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Fish in the Final Empire


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Can someone please tell me how fish could survive in the ash polluted waters of the final empire? I mean they don't even have to exist (not sure if they do since they're never mentioned that I know of) but I would appreciate knowing if they did.

Since I'm pretty sure the Ascension was over the course of a few minutes, the fish wouldn't have time to evolve so that they could survive the ash that infested the rivers and oceans. The ones that could survive this would have nothing to eat and they would die too.

The only thing that I can think of is the Lord Ruler changing their biology like he did with humans, but I wouldn't be too concerned about fish if I ever got control over the world for a few minutes.


And please upvote if you like fish!

Edited by Kynedath
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He altered plants, livestock, everything necessary to sustain the food chain vital to humankind.


Also, yes, they are mentioned. Once, briefly (that I can recall). When Vin first Ascends, she accidentally destroys a village of fishermen when she spins the planet to save it from burning.

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I'm pretty certain you could say the same for horses too and they survived so it's likely that whatever Rashek did affected more than just humans. Alternate possibility: We know Brandon really doesn't like seafood (it's in the annotations to Warbreaker and all over the book itself) so he went mad with fantasy power and had Rashek allow all the fish and shrimp and other sundry seafoods to die, mwahaha!


Edit: Ninja'd.

Edited by Weltall
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Oudeis is right, there is one mention of fish in the HoA



"Below, the tsunami crashed into the coast. There were still people down there. People who had hidden from the koloss, who had survived on fish from the sea when their crops failed. Vin felt their pain, terror, and she cried out as she reached to protect them."


I found it in chapter 76 of the HoA, and in my paper-back copy its on page 666.

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I'm pretty certain you could say the same for horses too and they survived so it's likely that whatever Rashek did affected more than just humans. Alternate possibility: We know Brandon really doesn't like seafood (it's in the annotations to Warbreaker and all over the book itself) so he went mad with fantasy power and had Rashek allow all the fish and shrimp and other sundry seafoods to die, mwahaha!


Edit: Ninja'd.

In spite of the fact that as was mention there explicitly are fish, I choose to adopt this theory anyway. :P

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