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My theory about Investiture


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I believe that all investiture in the cosmere involves the following things


1. They utilise the power of creation


2. They create a link with the cognitive realm (as proved by WoB that all users of Investiture can use worldhopping.)


3. Therefore, I conclude that the power of creation is in the Cognitive Realm. 4. All forms of Investitures crack/damage/involve the soul to some extent. (Surgebinding, allomancy, hemalurgy and awakening crack the soul. Read the back cover of WoR, Mistborn and the annotations for Warbreaker. So for those who argue the ethics of Hemalurgy, us shud consider the ethics of all Investiture. The only difference is the degree of damage. Also, Shardblades are said to slice the soul. )


5. I have what I like to call a lock and key hypothesis to using Investiture. To use any Investiture, u need to have both its lock and key. (For Elantris, lock - region of birth and key - AonDor. For Warbreaker, lock - genetic?? or Innate colour?? and key - Breaths, For Mistborn, lock - genetic, Lerasium and key - metals. For Roshar, lock - spren and key - Stormlight)


6. All forms of Investiture in the planet must use the lock and key of their home planets.


7. Adonalsium is separate from the power of creation. It is more of an administrator to the power of creation.


8. Adonalsium and later, the Shards, exist primarily in the Spiritual Realm . (WoB that the atium was a neccessary leak between the spiritual realm and the physical realm. WoK by Lirin that the Almighty calls all men to the Spiritual Realm eventually. )


9. All Shards can provide their own essence if necessary to provide the lock needed for usage of Investiture.(Mistborn - Lerasium is part of Preservation. Warbreaker - Returned get their Breath from Endowment.)


10. Next, I have what I like to call the WiFi hypothesis. All Shards are like supercomputers accessing the same WiFi i.e the power of Creation. However, creation of Splinters i.e home pc's weakens the efficiency of the Shards i.e supercomputers and affects their ability to access the power of Creation. Therefore Preservation and Ruin remain near equals in power because of no splinters while Honor and Cultivation are unable to stop Odium on their own because they have created too many Splinters. Therefore Splintering the Shards weakens their power immensely. Once Odium splinters all the Shards, he will be the lone supercomputer in parallel with a lot of desktop pc's, so he will be able to access nearly the entire power of Creation.


11. I believe that Investiture can neither be created nor destroyed similar to Law of Conservation of Energy.


12. I believe that an Investitural cycle exists with Investiture being gradually shuffled across the realms. (Mistborn - the power would have returned to the well)


13. Lift is able to use Stormlight because she exists partly in the Cognitive realm and can consume the Cognitive aspect of food. Similar to how we consume the physical aspect of food and gain energy, she consumes the cognitive aspect of food and gains the power of Creation.


14. Lift is therefore like a skeleton key since she can eat food on any planet. Lerasium, on the other hand, alters spirit webs (the lock) to suit the purposes of its user.(Mistborn is merely its default option.) Therefore Lift + Lerasium = AWESOME :P

(I admit liking all powerful Lord Rulers!!!)


Now, guys and gals, which points do you agree or disagree with??


Edit: C'mon people, comment a little..... It's really discouraging for a guy to make a theory, then find no one is interested in even discussing it. It's ok if u don't agree with it but, you know, just express your opinion.

Edited by Sasukerinnegan
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Sorry to post before I've even read more than a few lines but could you do us a quick favor and break up your post into a few paragraphs? Its a bit straining on the eyes to try and focus on your current post. After which I'm sure we'd be more than happy to discuss your points.



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I like your WIFI hypothesis.  Basically, the power of  creation is a vast pool of power which is mutually accessible to all the Shards.  The power of each Shard can be likened to bandwidth and the voluntary creation of splinters in effect portions off some of that bandwidth thus leaving the Shard itself with a smaller personal bandwidth. Ergo, a weaker Shard.  I think this is an excellent model.

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