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Magic Systems on Teroth


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In my world called Teroth, there are 4 different forms of magic: Arcane Arts, Sacred Power, Druidism, and Occultism. Each form of magic focuses on casting spells and using materials, gestures, and sounds to channel them. 

  1. Arcane Arts - Arcane spellcasting uses logic and rationality to categorize the magic inherent in the world around them. Because of its far-reaching approach, the Arcane Arts has the vastest array of spells for people to use, but it suffers to be able to cure the ailments and heal the world like other forms of magic. 
  2. Sacred Power - Sacred spellcasting focuses on the power of the divine and users of this type of magic to call upon the many gods and goddesses living beyond the realm. This form of magic mainly focuses on healing, performing miracles, and enhancing the powers of others, with a small number of spells that do damage to others. 
  3. Druidism - Druidic spellcasting is similar to Sacred Power in the fact that it uses faith to fuel it, but it dabbles more into the natural energies and cycles of the world. The Druidic spells have elemental and healing powers, as well as transformative magic. Many Druids use this power to turn into animals and control the primordial energies of the universe. 
  4. Occultism - The practitioners of occult traditions seek to understand the unexplainable, categorize the bizarre, and otherwise access the ephemeral in a systematic way. Many see Occult spellcasting as evil and demonic. Many Occultists worship dark forces and elder gods to gain this form of magic. 

I am open to any critiques at all, so please critique away. 

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I like the breakdown in description of each type, and how it describes the nature of the power source and the attitude towards access and use. It does seem similar to what I've heard regarding DnD, with Arcane Arts matching Wizards, Sacred Power matching Clerics, Druidism matching ... well, you know, and Occultism matching Warlocks. However that isn't necessarily an issue. There are a few questions that should be asked about the systems though:

  • Can someone access more than one system? If so, is there a limit, or side effects? If not, is there any negative consequences for attempting to do so, or something which prevents one from even attempting it?
  • Does having abilities cause problems for the user?
  • Are the abilities fully locked into the roles you described - can Occultism allow shape shifting like Druidism? How much overlap in abilities are their, so what can each system do that at least one other can't, or can do that another can do more easily, or in a different way, such as the healing abilities you mentioned being difficult for Arcane, and Sacred Power being focused on healing and granting enhancements?
  • How does someone gain access to each system? Are there subtypes, such as for Sacred - does each spirit they gain their abilities from give different powers, or the same powers with a few changes, etc., and do they each require a different attitude on the part of the user?
  • Do they all use the same power?
  • How do they relate historically? Is Occultism seen as related to Sacred Power or Arcane Arts? Is Druidism considered an inferior form of Sacred Power to those who use Sacred Power, and is Sacred Power considered a synthetic layer on top of Druidism to those who use Druidism? Can someone use Sacred Power from the source of Druidism if they think nature is divine, or is there a spirit which is associated with nature that allows those who use it to access a form of Sacred which allows similar things to Druidism?


Otherwise this does look interesting :-)

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10 hours ago, Ixthos said:

I like the breakdown in description of each type, and how it describes the nature of the power source and the attitude towards access and use. It does seem similar to what I've heard regarding DnD, with Arcane Arts matching Wizards, Sacred Power matching Clerics, Druidism matching ... well, you know, and Occultism matching Warlocks. However that isn't necessarily an issue. There are a few questions that should be asked about the systems though:

  • Can someone access more than one system? If so, is there a limit, or side effects? If not, is there any negative consequences for attempting to do so, or something which prevents one from even attempting it?
  • Does having abilities cause problems for the user?
  • Are the abilities fully locked into the roles you described - can Occultism allow shape shifting like Druidism? How much overlap in abilities are their, so what can each system do that at least one other can't, or can do that another can do more easily, or in a different way, such as the healing abilities you mentioned being difficult for Arcane, and Sacred Power being focused on healing and granting enhancements?
  • How does someone gain access to each system? Are there subtypes, such as for Sacred - does each spirit they gain their abilities from give different powers, or the same powers with a few changes, etc., and do they each require a different attitude on the part of the user?
  • Do they all use the same power?
  • How do they relate historically? Is Occultism seen as related to Sacred Power or Arcane Arts? Is Druidism considered an inferior form of Sacred Power to those who use Sacred Power, and is Sacred Power considered a synthetic layer on top of Druidism to those who use Druidism? Can someone use Sacred Power from the source of Druidism if they think nature is divine, or is there a spirit which is associated with nature that allows those who use it to access a form of Sacred which allows similar things to Druidism?


Otherwise this does look interesting :-)

  1. Yes, people can use more than one system of magic as long as they have a great connection to both forces that govern them. But they won't be able to access more powerful spells as they advance in each system, because at some point they will reach magical excess where they can no longer hold enough power. Power can be too much for one person to handle. 
  2. Sometimes, yes. Arcane Arts uses a source of energy called Willpower, which is sort of what keeps a person vital and strong both physically and mentally. They can only use so much Willpower in one day or they will start to become tired and discombobulated, or even die of exhaustion. Sacred Power relies on constant devotion to faith and the ideals of certain gods and other powers. Losing that connection means losing the magic. Druidism involves overexposure to the more natural side of the world, but staying too long in a civilized and technologically advanced environment will start to deteriorate your magic. Occultism also fuels off of the caster's sanity, their or other's blood, or even life force. 
  3. Sometimes overlapping happens with some spells being shown in different traditions. Arcane Arts focus a lot on enhancements like Sacred, research and otherworldly power like Occultism, and also transformative & elemental spells like Druidism. Druidism can also have healing, enhancements, and knowledge inside of it. Sacred allows elemental and transformative powers like Druidism. Sometimes healing can be used by Occultists. 
  4. Arcane Arts are gained through study, practice, and hard work. Sacred Power is given by divine beings to people who have devoted themselves to those great beings. Occultism is granted when a person starts to understand the darkness in the world and draws on it for the betterment of others. Druidism is somewhat like Sacred Power but is gained through working in the community and respecting the natural laws of the universe. It can also be drawn from ancestry. 
  5. They all mainly use Willpower to cast spells because that energy is a part of all other energies. 
  6. They have been used countless times in wars and conflicts throughout Teroth's history. Occultism is seen as an evil form of magic that should never be practiced unless it is a last resort to end tension. Arcane Arts are fairly popular but mostly used by people in the military, academics, or guilds. Druidism is not seen as inferior to Sacred Power, but very ancient and older than Sacred. Sometimes Druids and Acolytes (which is the term for Sacred users) work together in some communities, especially lower-class towns. 

Hope this answered all your questions! :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

How exactly are the four forms related each other? I see two possible explanations:

  1. It's exactly what it says on the tin: Occultists get their power from dark gods, druids from nature, etc. They all use the same access techniques, like gestures, but to draw from different sources. In cosmere terms, the spells, gestures, and materials are the focus for this planet, but that focus is being used to channel investiture from four different Shards.
  2. They're actually all the same system, drawing on the same power source, but divided into four specializations or schools based on culture. In cosmere terms, the magic's abilities are shaped by Connection and various cognitive forces.
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