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Allomantic and Feruchemic Reactions with Sand Mastery (Theory)

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Having re-read both Mistborn and White Sand in close proximity, I’ve developed a theory. Although this theory mainly relates to the use of Bendalloy Compounding and Sand Mastery conjunctively, it could be expanded upon to include other topics of how the two most prominent Scadrian magic systems interact with Sand Mastery. Anyways, introduction out of the way, I’ll try to explain how to hack Sand Mastery via Compounding.

First of all, I’ll try to explain Sand Mastery. At least, from how I understand it from reading the comics and researching on the Coppermind. Sand Mastery is an end negative result magic, maybe. To use this form of Investiture it requires both water from the body, and the presence of Kinetic Investiture. After using the sand however, the Sand Master becomes dehydrated, and the Kinetic Investiture stored in the sand is lost, meaning not only can the Sand Master risk death, but the sand itself has less Investiture than before. 

Next, I’ll explain Bendalloy. I’m sure we are all well aware of how it works Allomantically. A Bendalloy Misting creates a bubble of sped up time, quite simple. Though, Feruchemical Bendalloy is interesting in my opinion. A Ferring would be able to store both calories, and hydration, albeit in separate metal minds. So, if one compounded Bendalloy they would no longer need to eat or drink, as their metal minds would be able to sustain their need for calories and water.

Now, we reach the cusp of my theory of how to achieve unlimited Sand Mastery. As we’ve already established, to use Sand Mastery, one must be hydrated. Though, if a Sand Master has the ability to Compound Hydration in a Bendalloy Metalmind, they would theoretically be able to fuel their Sand Mastery directly from that Metal Mind. This could lead to some interesting effects. For instance, we know a Feruchemist can draw out their stored attributes at different rates, so if a Bendalloy Twinborn Sand Master drew upon their hydration-mind, how would that affect their Sand Mastery, if it would affect it at all? Would they be able to control more ribbons? Or would it simply just affect the strength of their pre-existing ones? The real main benefit of this, however, is that a Sand Master who is also a Bendalloy Compounder would be able to endlessly Sand Master, as long as there is Invested Sand for them to manipulate. This leads me to the next part of my theory.

As stated before, the Sand on the Dayside of Taldain is charged via exposure to Kinetic Investiture. In most cases this is in the form of the Sun of Taldain, though it has been stated that other forms of Kinetic Investiture would be able to fill that role, such as the Rosharan Highstorms, giving use to Sand Mastery across the Cosmere. This is one of the more uncertain parts of this theory, but by this principle, would the Kinetic Investiture released by Allomancy, in this case, Bendalloy Speed Bubble, be enough to recharge Taldainian Sand? If this is the case, the it appears that a Bendalloy Compounder would make the ultimate Sand Master. They would be able to limitlessly Sand Master via the use of Compounding hydration and recharge the Sand they expend via burning Bendalloy. 

Obviously this is only speculation, as we don’t know if the Kinetic Investiture of a Bendalloy bubble would be enough to re-Invest the Sand as the Sun or a Highstorm would, but I think there is some merit to this theory.

Edited by Ventyl
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F-Bendalloy stores nutrition & calories, it might not necessarily store hydration. Hydration storage would allow a Sand Master to perform Mastery for a longer duration of time. The ability to control more ribbons does not come from more Investiture or more water but from repeated Overmastery as we saw Kenton discover. 

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48 minutes ago, Honorless said:

F-Bendalloy stores nutrition & calories, it might not necessarily store hydration.

I think F-Bendalloy would indeed let you extend your Sand Mastery time, though obviously only to the extent that you have storage. Here's what the Ars Arcanum has to say about the power:


Ferrings can store nutrition and calories in a bendalloy metalmind; they can eat large amounts of food during active storage without feeling full or gaining weight, and then can go without the need to eat while tapping the metalmind. A separate bendalloy metalmind can be used to similarly regulate fluids intake.

That suggests that you can store hydration as well as nutrition. I wonder how feruchemy would handle things like meal replacement drinks where you're combining some hydration with nutrition, but that's a different discussion altogether.

4 hours ago, Ventyl said:

As stated before, the Sand on the Dayside of Taldain is charged via exposure to Kinetic Investiture. In most cases this is in the form of the Sun of Taldain, though it has been stated that other forms of Kinetic Investiture would be able to fill that role, such as the Rosharan Highstorms, giving use to Sand Mastery across the Cosmere. This is one of the more uncertain parts of this theory, but by this principle, would the Kinetic Investiture released by Allomancy, in this case, Bendalloy Speed Bubble, be enough to recharge Taldainian Sand?

We know that the sand (or rather the lichen living on the sand) reacts to all sorts of Investiture and can be used as a sort of radar for the stuff. We saw it react to Shallan's Lightweaving for example, so it might react and thus recharge in the presence of a speed bubble. You'd need a supply of extra bendalloy that you're not using as a metalmind though, for your idea. There's also the question of whether what's inside the bubble would be affected or whether the sand would only react if it's close to but outside the bubble.

But as noted, more Investiture wouldn't mean more ribbons, you need to Overmaster for that and there are diminishing returns. Still, you've hit on a trick that works around at least one of the big limitations on the magic without breaking the original story in the way slatrification did.

Edited by Weltall
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Yeah, the main point of the theory was that with Bendalloy compounding a Sand Master would be able to Master almost limitlessly. The part with the speed bubbles is a bit more iffy, considering we don’t know the exact amount of Kinetic Investiture speed bubbles produce and how many the Taldainian sand needs to recharge.

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18 hours ago, Flyingbooks42 said:

What do you mean by Kinetic Investiture? Is that just Investiture that is used specifically to make things move?

Similarly to energy in the real world, Kinetic Investiture is basically just Investiture that is being used to exert a physical change. Examples would be like Steelpushing and Ironpulling. Simply put, it’s Investiture that has an effect on the Physical Realm, outside of oneself. 

Non-Kinetic Investiture would be things that change the user. Like the Surge of Gravitation. It doesn’t change the laws of gravity, it just changes your spiritual connection to gravity, making you affected by it differently.

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