and probably solved in a flash of brilliance.

He wasn’t getting any ideas, though. So maybe Vulture was the best lead. At least Scorp seemed on the level. Jack figured that with the amount of noise the others had made about Scorp, and with how wary Scorp was, it’d be much harder for a SynthKandra to impersonate Scorp.

“Two of us,” Scorp said. “Two of them.”

Jack understood what she was saying. 

“Orders are not to engage.”

“You want them to get away?” Scorp hissed. “Kesed isn’t here, and if we call it in, they’ll know we’re onto them.”

She was right, though. And Wax’d known when to be a renegade, and they were so close to finding the SynthKandra, Jack could feel it. They had to strike quickly and decisively. He wasn’t sure about Dragonfly, but parity or a numerical advantage seemed just fine to him.

“Alright,” he said, with a decisive nod. “Let’s do this.”




Solovey hissed in frustration, and patched the camera feed over to Kesed with a quick message. They’re at it again. Securing access to the local Cognitive Matrix on this level had been challenging. The networks were segmented, and leapfrogging from one terminal to another, she slowly obtained access rights and moved through the local networks, seeking access to the security camera feeds.

The Cognitive Matrix was swarming with black ICE, but at least n3oN was bloody good at what she did, and her programs shut some of the ICE down, and hid their trails. Solovey’d seen hackers fried by black ICE before, and bio-feedback shock wasn’t pretty. Hell of a way to go.

The mistrunners in the corridor were running over. Jack Ladrian and Scorpion, she identified. She couldn’t quite make out the others, the camera angle was wrong. There was no audio, or at least, n3oN couldn’t get her access to the audio feed. 

Kesed wasn’t responding. That was odd.

Solovey pinged him, again.

Jack Ladrian fell. Shot? Solovey wasn’t sure. But there was the blood, spreading on the ground below him. Too much blood. 

Kesed was going to be pissed.

Still no response. Wha—

She was jerked back to her body then, all of a sudden, forcibly jacked out, her attention yanked out of the Cognitive Matrix and the world of data and feeds and ICE and access. For several long moments, Solovey reeled, stunned. It was as though someone had taken a hammer to her brain: nothing seemed to make sense, and even as reality reasserted itself, fragmented images assaulted her head.

n3oN, blood oozing from her mouth, her nose, everywhere. Bio-feedback shock? Black ICE? Solovey wasn’t sure.

“What,” she croaked.

A figure loomed over her. “I’m afraid we can’t have you singing tales about us now, little bird,” he admonished her.

The knife came down.




Chartreuse Penguin was terminated! He was a Mistrunner Infiltrator!


Chartreuse Penguin (3): Salmon Meerkat, Melon Dingo, Amber Vulture
Amber Vulture (2): Chartreuse Penguin, Charcoal Hyena, Amethyst Scorpion
Amethyst Scorpion (2): Ivory Dragonfly, Oxblood Beagle

Due to inactivity, @Azure Mouse has been replaced with a pinch-hitter, pending confirmation of the swap.

The Night has begun! It will end on 7th May at 0100hrs SGT [=GMT+8]. PMs remain open!

As always, please do not post until I have reserved the second post.

Edited by <kel>
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Rule Clarifications:

  • What does the write-up say if a Coinshot tries to shoot a jumping kandra and fails?

I will write it up as a double-tap one way or another, e.g. Quartz Zebra was both shot and killed! They were a Taken Infiltrator! (This assumes Zebra was an Infiltrator who was taken over by a kandra.) The write-up won't tell you if Zebra was killed for good or if Zebra successfully made the hop (recall that this is a 50/50 chance.) That being said, if you kill the other Elims and Zebra is dead, then yeah I'd call the game.

  • Will you call the game at parity if the Village cannot win?

I will be willing to do so, if it is logically impossible for the Village to win. I will err on the side of forcing the Elim team to lock in their victory though.

  • What does an Elim who isn't a kandra (i.e. non-kandra starting Elim) flip as? Do Taken have more bodyhops?

If the kandra that was inhabiting a Taken has more bodyhops, then the answer is yes. All Taken players did not start out as kandra - they only become Taken after a kandra hijacks them, and flip on the kandra leaving. (This could be because the kandra truly died, or because the kandra chose to leave for someone else.) A non-kandra starting Elim would flip with this sort of elocution, e.g. Quartz Zebra was terminated! They were a Negotiator working with the SynthKandra!

Player List:


1. Chartreuse Penguin - Jack Ladrian Mistrunner Infiltrator
2. Magenta Albatross - Mistrunner Infiltrator
3. @Salmon Meerkat - Vel
4. @Mauve Crocodile
5. Coral Swan - Atari Mistrunner Infiltrator
6. @Melon Dingo - AuRel
7. Indigo Weasel - Taken Combat Medic
8. @Azure Mouse - Hauer
9. Emerald Falcon - SynthKandra Field Operative
10. @Charcoal Hyena
11. @Oxblood Beagle
12. @Amethyst Scorpion
13. Fuchsia Ostrich - Cody Eight SynthKandra Hacker
14. @Ivory Dragonfly
15. @Amber Vulture


Edited by <kel>
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Yeah that was an easy one to come around to being village on. Rip buddy, you don't have to worry about being converted now.

Next people I want to look at are Amber, Ivory, Beagle. Outside look at azure simply because they haven't been here they're going to be a harder slot to solve.

@Ivory Dragonfly @Oxblood Beagle

Talk to me about your votes on me

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To be clear, before you all get lynch-happy, Azure Mouse has been replaced by a pinch-hitter. 

This is not a kandra, or well, it's a GM-sanctioned kandra replacement. All is well :P 

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More rule clarifications.

  • What does the write-up say if a Coinshot tries to shoot a jumping kandra and fails?

I will write it up as a double-tap one way or another, e.g. Quartz Zebra was both shot and killed! They were a Taken Infiltrator! (This assumes Zebra was an Infiltrator who was taken over by a kandra.) The write-up won't tell you if Zebra was killed for good or if Zebra successfully made the hop (recall that this is a 50/50 chance.) That being said, if you kill the other Elims and Zebra is dead, then yeah I'd call the game.

  • Will you call the game at parity if the Village cannot win?

I will be willing to do so, if it is logically impossible for the Village to win. I will err on the side of forcing the Elim team to lock in their victory though.

  • What does an Elim who isn't a kandra (i.e. non-kandra starting Elim) flip as? Do Taken have more bodyhops?

If the kandra that was inhabiting a Taken has more bodyhops, then the answer is yes. All Taken players did not start out as kandra - they only become Taken after a kandra hijacks them, and flip on the kandra leaving. (This could be because the kandra truly died, or because the kandra chose to leave for someone else.) A non-kandra starting Elim would flip with this sort of elocution, e.g. Quartz Zebra was terminated! They were a Negotiator working with the SynthKandra!

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1 hour ago, Charcoal Hyena said:

Well, well. Neither Vulture nor Scorpion has died. I feel suspicion. One of them should die tomorrow.

you feel suspicion? Why do you expect one of us needing to die? by that logic shouldn't penguin have died as well? oh wait- they did. And they were village. so... Wanna re-eval your logic there?

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i changed my mind scorp is village again

or at least if theyre kandra theyre putting in enough effort to deserve us focusing on other kandra if that makes sense

also the shuffling votes at the end of turn confuse me

i would be okay with voting vulture tomorrow i think just because of that

i could also maybe see beagle being elim

ostrich was probably lying about the number of teammates they had at this point tbh otherwise i think the game might be over

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Those votes make me feel even better about Scorpion and make Hyena more likely village. Between Vulture and Dragonfly I think the former is more likely to be evil, but they could both be. Dingo's vote for Weasel was good but now I'm reevaluating somewhat, though they're still not the most likely elim. Beagle's vote is weird. Scorpion doesn't make much sense as a vote but also an attempt to save Vulture should have been on Penguin. That makes some sense as e-e if the intention was for Vulture to switch to Scorpion last minute and then they bailed on that when I voted Penguin, but that's only if they had a clear preference for wanting Scorpion dead over a village claimed Smoker.


As soon as I activate the jammer I feel sick to my stomach. My eyes fly open to see me holding the jammer in one hand and Tamara’s hand in the other. I quickly pull myself away from her and take a step back. She doesn’t want me to touch her. I’m tempted to shatter the signal jammer on the floor of the facility but I know it’s too late for that. I’ve betrayed the only person who’s ever cared about me and she’ll never forgive me. I’ve failed her so many times the years and she’s always given me another chance but this time I’ve finally gone too far. My eyes dart around the hallway looking for options. Edrena will never again look through my eyes and I feel her absence like a gaping wound, the same way I felt right after my organic eyes were replaced. My gaze falls on Tamara, who is in the process of taking a step towards me with her hand held out to me palm up. I flinch backwards and she stops and slowly sits down on the ground. I look at her in confusion then glance away because she wouldn’t want me to look at her.

“Do you want to hear about the worst repair job I ever had, Vel?” she asks.

This is my first real chance to tell her my name, but I hesitate. I’ve never spoken it out loud because it would be devastating for someone to know my name and not use it, far worse than the little sting I get whenever someone uses the shortened form thinking that’s all there is. Still, I’ve already given up everything for just a chance of a life with the Terns, so making one more risk seems worth it. Surely Tamara will understand. “Covelline,” I manage to say.

She smiles at me and repeats her question. “Do you want to hear about the worst repair job I ever had, Covelline?” I nod weakly. Adrenaline still surges through my body with the stress of activating the jammer and saying one word, but there’s nothing to do with all that energy. Nowhere to run, nothing to fight. I don’t know what to do with myself other than to stand in place as Tamara starts speaking.  

“Six years ago, back before the Terns existed and I was the second least experienced mistrunner on my current team, a skimmer tried to set up a system of infinite energy for his tenement building. It started out well enough. Working with some of his neighbors he was able to connect a seesaw to a turbine and attach a weight equal to his unaltered mass on one end. Then he’d sit on the other end and alternate storing and tapping mass to make the seesaw go up and down and generate electricity.”

I find myself sitting down across from her and she smiles at me again as she continues the story.

“That’s all good as far as it went, but his mass alone wasn’t producing much power even if it was infinite, not even if he spent every waking moment sitting on the seesaw. Now it just so happens that Underscore and I had recovered some samples of harmonium in the form of primer cubes on our latest mission. Our team leader lived in the same building as this skimmer and thought there could be a way to dramatically improve his energy production. We can build a much bigger seesaw, say ten meters tall at equilibrium, and attach it to a slew of turbines. Harmonium can be used to activate feruchemical tapping or storing but not both at the same time, so we’ll put huge iron weights and a primer cube on either side since the seesaw is long enough that the other end is out of range for the primer cube. This is how I met Sal as we were trying to figure out how to design this thing so that each side would be tapping weight on the way down and storing it on the way up while still being able to switch the effects before one end smashed into the ground and keeping a smooth trajectory through the entire cycle.”

She’s talking like she’s forgotten the reason we came here. Listening to her, I also feel myself care less about our mission of producing shock knifes. I scoot closer to her to hear her better. “Did it work?” I ask.

She laughs. “It did!” That monstrosity was a nightmare to design and horribly resource-intensive to build, but when we finally got it to work it was able to power much more than one tenement building.”

“Why was it the worst repair job you’ve ever had?”

The smile slips from her face. “Three months after we finished construction, someone sabotaged it. We had protections to guard the harmonium from exposure to air or water, and we had a fence around the seesaw both to protect it and to stop people from getting too close because it’s dangerous to be around, but one night someone, or more likely multiple someones, bypassed the protections and blew up the whole structure, detonating the primer cubes in the process. The seesaw was shredded in the explosion and buildings were damaged even though we tried to put it away from anything else. A few people died and dozens more were injured. We never found out who did it. Perhaps they died in the explosion. We had to patch up the damaged buildings and repurpose the pieces of seesaw that survived the explosion for other projects, since everyone agreed it was too dangerous to rebuild.”

She frowns and then shakes her head. “The cost in lives wasn’t worth it, but the principle was sound, and we’ve made advances in metallic arts technology and safe use thereof since then. Underscore and I also got to meet Sal, who’s been with us ever since.” She looks up at me. “Now it’s your turn to tell a story. How long have you been a SynthKandra?”

I’d been leaning too far forward and now I fall backwards and barely manage to catch myself before my head hits the floor. She sighs. “When you stabbed yourself with the shock knife we all saw your skin and muscles peel off your bones for a few seconds before they slipped back into place. You showed no hesitation to reveal yourself and gave no sign that you knew you were a SynthKandra even though we gave you several hints.”

I desperately scan through my coppermind indices looking for answers. I have no memories, either organic or metallic, of being a SynthKandra. No instances of exhibiting any sort of shapeshifting abilities. My memory is even more malleable than most, and for a few panicked moments I consider whether I’ve been a SynthKandra all my life, that I’m a purely synthetic organism and every memory I have before entering this facility is false. Or perhaps Covelline was a real person who existed but I’m a SynthKandra who killed her here and took her identity, then made myself forget I’d ever been anyone else. I force myself to relax. Heron Industries couldn’t have faked all my memories in the first case. I have plenty that are purely organic, from long before I was involved with them. I can trace a through line from those early memories to the woman I am today. Even if Heron Industries could have faked a whole lifetime of memories, surely they could have given me ones to make me a more effective weapon, and they definitely wouldn’t have let me know about the Terns. For the second case, I don’t remember any instances where a SynthKandra could have gotten me, and if that is what happened but I don’t remember being anyone else I don’t think it matters. The third case, that Edrena told me that it was possible for a human to be made into a SynthKandra, seems most likely. I don’t know how that would happen, but it would have been easy for her to insert whatever implants she needed into my body. With Project Replicant having been in development for years and only recently showing results, I probably haven’t been a SynthKandra for too long. That conclusion made, I turn to Tamara to address the more important issue.

“Why didn’t you do anything when you found out I was a SynthKandra? You should have just killed me at the earliest opportunity. You definitely shouldn’t be alone with me. Why are you so unconcerned with your own safety?”

That’s more words in a row than I can remember speaking out loud to anyone since before I became part of Heron Industries and she just laughs. “You’d fit in great with Sal and Underscore. They’re always worried about my safety even though I’ve been running the mists for ten years and never died once. First of all, I have this.” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out my shock knife. “Took it when we left the workshop in case you were some other Kandra who had replaced the Covelline I know. Second of all, we came here to offer you a place back home knowing you were a Heron Industries operative who’d be expected to kill us. You being a SynthKandra doesn’t change that. You deserve a chance for freedom, and so do the other SynthKandra if we can get through to them.”

This speech makes even less sense than her telling me I’m a SynthKandra. At least the first one is testable. I reach into my pocket but find only a regular knife. I look to the one in her hand. She tosses it to me, leaving herself completely unprotected. I put my eyes into unblinking mode and stab myself in the left hand harder than necessary, hoping the shock will help me understand what’s happening. The pain is excruciating as I watch my palm split open to reveal bare bone and quickly heal back to normal flesh. Nothing like that happened for any of the other five people I’ve seen tested. That’s the lesser statement confirmed. I look up at Tamara and see no trace of fear on her face.

“Why would you want me to come with you? I’m only useful as a weapon to be pointed, and now I can’t even be trusted to do that.”

“We don’t care whether you’re useful or not. How much you can do for other people doesn’t determine your worth. We’re offering this to you because you showed clear reluctance to work for Heron Industries and we’re helping do anything else, anywhere you want to go.”

The prospect of being able to choose anything is overwhelming and my mind shuts down and narrows in on one specific task I have to accomplish. “We need to find supplies for shock knives.”

She sighs. “Right. The others will worry if we’re not back soon. I’ll let you think about what you want to do after we’re done here.” She turns and we head down the hallway together to find what we set out to look for.


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Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak




Amethyst Scorpion (3): Coral Swan, Magenta Albatross, Oxblood Beagle
Mauve Crocodile (3): Amber Vulture, Azure Mouse, Chartreuse Penguin

Oxblood Beagle (2): Indigo Weasel
Chartreuse Penguin (1): Mauve Crocodile, Salmon Meerkat
Emerald Falcon (1): Amethyst Scorpion
Fuchsia Ostrich (1): Emerald Falcon
Indigo Weasel (1): Charcoal Hyena



Magenta Albatross (11): Chartreuse Penguin, Salmon Meerkat, Mauve Crocodile, Coral Swan, Indigo Weasel, Azure Mouse, Charcoal Hyena, Oxblood Beagle, Fuchsia Ostrich, Ivory Dragonfly, Amber Vulture
Fuchsia Ostrich (1): Magenta Albatross
Melon Dingo (1): Amethyst Scorpion



Coral Swan (4): Chartreuse Penguin, Salmon Meerkat, Indigo Weasel, Ivory Dragonfly, Amber Vulture
Indigo Weasel (1): Coral Swan, Melon Dingo



Chartreuse Penguin (3): Salmon Meerkat, Melon Dingo, Amber Vulture
Amber Vulture (2): Chartreuse Penguin, Charcoal Hyena, Amethyst Scorpion
Amethyst Scorpion (2): Ivory Dragonfly, Oxblood Beagle



(I'm going to go on a limb and say Vote Analysis won't be very helpful, especially in retrospect, but I don't have the time to dive through all the days for pre-done analysis. I do wonder why Mauve and Amethyst were basically dropped after the D1 tie, but Mauve claimed Tineye so that explains at least a half of it. Also interesting Emerald's vote was on their teammate Fuchsia, especially when both should still be around.)

(Is there a list of roleclaims? Mauve claimed Tineye, but that's all a quick glance caught. That and Amethyst claiming to have Amber Coinshot, but I somewhat doubt there is one unless they've just lost the coinflip on a jumping SynthKandra.)

(Also, do we know why / have suspicions why Weasel jumped? Or is it just pressure from V-flipped-Swan and Dingo?)

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16 hours ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

Yeah that was an easy one to come around to being village on. Rip buddy, you don't have to worry about being converted now.

Next people I want to look at are Amber, Ivory, Beagle. Outside look at azure simply because they haven't been here they're going to be a harder slot to solve.

@Ivory Dragonfly @Oxblood Beagle

Talk to me about your votes on me

I explained why I put my vote on you when I put my vote on you. Namely, in half of the votes you've cast, you've posted about being suspicious of other people, then voted for someone different.

Then there is how your posts almost make me think you are trying too hard to come across as village. For example, in your post today " Yeah that was an easy one to come around to being village on. Rip buddy, you don't have to worry about being converted now."

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5 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

Then there is how your posts almost make me think you are trying too hard to come across as village. For example, in your post today " Yeah that was an easy one to come around to being village on. Rip buddy, you don't have to worry about being converted now."

as a wise animal once said

what's a guy gotta do to get an effort clear around here

Who do you think I'm teamed with then, this one's an important question that you should have an answer to


9 hours ago, Azure Mouse said:

(Also, do we know why / have suspicions why Weasel jumped? Or is it just pressure from V-flipped-Swan and Dingo?)

Vulture and I were also pressuring them, but I think it was maybe? Mostly the fear from being the cw? 

I had caught a slip where they hit the swear filter C1 and then subsequent cycles first pretended that they didn't know there was a swear filter, and then added in that they weren't actually an offsiter, they were from here just pretending, and I felt it was damning evidence enough that  they hit the swear filter on D1 and claimed to be from here, because there are so many alternate words that so many people use instead and I haven't seen filter hits in games.

Vulture was the only one that I told about this slip before yesterday (I mentioned it to them on D1 when the filter hit happened, I thought originally that weasel was an SE native and was pretending to be from offsite, and was village reading them for that, and then they hit the swear filter and i scrapped that idea) and then i told him my idea on N3 and told him that i was going to push Indigo the next day. I asked him to back down a little and then he claimed that Weasel claimed elim in PMs admitting that they weren't the same person.

I find it strange that I had a PM with them and they asked me about game related things very close to rollover, when the claim happened with plenty of time to go.


9 hours ago, Azure Mouse said:

(Is there a list of roleclaims? Mauve claimed Tineye, but that's all a quick glance caught. That and Amethyst claiming to have Amber Coinshot, but I somewhat doubt there is one unless they've just lost the coinflip on a jumping SynthKandra.)

I wouldn't try and shoot someone I thought was bodyhopping. Emerald has hopped twice now, I don't believe that they have more than that, and I believe they're most likely in Amber right now. Unless amber would like to talk at all to show that they're not, it shouldn't be that hard.

Edited by Amethyst Scorpion
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