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  1. On the other hand she also happens to carry a relatively large amount of stormlight with her. Kaladin unconsciously used stormlight long before he was aware of it. Without a doubt he was heavily using it combat. Shallan has conscious control over her abilities and a significantly larger pool of stormlight at her disposal. I believe that the frequency that she uses her abilities at and the amount of stormlight she has at her disposal would make the loss in stormlight unnoticeable. Furthermore when you think of how her ability actually works it seems to be more related to surgebinding. She fixes an image of a place at a specific point in time in her mind which to me seems like a binding. If Shallan has a connection to Cultivation I don't think that it is through her memories.
  2. Well sadly they won't be vegetarian druggies if he does something different.
  3. Oops I guess you're right about the breeding program thing. Although spiking seems like a possibility, I'm inclined to think that Marasi is right. The concept of eugenics was developed around the same time period as this book is set in and Marasi's thoughts about what Edwarn is doing seems to be exactly in line with some of the practices that eugenics promoted.
  4. Nanoha hardly strikes me as Captain America...plus she's not really even from a fantasy setting. If you were to pick one character from the Nanoha franchise however Teana is a better fit.
  5. So I poked my head in the FantasyFaction thread and found this post by Brandon: Wax's story was indeed directly related to the second trilogy, but I was intrigued enough with his time period that I find myself wanting to do more with him. I probably will. http://fantasy-faction.com/forum/advertising-your-novels/advertising-some-of-my-smaller-projects/msg31793/?PHPSESSID=5f922d771df3aa3ee5e33e008391e5eb#msg31793 So we all know that mistborn have become exceedingly rare to the point of being no more than legend, Edwarn Ladrian was trying to create a mistborn breeding program and that there will be a mistborn serial killer in the second trilogy. It sounds to me like Wax fails and the breeding program goes on, creating the serial killer. Going even further, it may be that the serial killer is in fact getting revenge on the people running the program. Of course, this is all wild speculation and I won't be shocked if I totally missed the mark.
  6. Atium Bomb....A-Bomb I gotta say that if you're right Brandon just went up a level in Evil Geniousness!
  7. Augh I can't think of a good wording for my question (it's probably going to get a rafo and I want to see if I can dodge it). Right now I have two competing theories in my head: either a) worldsingers are an order of radiants or worldsingers are capable of lightweaing. Given Sigzil's connection to Hoid I think b is more likely, but I'm pretty sure that asking if Sigzil can learn lightweaving is going to get a rafo (same probably goes for asking if worldsingers are radiants). Of course there is a third option that is worldsingers are radiants and Sigzil can learn lightweaving... edit: typo edit 2: posted question; I'm so going to get a rafo.
  8. Sadly I think that's going to happen too, but you never know.
  9. I'm partially responsible for that. Kinda wanted to see Bast win as well, but his contest was hopeless.
  10. Hmm some comments on the code: -Having the entire file as one massive string seems a little dangerous to me, as well as unnecessary. From looking at what you are doing and my knowledge, it seems to me that reading and writing in chunks may be more efficient and put you at a much lower risk of getting an out of memory exception. Trying to use this method on a ~10mb text file has caused headaches for me in the past. -The way you are doing the search and replace seems to have change that you can make that would give you some speedup: when you have a space in the middle of your comparison frame, you continue iterating one at a time, even though none of your patterns that you are trying to match have a space in them. I was going to suggest that you try using a string tokenizer, but it might not work since you are including spaces in your patterns. Also, dropping the entire string into the string tokenizer might not be such a good idea either. -All that and no regex? (I'm not exactly one to comment here because my knowledge and usage of regex is rather low, but still...) I've got a radically different method of doing your find and replace method that might turn out to be faster, but making it work would require some major changes (it also no longer seems that much faster after I realized you weren't doing whole word comparisons for everything). The way this procedure works is to load all of the pairings into a map with the string to be searched for as the key and the replacement as the value. The problem is that there seems to be a specific order to your replacements and unless string length is the only determinator in order this probably won't work.
  11. Dang...can't wait for the official announcement. I'm looking forward to this (though I hope the devs make sure the pc controls work just fine as well).
  12. Mistborn I can understand because of Atium. I also understand your concerns about lurchers/coinshots, but if you think that those can't be done in a book accurate way I think you're short-selling the ingenuity of game designers. The moment you add a feature to pause combat coinshots/lurchers become much more viable.
  13. One slight hitch in this theory that still needs to be explained: Regarding the mission of the Worldsingers, Sigzil states, (p768 US hardcover) This doesn't rule out Hoid's involvement but I think this safely rules out Hoid being directly involved in their formation.
  14. I've had this same exact theory rattling around my head too. Hoid does seem to like telling stories as he shows up as an informant in Mistborn and a storyteller in Warbreaker.
  15. I'm of the opinion that one already has radiant abilities: Sigzil. We know that he is a Worldsinger. He treats his job as a Worldsinger similarly to the Terris Keepers (he acts more like a vault of knowledge than a storyteller), and the Keepers all had Feruchemical abilities. Furthermore, he states that the Worldsingers received their orders from the Heralds themselves. He just screams "I'm a Radiant" to me.
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