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Everything posted by Edvarin

  1. Plus the Herald of Skybreakers basically said he was making Szeth one...
  2. Thank you! I've been looking for something like this! I should probably put this list I made of current and potential Radiants and their orders here. Known: Windrunners=Kaladin Lightweavers=Shallan Bondsmith=Dalinar Truthwatcher=Renarin Elsecaller=Jasnah Edgedancer=Lift Skybreaker=Szeth My theories of who the other 3 will be. Stoneward=I think Rock for this one. No real reason, just a lot of small details. He's a really good person, even exemplifies the orders attriutes of resolve, strength and depedability. He has a similar build and looks like Taln, who heads the order. He might even end up saving Taln from Amaram. And basically I just don't want all of Bridge Four to be Kal's squires Also, it could be someone Szeth will meet in Shinover in book 3. A Stone Shaman. Willshaper=This will be controversial I'm sure, but I think this will be the Parshendi General and Shardbearer, Eshonai. I don't think the fall after her fight with Adolin killed her. On the back of WoR it names her the Explorer, along with people we know are Radiants. Also, in the chapter heading in part 3, where it talks about the Radiant Orders in the chapter headings, ch 50, it says they had little in common except for a general love of adventure, novelty and oddity. This is how she describes herself before the war. Also, another one of the chapter headings from the book of Listeners basically says straight out that a Bond with normal spren is possible for them. I saw hints of this in a few places throughout the book. Releaser=As for the last...I actually think that Adolin will revive the spren of his Shardblade and become one. I put him here because it was the only one left
  3. First off, this is my first time posting here. I was a Jordan fan for years, but now Brandon is definitely my favorite author and WoR lived up to all of my expectations. In WoK I hated Shallan. I liked her better in this, but I still found myself rushing through her parts to get to other, more interesting people. I'm actually glad her book is out of the way. Kaladin, I really felt and understood his struggles here which made me connect with him and made his battles sequences more awesome for me. And I got the Super Saiyan feeling when he went Radiant too Dalinar...very solid role. Not much happened with him until the end, but everyone relied on him he lived up to it. Bonding the Stormfather? No Shards? What exactly is a Bondsmith? Renarin. How is he ever going to make it as a Radiant? I like him...but hes no fighter. Shallan could beat him easily. Szeth...he was dark and terrible when he came. Felt like a great bad guy. Honestly though? I'm hoping that he finds some sort of amends when he returns to Shinover and becomes a force for good. Sadeas...got what he deserved. Amaram...I'm glad the pretender got outed. And glad Kal didn't kill him. Elhokar. A blithering idiot. But his drunken realizations actually made me feel bad for him. Zahel...I actually thought he was Jezrian. The color references should have caught my attention, but Nightblood certainly did. Adolin. I like him. Decent guy. Great fighter. Not all that smart. I honestly don't see him getting with Shallan. She's too smart for him. Kal would be a better match for her mentally, but I don't see that happening either. Their Spren are opposites and he killed her brother. Now, my predictions for Book 3: Unhallowed Stones. First off, what are the 10 orders? So far we've got: Windrunners=Kaladin Lightweavers=Shallan Bondsmith=Dalinar Truthwatcher=Renarin Elsecaller=Jasnah Edgedancer=Lift If I am right, the others are: Stoneward, Skybreaker, Willshapers and Releasers(Dustbringers). Szeth will become the Skybreaker in Unhallowed Stones without a doubt. As for Stoneward, I have the feeling that Rock will become one. No real reason, just a lot of small details. He's a really good person. He has a similar build and looks like Taln, who heads the order. He might even end up saving Taln from Amaram. And basically I just don't want all of Bridge for to be Kal's squires. As for the other two...I actually think that Adolin will revive the spren of his Shardblade. Not sure which he would be. Oh, and scenes where a hero who hasn't seen his parents for a long time and he's changed a lot really get to me. Looking forward to that. I think Kal will end up practicing the 3rd Ideal some more with Roshone...if his parents are still alive. And I don't think he's a full Radiant yet. Maybe one more Ideal? Then he gets his Shardplate? Seems like each of the KRs are getting their own books. Kaladin(Windrunners), Shallan(Lightweavers), Szeth(Skybreaker), Dalinar(Bondsmith). We should probably expect books in the future from the perspectives of Renarin, Jasnah and Lift down the line as well.
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