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16 Year Peace


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Mejin - Year 7


She was done. She couldn’t remain there anymore. 

Mejin had given years, hoping the feeling of distrust would go away.

It hadn’t.

So this was it. She was finally leaving.

Devaan had helped her, there was no denying. He had given her confidence, proven her sane, and brought her over her phobia of violence. But he still wasn’t perfect.

”At least say bye to the others,” Lei, her liespren, told her.

”They’re all asleep,” she said, “and besides, they’d only try and convince me to stay.”

Lei gave her a look of disapproval, but didn’t protest.

Mejin glanced around her room once more. Everything of Devaan’s she had left exactly where they belonged other than the few things he had told her to keep-things like her dagger and vault key.

Hitching up her skirt she climbed down out of the window. A breeze tore through her light sweater as she exited the property.

Unsure of where to go, she headed back home for the first time in seven years.

Pry - Year 1


Two year old Prism Acute waddled out of her home on Scadrial, dark hair in pigtails.

Her mother and father had been worried about something. Of course, they always seemed to be worrying about something ever since Light was born.

That was when they had moved. Prism didn’t like moving. It meant leaving her friends and their nice home in a city. Now they were in the middle of nowhere and Prism had no friends. She missed Tino. He had been older than her, but still treated her as though she too were a mature four year old. Tino had called her Pry. She’d liked that. No one here called her Pry. But now instead of Tino she had Light. All Light did was cry and eat. And take attention away from Prism. Prism didn’t like that. 

Their new house was also in a really hot place. Inside, outside, didn’t make a difference. Prism held onto the brass doorknob for balance as she sat down on the porch. She had a moment of cool bliss before she released it. Hot again. She stood up and grabbed it. Cool. Let go. Hot. Grabbed. Cool. Hot. Cool. Hot. Cool. She held on and giggled.

”Prism?” her mother called. “Come inside sweetie, it’s not safe for you to be outside on your own.”

Prism pouted, but went inside. Her mother ruined all her fun.


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Ioc wiped away a spontaneous tear. Someone was hovering over Naermen's kinda-grave.

'Rest in peace, Naermen,' Subconsious said.

'You realize we killed her, right?' said Prefrontal Cortex. 'I mean, we didn't deliver the killing stroke, but we did let it happen,'


'I'm just saying,' said Prefrontal Cortex.

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25 minutes ago, AxeliustheGreat said:

"Helloooooooooooooo," Tena shouted at the marines, "this where I killed Naermen! Ya wanna see it?!" 

A space marine, wearing a huge jetpack, tapped Tena on the shoulder.

"They'll be along shortly," she said. "Now, show me the exact spot where it happened."

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Sometime after Damaya bonded her spren and went with the woman.

Coru sat on the wood the humans walked on and watched the room. Carefully he painted a spiral and then another one, turned himself upside down and twisted himself like a rope. He made himself as small as possible, until he resembled nothing more than a black spot and the extended himself until he covered as much wood as possible. His woman was sitting at a table, reading and didn't even look over. Silently he moved over to her, along the table leg and farther up until he reached the candle sitting on the table. Carefully he moved along slowly, one with the flicking shadows, and then up the wall. This was one of his favourite spots, he could see the whole room. His womand yawned and started to write something down. She was a strange one. The had told him that humans would try to learn what they could do, but this exemplary only read books and slept and wrote something down. Sometimes she ate this stuff they called food only to sleep again. It was good that she ate regularly, it was important for humans to do that. He settled on the wall and watched her, overseeing what she did. She was lucky that he was here to look after her. She forget to clean her pencil, or to blow out the candle. He would then remind her of it, all from a distance she felt comfortable with. Contentedly he twirled around himself. His human was a mystery, she was different from the others. And he liked a mystery. If she could only understand, that she belonged to him. That would make everything so much easier.

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