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Taln and his Blade


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That is odd, isn't it?


Also odd that the description of Taln's blade in WoK is different from the description of the blade Dalinar bonds to....


Isn't it also odd that when Taln showed up, he happened to be near Wit, of all people?


Lots of odd things happening on Roshar these days.

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Only Honorblades grant surgebinding powers, and the one he carried wasn't one. We know this as when Dalinar becomes a Bondsmith, he hears the screaming of the spren inside the blade and instantly discards it. Honorblades weren't created with spren (or at least, they don't cause the screaming, as Kaladin handled one just fine). There's also recent word of Brandon that Honorblades cannot be 'bonded', only given to a person. 


Why Taln wasn't carrying his Honorblade is another matter entirely...

Edited by Raevun
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he said that the sensation of stormlight was familiar. that he had breathed it on the Battle field... just guessing.

another possibility is that he was totally bonded to the blade, he broke that bond very easy. Maybe because Taln was still alive...

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he said that the sensation of stormlight was familiar. that he had breathed it on the Battle field... just guessing.

another possibility is that he was totally bonded to the blade, he broke that bond very easy. Maybe because Taln was still alive...

The blade he had wasn't Taln's. It was a normal shardblade.

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He was, when he first appeared. Current theory is that Wit took the Honorblade and replaced it with a regular Shardblade.


Was trying to subtly make OP think about what happened to the blade ;)

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I didnt think about Wit and his trickery. Didn't think an Honorblade could be stolen from a herald so easily. Taln probably isn't exactly himself either I suppose, but he did show spunk a couple of times in WoR. Just more to ponder I guess

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