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Zane's trick

Baijo Gosum

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So Zane coated a bead of lead with a thin layer of atium to trick Vin.

Could some one do the opposite, coat a bead of atium with lead, so that stomach acids wouldn't corrode it as quickly? I seem to remember that being on of the issues with atium, you couldn't just swallow some in the morning and not worry about it all day.

It would give you a quick initial advantage over another mistborn.

I was thinking this might be something that could come into play for the rpg, kinda like when Vin started padding coins.

Any one have any other "tricks" that would enhance ones metallic arts?

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I wouldn't suggest coating it with lead, per se... that rust is poisonous. Maybe if you used an allomantically active metal though, like copper or steel or tin, etc.

Though the other problem is that when you need your atium, you usually need it right then, not in a minute or two when the coating is burned away.

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I was thinking this might be something that could come into play for the rpg, kinda like when Vin started padding coins.

Well, when it comes to this purpose, the only answer that matters is "Whatever your GM says."

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maybe you could use silver, which is a lot less dangerous then lead.

I was going with lead because I assumed (you know what that means) that when she burned through the atium her body tried burning the lead and nothing happened. If that was true than burning lead doesn't knock you out like a bad metal does. I wasn't sure if silver would have the effect.

another possibility is that Vin's body instinctively stopped burning when the atium ran out, in which case using lead as a cover for the atium wouldn't work.

The impression I was getting from the book is that as long as you burn the heavy metals you will be fine, if you didn't use the lead covered atium you would have to regurgitate it so it wouldn't 'pass' through your system.

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