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Character Playlist


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I just made playlists on Spotify for Vin and Elend (together), Marsh, and Kelsier

The Last Emperor and The Ascendant Warrior ( VinXElend some are couple songs, some are for one of them)
1. Take Me to Church - Hozier (when I first heard this I immeadiately thought of Elend joining the Church of the Survivor so he is literally worshiping his wife)
2. Not Gonna Die - Skillet (for the final battle with Ruin to defend the Atium pits)
3. Indestructible - Disturbed (I hear this everytime I read the battle of Vin vs 13 Inquisitors)
4. Sweet Sacrifice - Evansecence [because they both have to sacrifice themselves in the end (Elend's was unwilling but he needed to die so that Vin could sacrifice herself to defeat Ruin )]
5. All That I'm Living For - Evanescence (Elend is Vin's only reason to live, which she states in her final words)
6. Like You - Evanescence [they both die in the end (and she dies to join him in the afterlife)]
7. Weight of the World - Evanescence (because they take over the world)
8. Viva la Vida - Coldplay (this song makes me think of Elend after he was deposed, also "Revolutionaries wait for my head on a silver plate" as his cause of death was decapitation, "Just a puppet on a lonely string" he is basically Vin's political puppet in WOA)
9. I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin (Vin will not let Ruin defeat her)
10. Iridescent - Linkin Park [the final battle (Vin to Elend)]
11. Final Masquerade - Linkin Park (their dance at Yomen's Ball)
12. All Around Me - Flyleaf (the chorus for the final battle, all of the song just for them as a couple)

13. Good Enough - Evanescence (this fits them really well because she didn't think she was good enough for him at first but as time goes on she accepts that they are meant to be)

14. Human - Christina Perri (this one is really good for Vin in general)

The Survivor (Kelsier)
1. Centuries - Fall Out Boy (I think "You will remember me for centuries" is pretty self explanatory)
2. Lanterns - Rise Against (this song is like a call to arms for the rebellion)
3. Prayer of the Refugee - Rise Against (I see this as Kell accepting Vin into his group)
4. The Music of the Night - Andrew Lloyd Weber's The Phantom of the Opera (the night is his paradise)
5. Warriors - Imagine Dragons (I see this representing his letter to Vin)
6. From Heads Unworthy - Rise Against (he would overthrow TLR no matter what)

Ironeyes (Marsh)
1. Monster - Skillet (he has to control his dark side)
2. Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace (he has become a monster)
3. What I've Done - Linkin Park (he has to forgive himself for killing Elend)
4. Until It's Gone - Linkin Park (this works for him about Mare and Kell)
5. Nothing Left to Say - Imagine Dragons 
6. Monster - Imagine Dragons (there is no one else like him as of AOL, he has to fight the evil of Ruin through HOA)
7. The Becoming - Nine Inch Nails (he is no longer who he was before)
8. Papercut - Linkin Park (he has Ruin's voice in his mind throughout HOA)

9. Broken Crown - Mumford and Sons (Marsh nearly committing suicide and fighting Ruin's influence on his mind)

Let me know what you guys think!

Edit: Added songs, added reasons for song choices

Edited by gjustice99
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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that Titanium by sia would also be a very good vin son.

(I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium)

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