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Technotic Shop

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Demaren Technotic braced himself carefully on a ladder to put the finishing touches on the sign outside his shop. He started to maneuver down the ladder with a sense of satisfaction at finishing it so quickly, despite his mostly missing leg. The sign was simple, just the name Technotic above the image of a mechanical hand. He was lucky he had found a building in good enough condition to be a simple renovation job, especially with some hired help. 

His face curved in a wry smile as he got his one foot off the ladder and used it to stay balanced while he grabbed his cane. Even in this strange new place, gold was a standard, though not as valuable as it had been to the Epics. His smile changed to a grimace at the thought. There were Epics here, too, and people with powers they claimed were entirely different. Those ones at least tended to be a bit less arrogant, he had even hired some who could make themselves impossibly strong to help with the renovation. They had wanted payment in pewter, of all things. He wouldn’t need them after today, the renovation was finished, finally. Once they had taken the ladder, they were free to go, and he would be glad to have them gone. They made him nervous. At least the soulcaster device had made it easy to pay them. He had been careful to keep it hidden, once he learned how valuable they were. Understandable, really. They were quite useful. He made his way in the front door and into the front shop.

The front room was clean, with a few chairs and a large semicircular desk built so that he could sit at it and reach everything. Behind the desk was a door leading into his laboratory and workshop, which took up the rest of the first floor. In the very back, hidden behind a door, was a set of stairs leading to the top floor. The building he had chosen was two stories high, dwarfed by the other buildings on the street. The top floor, to his mind, was a spacious flat. Having a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchenette, it was much bigger than anything he had had when working for the Epics. He sat down at the desk in a chair he had built to brace him properly with a missing leg, and saw through the front window his hired help take the ladder and leave. Demaren picked up a pair of thin gloves with small interwoven circuits and wires from the desk and put them on. He tapped on the arm of his glasses, pulling up virtual schematics projected on the lenses, which with the gloves he could manipulate as he wished. A faint smile lit up his face, and he got to work while waiting for a customer.


OOC: so this is Technotic's shop, he makes bespoke equipment and various technology items you may find useful. I am willing to just post here myself, I want to show and develop Demaren's character. Pricing will depend on what you want, factoring in how complicated it is, and what items are needed. He will do some Fabrial tech, but that will take longer and may have uncertain results. He will also make bulk metal for a decent fee.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sarian walked into the shop. She had heard this place sold good, well-priced items. As she saw the shop owners face, her eyes widened as she realized that he was a person she had seen in the inn she had went to. Not saying anything, she started browsing, and then went up and asked, “What are your best items? I don’t have a lot of money, but I can try to make some and buy what you have. I’m starting a detective agency and I’ll need some equipment.”


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Roul the kollos attempted to walk in behind her but immediatley smashed his head on the doorframe. Cupping his forehead he crouched as he walked into the building." You had better give her the right price," he said as he teetered around. Still dizzy from hitting his head


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“Uh...” Sarian said, rushing to his side and holding him up. “Do we have to pay for the door frame?” Under her breath, she whispered to Roul, “You okay?”


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I PMed you about it.


“Good to know. Do you happen to have any... lie-detecting equipment? I have other items I could want-“ here Sarian glanced around the shop appraisingly “-but I’m going to start with the one item.”

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/23/2022 at 2:59 PM, SymphonianBookworm said:

“Good to know. Do you happen to have any... lie-detecting equipment? I have other items I could want-“ here Sarian glanced around the shop appraisingly “-but I’m going to start with the one item.”

Demaren tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"I should be able to make some basic lie detector equipment, but it will take a bit, as I'm not sure how much I have already made. I should be able to make it within two weeks, at the latest. You are opening a detective shop? I have some basic Forensic equipment, fingerprint scanners and the like." He moved to push himself up out of his seat, but overbalanced and barely stopped himself from falling over onto the desk. He grumbled something unintelligibly as he righted himself and grabbed his cane. He walked over to one of the shelves on the wall and pulled down a small case, which he then set on the desk.

"You do need to replace the doorframe, but it's only three diamond marks. Dun ones are fine. The lie detector equipment will be commission, so we can talk about the costs of it later. Anything else you need?"


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Sarian took a double take. "You're missing a leg? Huh..." She rubbed her eyes. "Sorry, i'm just really tired. Didn't get much sleep last night. Or at all. Or any yesterday, too. Well, anyway, should I pay in advance?"


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Demaren gave her a hard look when she said how long she had been going without sleep, then sighed.

"You should pay for the doorframe and the forensic kit right now, as you are going to walk out with it. As I said before, I am willing to negotiate for the lie-detector equipment commission. I will accept things in trade, especially fabrial-type gems, conjoined or otherwise."


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Sarian sighed wistfully. "That's the look my father used to give me when I broke spanreeds... Well, he was more angry because we'd get hurt for breaking them, but... It's nice to remember things in a rosy light. Anyway, here." Sarian walked up, her freehand rummaging in her pocket before she produced a diamond broam. "That should pay for the forensic equipment. And..." She went into her other pocket and produced three diamond marks. "That should cover the doorframe. Could I pay... seven marks for the lie-detector? I'm not really sure how much it's worth..."

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30 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Sarian sighed wistfully. "That's the look my father used to give me when I broke spanreeds... Well, he was more angry because we'd get hurt for breaking them, but... It's nice to remember things in a rosy light. Anyway, here." Sarian walked up, her freehand rummaging in her pocket before she produced a diamond broam. "That should pay for the forensic equipment. And..." She went into her other pocket and produced three diamond marks. "That should cover the doorframe. Could I pay... seven marks for the lie-detector? I'm not really sure how much it's worth..."

Demaren considered for a moment. 

"Yes, 7 diamond maks should cover the basic lie detector equipment. I just don't have any made right now, but there are a few parts I'll probably have to wait on unless you want me to improvise. I have a set of schematics somewhere in my drive." Demaren tapped on his glasses with his gloved hand, and they broadcasted a schematic image in midair that looked like a foot. He swiped his hand, and images flashed too fast to process. He held up a hand, and it stopped on a small, sleek box with a screen and wires extending from it. He grunted softly, and a small smile grew on his face.

"I was right. I should be able to build this in a few days. Don't have any other projects right now, so it should be easy. Payment is half up-front, I'd say 3 clearmarks is fine. Rest on delivery. Do you want me to deliver it to you, or do you want to come and get it when it's done?"


1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

technotic? TECHNOBLADE????????


no. It has nothing to do with any youtuber. also, aside from the Techno part, how would it relate to said youtuber? I only know his name, and that he does minecraft. I just wanted to make a name that would work for a shop that sells technology.


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3 hours ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Demaren considered for a moment. 

"Yes, 7 diamond maks should cover the basic lie detector equipment. I just don't have any made right now, but there are a few parts I'll probably have to wait on unless you want me to improvise. I have a set of schematics somewhere in my drive." Demaren tapped on his glasses with his gloved hand, and they broadcasted a schematic image in midair that looked like a foot. He swiped his hand, and images flashed too fast to process. He held up a hand, and it stopped on a small, sleek box with a screen and wires extending from it. He grunted softly, and a small smile grew on his face.

"I was right. I should be able to build this in a few days. Don't have any other projects right now, so it should be easy. Payment is half up-front, I'd say 3 clearmarks is fine. Rest on delivery. Do you want me to deliver it to you, or do you want to come and get it when it's done?"



“Thanks! Wait... just give me a second...” Sarian proceeded to shake herself down, and cane up with four marks. “Here, just take the four. I don’t think you’re one to rip me off. What would be easier for you? Delivering or me coming here?”


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On 7/4/2022 at 6:27 PM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Demaren grunted, taking the marks and pocketing them. "You coming here. Is there a way I can contact you? Also, do you know where to get ahold of fabrial gems? I need some more."

"I'm usually always hanging around me and Roul's detective agency building, so if you need to tell me something, I'll be there. I can also come here every day or week, depending on when you think the lie-detector would be finished. And about the fabrial gems- I don't know where some are, but I could ask around, if you'd like." Sarian looks like she's about to say goodbye before she freezes. "Your eyes..." She said softly. "They're different colors."

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"Check back in two days. If I have everything, that's the least amount of time it will take to make it. If you can, please ask around, I need some for experiments, and possibly expanding my business. Yes, my eyes are different colors. I hope that won't be a problem, given your Alethkar accent. I know that they have weird discrimination based on eye color." Demaren looked at Sarian.


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Sarian looked around. Then went out of the shop and looked around some more. Then she went back inside and proceeded to make sure there was no one else in vicinity. “So... you know my Aletha accent. Well, I’m our culture darkeyes and lighteyes shouldn’t mix or have children. Ever. At all. But I’m sure you know this.” She looked like she was considering something, and then she nodded. She blinked, and when she opened her eyes, on of her eyes was purple while the other was brown. “Things like... this” she said, waving to herself “aren’t supposed to happen. Please don’t tell anyone! I’m trying to... how do you say... ah... open up to people. So please, I’m trusting you with this.” She began to talk faster. “My parents were forbidden to marry, but they went through with it anyway. They had me, and we were on the run but some lighteyes caught us and brought us to his estate, and then we had to work and work and work because my parents are- were- scholars with much knowledge, and then my mother went insane and then my father but I just kept at it for so many years and then I just...

I just broke. That’s when Intricate- my spren- found me.”

She looked at Demaren. “I might have just over shared. Forgive me.”


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Demaren grimaced in sympathy while she told her story. "You're fine, and I don't think you have as much to worry about here as you think, especially if you stay around people from the Earths. They discriminate in other ways, but they're often better than alternatives. Also, Heterochromia happens a decent amount of time among the Earth peoples. Sharing is fine, and if you want me to keep it secret I will. It's not something that would come up in most of my conversations anyway. I'm wary of people with ... supernatural powers, but you seem the decent sort. I am also mostly convinced that no human is completely sane. Few of us are whole, some mentally, some physically." he gestured to his missing leg. "I care about actions. Not much else."


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Sarian nodded, multicolor eyes alight. “Thank you. You’re the first person I’ve see with eyes a bit like mine! Do you know anyone else with heterochromia?” Her voice lowered. “You might be right. I know that I’m not whole. i don’t sleep. Can’t sleep. Everyone here... has been through something horrible to get here.” A sad smile spread across her face. “But we do what we can, broken bits and all.”


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"Yes, and as mortals, we can mend. We can change. Become better than before. Sometimes, you become stronger in the places that break. I don't know anyone else with heterochromia, I don't think that it's particularly common here. It's like having six fingers on a hand for a human, It's not common, but it happens. It seems more common in dogs and cats."

Demaren paused, and a faint tremor shook the building, sending a dangling light swinging. He looked at it, then shrugged, and turned back to Sarian.

"As for the not being able to sleep, I think I can make something that could help. I have something that can help you stay asleep, but not get to sleep in the first place. seems like it would be a useful thing to have in stock. I -" Demaren stopped with a grimace, pain shooting through the stump of his leg. He grabbed it tight, and the pain receded some.

"Sorry," he said. "What was I saying?"


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“You we’re talking about something that would help me sleep? It’s not just sleep though... I... I don’t want to. The dreams... I don’t want to relive a... certain time of my past but it keeps coming back. Whenever I sleep then I dream and I can’t stand it-” Sarian had turned a pale color and shivered. She then shook her head. “Enough about me. Are you okay? It looks like your leg is hurting. Is there anything I can do? I’m pretty good at... most things.” Sarian blinked. “That didn’t sound humble... well, I can pick up things really fast. So, is there anything I can do to help you with your leg?”


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