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  1. The problem of Kaladin's depression had already been extensively covered in the first 3 books. You could close at the end of Oathbringer with Kaladin taking the fourth oath and move on. Kaladin's story arc in book four is a tedious repetition of the evolutionary path taken before, and I hope it finally moves on.
  2. I corrected my post look at the posted video and you will realize that your deductions are totally wrong
  3. old movies were made to show off not to be historically accurate, and grandparents' stories don't count as accurate historical accounts. If a wooden shield had been able to stop a bullet it would not have disappeared from the battlefield a couple of centuries before 1850. The armor disappeared precisely because it did not provide any protection against firearms. If 2mm of steel can't stop a bullet it is impossible that a normal table can. This is an example of what guns do at a wooden table. Also note that Wax uses the equivalent of a Colt Pacemaker which is much more advanced than the gun in the video. Weapon technology on Scadrial is post 1870 not 1850.
  4. I personally think that sanderson studied the subject more on a cinematic level than in terms of realism. That of shielding yourself with the tables is a typical scene from old Western movies.
  5. This is an example of how Navani's ships would not be a major threat to Scadrial's army. As Wax flees in the flying ship, he is worried that the Set is equipped with artillery precisely because he is afraid of being shot down. At best they could be useful as transports for the radiant. Even so, they would require an enormous amount of Stromlight to be concealed. But once identified, it could be easily torn apart. And this is why even indestructible shields are useless against a modern army. All the speculations that are made are based on the misconception that Radiants can easily go into close combat with Scadrial's forces. Because that's what a medieval army does. But a modern army is based on ranged combat and not massing troops in one visible spot. Scadrial has a longer firing range and an ability to spot targets at much greater distances. By the time a Windrunner spots a firing post, two others have already targeted it.
  6. I'm sorry but your reasoning is fundamentally wrong. Both bullets and arrows are penetrating weapons that concentrate all their impact force in a single point. Arrows are much more effective against soft materials such as sandbags due to their weight. Bullets are much more effective against rigid materials such as metal due to their speed. The plates are an extremely rigid material, in fact they do not bend like metal but crack like glass, breaking into a thousand pieces once the breaking point is reached. The fact that they do not transmit any kickback to the wearer is given by the strength and weight increased not by the resistance of the plates. A shard hammer is less effective than a rifle bullet because it distributes the force of the impact over a larger surface and is much slower. And the speed increases the impact power exponentially and not linearly as happens with weight.
  7. No, the difference in power between a bullet and an arrow is huge, which is why rifles have replaced bows. The 45 70 cartridge was the standard for both rifle and gatling guns from Western times. it has a minimum power of 2304 joules, which is enough to drill 3mm of hard steel. a 160lb longbow has a power of 109 joules 20 times less and can only dent 2mm of steel. A rifle shot can severely damage or break a plate. An upgraded weapon for an Allomancer could easily injure a shardplate warrior.
  8. Mistborn even against a 4 oath. But there are too many metals with unclear effects that could make a difference so there is no clear answer.
  9. this is an excerpt from the newspaper articles published in BoM "Each ship carries 12-inch twin gun with each turret, having a range of six-teen miles, said Severington. Other improvement include reinforced armor hull, electrical rangefinders, and a top speed of 24 miles an hour". it is a presentation of a fleet built by a noble. It seems clear to me that Scadrial has both the technology and the industrial facilities needed to mass produce heavy weapons of war. And if they have a navy it means they also have a ground military force with cannons and machine guns. Even just as a precaution in case the Koloss want to go to war. The fact that the books focus on the vicissitudes of a policeman does not mean that Scadrial does not also have a military force at its disposal.
  10. Sorry but your evaluation of time is based on how long it takes you to read the paragraph? It seems very convenient to me. One would have to be very shortsighted to mistake a person for an arrow or a boulder two hundred meters away. Even with the falling ash. Mine was a generous evaluation. Staff camp is located at a safe distance from the city and must use scouts to guard it not lookouts, 500 meters or 1 km is the minimum distance, in case of a danger, to raise the alarm and deploy the troops in defense. Staff just finished deploying troops and the Kolosses have just started charging. They are still out of reach of the archers so certainly more than 300 meters. Vin and Kelsier by burning steel can reach a height of 100 feet or 30 meters, the walls of Luthadel. So with duralumin 300 meters high are perfectly reachable.
  11. No a body in free fall travels 313 meters in 8 seconds 176 in six. When Vim jump Staff mistaking her for an arrow, and he's a tineye. In order not to distinguish a person, Vin had to be at least 500 meters away or more.
  12. No the text says that the horse fell in two pieces not that it is smashed to the ground. It is an approximation like all the calculations we are doing. Based on a fairly realistic distance and the fact that she falls at an angle of about 45 degrees. If someone knows about ballistics, he can make more precise measurements.
  13. 1 And then? We are talking about a man in armor and a horse cut with a single blow as if they were paper. 2 The scene is clear, Vin starts upward, the thrust of the steel wears off, then plummets towards Staff from about 500 feet high. So we are talking about a parable. and the fall does not cause any harm.
  14. There is no scene where Vin lifts something while using d-pewter. At the end of the Luthadel siege, Staff's army is lining up to attack. They will be at a distance of at least 500 meters from the city. Vin makes a D-Steel jump and within moments reaches Staff and cuts him in two along with his horse, landing without a scratch while he is flaring pewter. I don't mean ballistics but I guess the highest point of a 500 meter parabola is about 150/200 meters 500/650 feet. Dalinar in shardplate after a fall of just 50 feet, held back by buildings, has lost all the pieces of the left arm and the rest of the plate is in pitiful condition. It is quite evident that pewter strengthens a body much more than a shardplate.
  15. 1 No in the book says that the blow broke his skull. practically it is the shot of a cannon.the koloss head weighs more than Vin so it was pierced and not blown off. 2 at most would bounce back because his bones at that moment are harder than steel. If you hit a wall with a steel club, the wall may not be damaged and neither is the club. 3 the point is that with duralumin the blow of a mistborn is much more powerful than a plate. 4 ok 5 no the proportions are exactly those. savanna elephant 10.4 feet tall by 21 feet long. Camsfiend, coppermind source, 20 by 40 feet. 6 In fact, Kaladin just has to stick a shardblade down his throat to kill him. With duralumin Vin is practically a 110 lbs cannonball as you said a Chamsfiend is just muscles and carapace.
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