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Are Dalinar's visions unique?


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Whilst leafing through the WoK I noticed something. At the very end of the book when Honor talks to Dalinar he says he doesn't know who he is or if anyone would see these visions. But something in the death notes caught my eye:


“That chanting, that singing, those rasping voices.” - Kaktach 1173, 16 seconds pre-death. A middle-aged potter. Reported seeing strange dreams during highstorms during the last two years.


Does this potter dude have the same visions that Dalinar had or were they different? Honor showing another part of his to him or asking him to find the honor blades or something?


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Interesting, It could suggest a blanket braodcast by Honor but only thiose tuned in can pick up the signal. Maybe middle-aged potter is cut of the same cloth as Dalinar (so to speak). Or Dalinar is fired of the same clay?

Edited by el_warko
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Heh, the first question I ever asked Brandon was during the Towers of Midnight release tour several years ago, "Before he was killed, did Gavilar experience the same visions as Dalinar, and are they what drove him to try to 'unite' his kingdom with the Parshendi?"


Brandons answer: "*sly grin* Iiiiiinteresting theory! Read and find out!"


Yeah, I think it is clear from the epigraphs/Mr. T that the Almighty's visions are being seen by many people, but most don't have the means to do anything about them.

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While it does fit, I personally believe there is enough evidence to suggest the visions are a rather new thing and would have appeared sometime after the first exploration of the Shattered Plains along with the return of Nahel Spren and the appearance of the Death Chants. And even if they have been around for a while, and even if only a selected few get them at a time, I have difficulties believing that it would go unnoticed for possibly millennia that people were having the exact same visions during Highstorm-related seizures.

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