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Rock and Jasnah


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If/when Jasnah and Shallan reach the shattered planes will Rock be able to see their spren, because he is alaii'iku? Seeing as he is able to see Syl it is only reasonable to assume he would be able to, and if he does, how would Jasnah or her spren react to this. Jasnah's secretiveness would make me think that she would either:


A- Panic and try to leave/avoid the situation as soon as possible.




B- Threateningly question how he is able to see her spren.


It would also be interesting to see Shallan's reaction to this.


I am excited to see how Rock's unique abilities will be revealed more in depth and how he will affect the story.

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Well, everyone can see Pattern, and I get the idea that Ivory is more hidden than usual; like he's not simply like Syl, fluttering around yet invisible, he's actually disappearing, hiding in Jasnah's shadow perhaps. Still, good point, it'll be interesting to see. Presumably Kaladin's guard duties will extend to Jasnah (if she safely makes it to the Shattered Plains) though Rock's not an actual guard. What are the odds she'd come down to the barracks? Though she does seem to take a perverse delight in doing what she oughtn't.

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I don't think she'll panic, she's as cool as a cucmber in bowl of hot sauce.


I'm more interested in seeing whether Syl goes for Pattern's throat, or vice versa.


Or Kaladin goes for Shallan throat, by word of Teft some orders are at odd with which other =)


And Puppy spren are already visible =)

Edited by Natans
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I don't think he'd say anything, even to Bridge 4 unless they directly asked him, and why would they if they didn't know?

He's never been very talkative about spren, remember in the training chapter with kaladin sticking rocks to the wall he notices some spren that no one else sees and then when he realize nobody else can see them he shuts up about them.

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Rock seems unlikely to offend a spren that wishes to remain hidden except by accident.


I believe that Shallan is more likely to be the aggressor in any squabbles between her and Kaladin (mostly based on a theory i have about shallan's powers, proving what happened when kaladin killed the shardbearer, and the identity of said shardbearer), and in any case, the nature of the relationship between honor spen and cryptics seems to be the inability to see eye to eye more than actual conflict.  I can see the cryptic saying something and syl flying into a rage over something relatively minor in the great scheme of things, though.


Jasnah isn't likely to run into Rock any time soon anyways, so what happens will likely be without her direct knowledge.

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 Presumably Kaladin's guard duties will extend to Jasnah (if she safely makes it to the Shattered Plains) though Rock's not an actual guard. What are the odds she'd come down to the barracks? Though she does seem to take a perverse delight in doing what she oughtn't.

Guard duties extend to Jasnah and Shallan both when they finally arrive I'd wager. Like you pointed out though, Rock is the cook, not a guard at the moment. Rock can't exactly flag their spren (or Renarin's) if they haven't met.


There seems to be a lot leading up to the sparks flying when Kaladin and Shallan meet, and not in a warm and fuzzy way.

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Rock can't exactly flag their spren (or Renarin's) if they haven't met.


I'm not sold on the "Renarin is a Surgebinder" thing, though his reticence to take up a Shardblade has shaken my disbelief.


I, for one, love the mental image I get when Adolin has that Blade in his hand and gives it over. "Oh, right, this thing. Uh... want it? I mean I've already got one."

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I'm not sold on the "Renarin is a Surgebinder" thing, though his reticence to take up a Shardblade has shaken my disbelief.


I, for one, love the mental image I get when Adolin has that Blade in his hand and gives it over. "Oh, right, this thing. Uh... want it? I mean I've already got one."


perhaps not a surgebinder per se, but he sees a spren

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Master, don't know if it was intentional on your part, but I've just seen something I can not pass up.  Time to get your The Clash on:


Shallan don't like it


Rock and Jasnah


Rock and Jasnah


Edited for double puntasms

Edited by el_warko
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Master, don't know if it was intentional on your part, but I've just seen something I can not pass up.  Time to get your The Clash on:


Sharif don't like it


Rock and Jasnah


Rock and Jasnah

Definately not intentional, but funny =)

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