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    Order of the Elsecallers

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  1. He's not talking about the forms of power. He's talking about the standard singer forms.
  2. I believe that shortly before the attempt to imprison BAM, a lightweaver successfully imprisoned re-shepir and in doing so confirmed the theory that the unmade could be trapped in gemstones.
  3. My understanding is that a Shard is all investiture with specific intent. I also understand that Honor has been splintered and its vessel killed, but I fail to see how this harms the shard itself, Honor is infinite and investiture with Honor's intent persists throughout the cosmere. Moreover, if pieces of Honor still exist then by definition that shard itself still exists; since all investiture is associated with one of the sixteen Shards.
  4. Splintering a shard doesn't hurt it. It just splinters it. Investiture cannot be harmed; it can only change forms.
  5. My understanding is that the Shards themselves cannot be harmed as they are essentially infinite investiture. So when the books state that Odium was hurt in its past battles; I believe it is referring to Odium's vessel Rayse and not the shard itself. Since Vessels are commonly referred to by the name of the Shard they hold.
  6. Odium was not hurt in its past battles; Rayse was hurt. Since Taravangian has not fought battles with other shards, it stands to reason he would not be damaged in the same way Rayse was.
  7. I don't see how the return of the surgebinders in any way caused another desolation. Prior to the recreance, there were thousands of surgebinders and that didn't cause a desolation. I think that Taln breaking is what caused the desolation. I also think that Rayse foresaw Taln breaking and prepared accordingly hence why the Everstorm shows up when it does. Moreover, the Parshendi summoning the Everstorm cannot be what caused the desolation because Taln returned long before they summoned it.
  8. Unless Honorspren are 100% Honor and 0% Cultivation in which case anti-stormlight would work and wouldn't necessarily mean that anti-stormlight would work on other spren.
  9. The Sibling explicitly states that it lost the rhythm of its light when Ba-Ado-Mishram was captured and that her capture wounded all spren.
  10. We did see Windrunner squires when there were no more Honorspren willing to bond. I think the lack of Elsecaller squires might be due to Jasnah lacking a squad. Kaladin's squires came from the men he trained and led, as did Shallan's. If Jasnah had a ward or assistant working with her on research projects perhaps they would become a squire. Incidentally, we still haven't seen Truthwater, Edgedancer, Stoneward, Dustbringer or Bondsmith squires either.
  11. Sigzil explicitly reads notes that state that an honorspren lived for 15 minutes and that it was a new record.
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