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My First Mistborn Dream


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It's happened.

I had a dream that I was mistborn.

It was actually a little underwhelming. I was in some sort of courtyard, and I could feel a bunch of power sources in my stomach, but the only blasted thing I could get to work was iron. And even that was kind of wimpy; I only succeeded in levitating myself about five feet off the ground, toward a light mounting or something, and then I couldn't pull myself up anymore, like I was out of strength or something. Even though that violates the laws of allomancy in the books. <_<

At some point the dream morphed into me driving around in a car with my family, and we were stopping at random stores like Walmart, and I was really stressed because I needed to get some metals. But my family wasn't allowed to know about my powers for some reason, and none of the freaking stores had allomantic alloys.

At the time, it was really freaking obnoxious, with me being an all-powerful mistborn who couldn't be awesome because he couldn't find powdered metals at Walmart. In hindsight, though, it actually seems pretty funny. I wonder if there's some sort of mystic interpretation behind this, like I'm not using my full potential for greatness or something.

Anyway, has anyone else ever had a dream related to Brandon's stuff? Or just a funny dream in general? I do love hearing about them.

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This past week I dreamed that an evil bad guy had stolen Papa Smurf's magical powers and was making everyone do a big song and dance number. Then I dreamed I was a vampire who was trying to kill another vampire (played by a girl I knew in high school) while we were both living in Paris, but it turned out we were really both in a musical and we could fly because of the harness sets. She was trying to steal all the applause at the end.

A strange number of my dreams involve musicals.

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I had an odd Mistborn-related dream a few months back.

I don't remember much of it - I can't remember who I was supposed to be, for example - but it started off with me having to fight the Lord Ruler. Except, I thought of him more as "Rashek" than TLR, even though it was definitely Final Empire era.

He told me how he was going to fight me using the Holy Weapon. I obviously had never heard of this before, and the dream shifted a bit to where we were no longer about to fight, but he was going to teach me about the Holy Weapon.

He said the first part of fighting with the Holy Weapon was to have a proper Holy Stance. This involved standing with one foot more forward than the other (and your hips pivoted slightly, of course), knees bent slightly, shoulders parallel to your opponent (so that from the waist up you were fully facing the person you were going to fight), upper arms straight down, and elbows bend at 90 degrees, fists straight in front of you.

He then produced the Holy Weapon, which strongly resembled a three-section staff, only with more sections. (I think it was closer to five or seven. Not sure.)

He then demonstrated its use, which in retrospect looked a lot like using nunchaku.

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Mistborn dream? okay.

I had two. One where I used hemalurgy and one where I used allomancy.

Just a heads up though, my dreams tend to mash together lots of books and movies.

In the Hemalurgic dream I was fighting a bunch of metal-spear-wielding vampires (not the sparkly kind, the Dracula kind) in Tar Valon. I was still a normal human at this point and they were kicking my butt (figuratively). I grabbed one to use as a shield and they stabbed through the vampire with their metal spears. I was thinking "I am so dead", but then I suddenly had a bunch of super-strength and speed and I preceded to lay waste to the vampires and the White Tower. I think I was supposed to be an insane male channeler or something.

The allomantic dream was weird. It was a space battle between the Drej from Titan A.E. and a star Destroyer from Star Wars on one side against the floating tree castle from Castle In the Sky and a TARDIS piloted by Rena from Higurashi (No Doctor apparently, and the TARDIS couldn't travel through time because the Drej were absorbing its energy), and a bunch of mistings on the other. I was on the castle/TARDIS side as a coinshot.

First off, the castle-thingy made little shields around the mistings so we could breathe and survive space, it had its own shield. As a coinshot my job was to jump around on a bunch of floating pieces of scrap metal and distract the Drej fighters. The castle managed to fly over the Star Destroyer and activate its Death Beam. The TARDIS rammed the Drej Mothership as it was charging its own Death Beam. The castle had to self-destruct on order to prevent the resulting TARDIS/Drej explosion from setting off a nearby sun. The remaining coinshots and I pushed off of the wreckage of the Star Destroyer and survived the blast, we were then picked up by the TARDIS which in the instant before it blew up, got its energy back and went back in time, found a TARDIS replica, replaced itself with the replica just before the explosion (making it look like the TARDIS blew up), then went forward in time slightly to pick up survivors.

Edited by Emeralis00
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He said the first part of fighting with the Holy Weapon was to have a proper Holy Stance. This involved standing with one foot more forward than the other (and your hips pivoted slightly, of course), knees bent slightly, shoulders parallel to your opponent (so that from the waist up you were fully facing the person you were going to fight), upper arms straight down, and elbows bend at 90 degrees, fists straight in front of you.


(time at 1:30)

I didn't know that that was what Rashek looked like....

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That is mildly frightening. Not what I remember from my dream, but still frightening nonetheless.

Also frightening is the fact that you were able to pull that right out of the Intertubez. :P

(For the record, I've never seen Hitch.)

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I remember snippets, mostly. Probably the most vivid one (apart from a really nasty nightmare) is that I was in a car with my cousin, and we were driving off a series of cliffs, bouncing then falling repeatedly down cliffs. The feeling of falling is very distinct.

lol I just recalled a dream that I had a few months back that involved me on a camping trip with some of my guy friends... we had to drive up to some sort of trailhead, at the top of this freakily steep red stone mountain-cliff-face kind of thing. I was the only one freaking out when we were almost vertical, and then of course we actually had to climb up and around some sort of bulge, so we were like this ---> / with the occupants of the car on the right side. Of course, we fell. I think the dream ended when I passed out. lol a bit emasculating. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a Brandon-themed dream tonight.

I can't remember much of it, but he came to my house and signed all his books in my house, some postcards and a bookstore recipe I had in one of his books (he actually wrote something in there in small, neat handwriting with a commercial pen). I held a party at home and a lot of people I knew came with books for him to sign because he was staying there. And all the time I was trying to do something to make him totice me, notice that I has different than the rest, in the sense that I was... I don't know, more fan, that I was interested in him as a person, and not just as a writing machine. Even though we was supposed to have to know I existed, for he was in my house.

Weird XD.

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I had a Brandon-themed dream tonight.

I can't remember much of it, but he came to my house and signed all his books in my house, some postcards and a bookstore recipe I had in one of his books (he actually wrote something in there in small, neat handwriting with a commercial pen). I held a party at home and a lot of people I knew came with books for him to sign because he was staying there. And all the time I was trying to do something to make him totice me, notice that I has different than the rest, in the sense that I was... I don't know, more fan, that I was interested in him as a person, and not just as a writing machine. Even though we was supposed to have to know I existed, for he was in my house.

Weird XD.

How DARE you suggest that your fanhood is greater than mine. :P

Wait, he signed your recipe? Perhaps it had proper instructions for baywrap preparation. Can you remember anything from it? I'm itching to try me some baywraps.

On an unrelated note, I'm curious if anyone here has ever had a lucid dream. I think I started to have one the other day, but I quickly lost control. I was running through some sort of hallway-maybe being chased-when I suddenly thought, "this has got to be a dream". Immediately, the world got sort of swimmy (is that a word? lol) and lopsided. It was really hard to stay standing up. I remembered that in lucid dreams, you can create anything you want. Like an idiot, I didn't immediately try to give myself Mistborn powers, but instead tried to imagine my girlfriend into existence. Nothing happened, and at some point I fell out of awareness again. It was really surreal.

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On an unrelated note, I'm curious if anyone here has ever had a lucid dream. I think I started to have one the other day, but I quickly lost control. I was running through some sort of hallway-maybe being chased-when I suddenly thought, "this has got to be a dream". Immediately, the world got sort of swimmy (is that a word? lol) and lopsided. It was really hard to stay standing up. I remembered that in lucid dreams, you can create anything you want. Like an idiot, I didn't immediately try to give myself Mistborn powers, but instead tried to imagine my girlfriend into existence. Nothing happened, and at some point I fell out of awareness again. It was really surreal.

I have. My experiences were much the same as you described. Except I tried to take over the world.

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I've had a couple of mistborn/Brandon themed dreams. One that I remember specifically was that Brandon was in town and I had to do all sorts of silly chores in order to be able to go, and it was rather stressful to try to get all of them done before he left.

I've only had one lucid dream before. For a little while I just sat there thinking about how cool it was that I knew nothing was real. Then I jumped off a building.

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I've had a couple of mistborn/Brandon themed dreams. One that I remember specifically was that Brandon was in town and I had to do all sorts of silly chores in order to be able to go, and it was rather stressful to try to get all of them done before he left.

I've only had one lucid dream before. For a little while I just sat there thinking about how cool it was that I knew nothing was real. Then I jumped off a building.

I've never had a lucid dream. The closest dream I've had iot that, when things go horrible bad in a dream, I never realize it is a dream, whilst in reality, I always wish it were a dream and I could wake somehow.

... well, once, I was dreaming and all was like hell, and then I reallized I was dreaming, and woke.

The problem was, I was dreaming inside the dream, so I kept dreaming that the dream stopped, real life started... and of course, everything started to go worse XD.

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  • 1 month later...

Ive had a dream like that. I was swinging through this jungle on vines like tarzan or something, and there was this evil sloth or whatever swinging after me chasing me and Id try to pick up with iron something metal off the jungle ground way down there and push it at the sloth guy but I kept missing. hit him a couple times tho

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I had another Brandon-themed dream tonight... hecame to my house, and I gave him all the books I have written by him so he would sign them (all but two - one of them I bought from his website, so already signed; ant the other a friend went to a signing in Newcastle so is signed too). But when I got one of them, I discovered it was signed and I didn't know it, in a pretty cian ink, and almost a page and a half, talking about books, and so!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had my first somewhat Mistborn-themed dream the other night. Unfortunately, it wasn't as awesome as I had expected for my first. Actually, it was kind of traumatizing.

Basically, I was stuck in an airport during the zombie apocalypse. I got separated from my group and got cornered in a broom closet. My allomantic powers were so sucky, I got devoured by a horde of ravenous zombies because I couldn't hold the door shut for very long.

Luckily, my zombie apocalypse dreams usually get better. In a few dreams, I won't die anymore. In fact, I'll probably be a mistborn, not just an unpracticed Pewterarm. Then, I won't suck anymore, and the walkers will be scared of me. Ok, probably not that last part, but I'll still be awesome.

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  • 4 weeks later...

On an unrelated note, I'm curious if anyone here has ever had a lucid dream. I think I started to have one the other day, but I quickly lost control. I was running through some sort of hallway-maybe being chased-when I suddenly thought, "this has got to be a dream". Immediately, the world got sort of swimmy (is that a word? lol) and lopsided. It was really hard to stay standing up. I remembered that in lucid dreams, you can create anything you want. Like an idiot, I didn't immediately try to give myself Mistborn powers, but instead tried to imagine my girlfriend into existence. Nothing happened, and at some point I fell out of awareness again. It was really surreal.

I sort of had one once. I was having a really bad nightmare and then i realized i was dreaming and started trying to wake up and then everything turned into wierd-colored glue and i had to pull myself out of it to wake up.

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