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Fadran will certainly try to Inktober

Channelknight Fadran

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Hello there!

I was coerced into doing Inktober along with all the folks who can actually do art, so I guess you'll get to better appreciate their works by juxtaposition. I'm already eleven days late, and likely will find myself falling behind a few times, but that's okay!

I'm also planning on writing on a bit of lore for each drawing. Maybe they'll be in the same universe or something; idk yet.

Anyways, thanks for putting up with my scud! Enjoy!

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Okay! I finally have drawings to show off. Days one through five.

Day 1: Crystal


Even for a drone hard-wired for quick analysis and reaction, PH-EL wasn't so sure what to think of this anomaly.


This one's probably the best you'll see on this thread. It's inspired by a number of factors, including the Crystal Mines from Hollow Knight, Lanayru Mining Facility from Skyward Sword, and Wall-E, the best Pixar movie. I was thinking about having a little crystal mushroom fren living in his cave, then thought, but would the capitalists care about the little crystal mushroom frens? So I added mining robots.

Day 2: Suit


'Jack of all trades' was the title he preferred best. Doing whatever he wanted to do was a talent of his.


I... don't like this one. Is human. Wearing a suit. 'nuff said.

Day 3: Vessel


Smoke rolled from the hills, emenating from the hollow rods of metal so deliberately forced into the mountainside. They relentlessly defended the shrine to the forest spirits; the last survivor of a land they'd built their machines into, whose forest grew no more.


I partially don't like this one 'cause it has a lot of third grader war drawing vibes, but I guess it's decent? I was thinking about the whole post-apocalyptic vibe that Studio Ghibli really likes working with, and decided to do something similar with the machines guarding the shrine to the land they'd destroyed to be built upon.

Day 4: Knot


One girl, the ribbon not yet taken out of her hair, had somehow survived the carnage. The walls to their gateway had crumbled, and their home blown to ashes. She wasn't crying yet; I wouldn't either, if such things had happened to me so suddenly.


Another human! Is bad. And also I guess knot = bow = ribbon, so there's that. Her house has been destroyed! By what? I don't know.

Day 5: Raven


A lone raven remained guarding the shrine of his god. The Word was tarnished and cracked, but was still legible. Whether or not water still flowed from the spring was unclear; it had rained recently, so the sides were filled anyways.


Is a birb. Is an okay-looking birb. I decided to pack some more lore into this sucker; don't ask me what the lore is, though. 'Cause not even I know yet.

Sorry for the low-quality photos! I'm drawing this on the backs of notecards because all my doodles are always tiny, and I opted to use flash instead of getting weird phone shadows above these guys, so... yeah. There're my excuses.

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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OKAY!!! The last post was edited with real images this time. In other news I have caught up with the dates so there will be a lot of entries this post:

Day 6: Spirit


Under the shadow of the Great Mountain God, the likes of the littler spirits here and there often went ignored. But for some reason--perhaps by a twinkling of fate--a young girl noticed this little earthene today.


One of my best, I think! Perspective's a little whack, but I think it's cute.

Day 7: Fan


The wind had stopped blowing. He brought in servants to fan him as he worked instead.


This one's... eh. It exists.

Day 8: Watch


Not even sleep was a reprieve from the horrors.


It's an eyeball. That's it.

Day 9: Pressure


The trolley ran along roughly, jostling the people crowded inside.


I like this one! It looks... decent.

Day 10: Pick


Just a quick stop along the path for a breather and a snack. She placed an offering--a length of ribbon--before moving on.


I think this one's cute too. That's... about it.

Day 11: Sour


Even earthene got hungry sometimes.


Is pebble spirit boi. With lemon.

Day 12: Stuck


A cry came from up the mountain, and a hand from a pile of rubble.


*Metalgear ! noise*

Day 13: Roof


The rain poured outside the cave relentlessly, but they were fine beyond the entrance. In the light of the fire, she tried to locate the source of her new friend's pain.


Just some frens around a fire in a cave in the rain. Nothing much else to say here.

Day 14: Tick


The clock was still running.




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'Tis not a question of if Fadran will post but rather a question of when.

Day 15: Helmet


His parents, too, had been destroyed by the fires of conflict; both long before he'd known them.


I had a lot of fun with  s q u i g g l e s  for this one.

Day 16: Compass


He had on him a compass. It didn't point north, but rather to the end of the horizon, where he'd been heading for weeks.


LOOK AWAY. This one's terrible.

Day 17: Collide


At the edge of the mountains was a shock: an army of forest sprites, armed with nothing more than sharpened sticks, standing down a sea of machines.


Princess Mononoke is the best and as such I had to draw some inspiration from it.

Day 18: Moon


The moon was still shining from behind the smoke; dimmed, but still there.


Let's pretend that anything in this boi looks decent, okay?

Day 19: Sprout


Where each sprite had fallen a sprig of leaves grew. He reached down to examine one, a false frown of pity across his face.


LOOK AWAY. This one's also terrible.

Day 20: Loop


They took shelter in an old, abandoned mine; near the entrance, where the trolleys would run.


This one's... okay, I guess. It's two people from behind in a train roundabout room.

Day 21: Fuzzy


They opted to explore the once-mines deeper, to see if there was anyone at all left here.


Yeah, mushroom spores can be... fuzzy. I think.


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