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Status Updates posted by Podman

  1. I just got started on one of those online drawing courses, because I’ve always thought it would be super fun to be able to actually draw, and have things look like what you’re trying to draw. The first thing you do is copy the instructor as he draws an eye and explains everything. At the end you draw it again and so the improvement. This is my first eye, the one I copied. I just finished it. 


  2.  You’ve officially gotten a (higher than) 1:1 ratio of posts to rep! 


    Not to mention you’re also almost at 1,000 posts!


  3. I submitted a video a while ago and got this today! 


    1. Tesh


      That's so cool! Good job!

    2. Sunbird


      Wow, that's awesome! Congrats!

  4. A bird just flew into our front window. He (she?) was breathing okay, but pretty dazed. I got a box ready and put him inside so he doesn’t get eaten by a cat or something. Hopefully he recovers in an hour or so and then back to the Wild!

    @Sunbird, can you tell what type of bird it is?



    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Tesh


      Oh, I hope so! Fly free! 

      Did you name her?

    3. Podman


      Kind of? I called her Birdie, my brother called him Jackson, and my sister called her Dazed. 'Cause, you know, she bonked into the window and became dazed. Whatever her name, she's free now!

    4. Sunbird


      Oh I'm so glad to hear she recovered enough to fly off! Given how long she was dazed, I have no doubt you saved her from becoming a victim of a cat or hawk attack by keeping her sheltered while she rested. Hooray for a happy ending! ^_^

  5. I am officially un-Ooklaing. It was fun!

  6. Where did Tien go!?!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tesh


      I'll keep it the sloth in the bucket for now.

      I'll name it... Lirin! Lirin the three-toed brown-throated sloth.

    3. Podman


      Yay Tien!!! Yay Lirin!!!

      (It’s not that I don’t like Hamilton- I have Guns and Ships memorized at full speed like any normal person. I just love Tien, you know?)

    4. Tesh


      Yah. I don't have any of the songs memorized, but I can doing along with almost every single song perfectly at 2x normal speed. Try listening to any songs 2x speed, and imagine it being sung by ducklings.

  7. Ookla! I left my signature intact. I changed everything else. Excited for my first Ookla time on the Shard! 

    For the record, I was podman36.

  8. I love your username!

    1. sword_nimi


      Thank you! I’m a long time lurker on 17th shard, but couldn’t resist snagging this as a user name once I read OB 

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