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Something is coming, apparently?

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Steve, the admin of Stormblessed, posted this to the Stormblessed group on Facebook:

I've been asked not to reveal details yet, but this much seems safe to say: if you like collecting limited editions, signed hardcovers of Brandon's stuff, etc, you miiiight want to keep $45 handy and watch for announcements in the next 7 days or so.

I personally have no information regarding this, but I thought you'd like to know that this week, apparently something is coming our way.

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Hmm I wonder what it could be.  I guess the obvious thing would be something Stormlight, my gut wants to say no but its probably this.  I know Brandon wanted to do a 10-year anniversary edition of Elantris, which would be really cool but its about a year to early for that.  Probably not something Mistborn since it is currently being re-released as a YA.  Gahh I want to know!

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Well since the everstorm is here, I'd guess that Porridge is probably right.

I'm hoping for an Elantris/Emperors Soul combined book with really nice maps.


I for one would love something similar to this; an Elantris re-release with better maps but with The Hope of Elantris included instead of Emperor's Soul. 

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Yeh I think he mentioned a leatherbound elantris/emporers soul copy so that is my guess, as much as I would like it to be a suprise early release of something, I seriously doubt it (and $45 seems a bit pricey for that).

Edited by signspace13
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Hmm I wonder what it could be.  I guess the obvious thing would be something Stormlight, my gut wants to say no but its probably this.  I know Brandon wanted to do a 10-year anniversary edition of Elantris, which would be really cool but its about a year to early for that.  Probably not something Mistborn since it is currently being re-released as a YA.  Gahh I want to know!

Was Mistborn not originally a YA series? Huh.

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I must admit, $45 for that seems a bit excessive. I will consider it, but the thing better be a damnation jewel.

From what I hear Subterreanean Press makes truly gorgeous stuff.

Was Mistborn not originally a YA series? Huh.

Mistborn was marketed as adult fantasy, as almost all of Brandon's works are. You know, because the violence :P But here on the marketing they focus more on Vin to appeal to teens more.

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Yeah, and then hunger games came along and everyone just kind of went." Oh, well then driving a spike through one persons eye into somebody else's really isn't that bad."

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Yeah, and then hunger games came along and everyone just kind of went." Oh, well then driving a spike through one persons eye into somebody else's really isn't that bad."


I am a tad squeemish that scene actually made me feel sick, like I almost lost my lunch, so yeh, I don't see the Mistborn series as particularly YA but I guess it isn't that bad, compared to some Video games these days, and most of those are marketed towards young adults.

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