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Purelake Earthquake

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Posts posted by Purelake Earthquake

  1. Alcatraz 4 had possibly one of my favorite jokes I've seen in a novel.  I don't know the exact quote, but:


    When reintroducing Shasta, Alcatraz lists the horrible things she's done, including ... killing Asmodean.


    Also, I don't remember which book the "path of yeast resistance showed up"; I think it was two or three, but that's another one of my favorites from the series.

  2. Word of Brandon on the timeline:


    Q:  Do you keep a timeline for your Cosmere books? I'm assuming the events from books such as Elantris and Warbreaker happen before the Stormlight Archives but I'm curious about how much time has passed whether it is months/years/centuries.    


     A:Centuries have passed. I think we're closer to a thousand years covering events you could place on the line, with closer to ten thousand years since inciting incidents.



  3. Sorry Elantris, but I'm throwing you under the bus.  It's his first one and he's only been getting better since (in my opinion), so logic says it'll be the worst.  However, it seems to me like Elantris sometimes gets a worse rep than it deserves, just because out of what I've seen most people think it's the worst one.  It feels like there can be a little bit of confirmation bias where people have heard it's the first and less polished so they notice flaws more and are less forgiving than they would be, it's sort of an Art and Expectation type thing.  Or at least that's my armchair interpretation.


    So, I still really like it the whole concept is really cool and I thought the ending went down really well.  And I found Raoden's optimism and determination very compelling.  Yes, the writing wasn't as good, Raoden and Sarene needed more character arc, and the triad structure was a mistake.  But it's not like he made any amateur mistakes, and he still had lots of complex ideas and behind the scenes speculation for the magic system and cosmere things just the same as in his other books.  All in all, it's a gold ingot in a mound of atium.

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