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Terra of Roshar

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Posts posted by Terra of Roshar

  1. Everything already mentioned (particularly the Shalladin stuff), plus:

    "'They told me I was a liar!' the assassin screamed. 'They told me I was wrong! Szeth-son-son-Vallano... Truthless. They named me TRUTHLESS!'"

    My heart breaks every time I read this. Poor Szeth... someone needs to give him hugs in book 3. And get him away from Nalan. and then he and Dalinar can have a long chat about atoning for past sins by doing good things now.

  2. I almost wish I could read this book without any cosmere knowledge just so I can see how these things really are coming across. Maybe I'll experiment on a friend who's never read Brandon before and force them to read SA first. Would that be mean? 0 :)

    No, not mean at all. That's what my uncle's doing. He's only a few chapters into WOR right now, but I'm looking forward to seeing what he thinks of the Nightblood reveal.  :D

  3. I think you should mark that couple as a spoiler as not everyone have read Mistborn. Also, the point was a love triangle would take too much space. If Adolin and Shallan break up, then she and Kal hit it off, it doesn't count.


    Unfortunately, I don't know how to put in spoilers. :( I'd be happy to edit in a spoiler tag if you tell me how, though. 


    And Aleksiel said

    Kaladin and Shallan are both too broken to be able to have a healthy romantic relationship. Plus they have so much screen time, we'd have to read about their feels for each other every other chapter, which would be very annoying,

    which is what I was responding to when talking about the romance taking up a lot of time. I had thought it was multiple people who said that, but apparently I had misremembered. And it could still count (to me at least) as a love triangle if Kaladin and Shallan continue to think about each other's attractiveness while they're apart, even if they don't have any real romantic interaction until after she breaks up with Adolin.

  4. In response to the people complaining about Kaladin/Shallan eating up too much time since they're the two biggest POVs, I don't think that would happen.


    Mistborn Spoilers

    Vin and Elend were the two biggest POVs in WoA and HoA, and their relationship didn't take over the story. I imagine a love triangle could be handled with similar tact. Also, as others have said, with Kaladin preparing to leave immediately, there's a good chance that Shallan and Adolin could break up while he's away, avoiding the seemingly-dreaded love triangle. They could also begin to get over some of their brokenness during this time apart, meaning they wouldn't be using each other as crutches so much if/when they did get together. Not saying any of this necessarily will happen, just throwing out some possible solutions to problems people have raised. I also agree with what several people before me have said about the relative depths of Shallan's interactions with Kaladin and Adolin. Plus they were just plain adorable.  :wub: 

  5. Also in chapter 75 (ebook), Pattern says,'.....' then 'the majorities of several spren peoples were all bonded'. This sentence feels just wrong. English is not my primary language so I could be wrong, but I think it should be majority not majorities, then there was no need to use several after using majority, no need to use spren people, just spren would have been enough, and then if it is used at all, 'people' not 'peoples'.

    "Peoples" is the correct word if you are referring to more than one group of people, like here, where he's talking about (presumably) honorspren, Cryptics, highspren, Wyndle-spren, etc. And I think "majorities" is also correct, to imply that it's a majority of each of the separate groups rather than all the members of most of the groups. Hope this makes sense. :)

  6. -Nightblood

    -Shallan and Kaladin

    -Kaladin can fly


    -Poor, poor Eshonai

    -The only thing I want in life is for someone to steal Taln back and give him a hug. The man needs a hug.

    -I was so mad at Kaladin when Syl left. SO. F*CKING MAD. 

    -I was really worried about Jasnah from speculation about chapter 7, but once I actually read it, i knew she was fine and proceeded to    spend the rest of the book worrying about more important things.

    -I can no longer keep track of the many secret societies and my feelings towards them. I'll need to reread to sort it out...

    -Did I mention that SZETH HAS NIGHTBLOOD?!?!?! (seriously. this is a big deal. possibly the biggest deal in the whole book)


    Also, picking out all the various Glimpses was very amusing.

  7. I'm still stuck where Renarin dies...

    And you guys are talking about a feather?

    People have interpreted the glimpse about Dalinar holding one of his sons as implying that either Renarin or Adolin dies. This glimpse of Adolin freaking out and running towards a body implies that someone he cares about greatly has died or been severely injured. Renarin and Dalinar are the two characters who are currently most likely to elicit such a response from him. Putting the two together, it seems likely that something happens to Renarin (though I subscribe to the theory that Renarin just collapses after doing something awesome with his theoretical Skybreaker powers). 


    And Feather is a member of the forums who's well known for her fondness for Renarin.

  8. Yeah, my first thought was that it was either a shipwreck in Chapter 7 or a trip to Shadesmar. Either way, it's almost certainly Shallan.




    Eshonai Maybe?

    Ooh, yes. Maybe a new form? This is how they change forms? So many possibilities if it's Eshonai... 

  9. The screaming no is because she has to be twice his age

    Not quite. She's 34, he's 19 (or is he 20 now? Not sure when his birthday is, but it has to be soon if it hasn't already passed), so it's a 15-year difference. That's less than Breeze and Allrianne from Mistborn, who had more like a 20-25 year difference. Breeze might actually have been more than twice Allrianne's age.


    Nitpicky, I know, but the difference in the way some people see the two situations has always bugged me.

  10. Re-reading Nohadon's section also brings up an interesting point (though not really related to the topic) - the Desolation has struck but Nohadon talks about what the Heralds will find when they next return (which seems to imply they did not presage that particular Desolation). When first reading that section I remember (due to that passage) thinking that this occurred after the Prelude chronologically (i.e. the Heralds didn't show up because all but one quit) but upon reflection that contradicts there being no Desolation since the Heralds gave up. The Prelude seems to imply pretty strongly the Heralds' return is connected to the Desolations, so it's unclear if Nohadon's phrasing here is just misleading or if what's going on isn't actually a Desolation (or maybe the Heralds showed up but got killed immediately...).

    I always thought the vision took place in the direct aftermath of a Desolation. My mental timeline was Alakavish starts a war -> lots of people die -> Desolation starts -> lots more people die -> they win with the Heralds' help -> the Heralds leave -> a day of two later, Nohadon and his advisor have their little talk. It can't be too long after the Desolation, since there are Thunderclast corpses littering the city. I read the line about the Heralds returning as implying they had already left after the Desolation, not that they hadn't been there at the beginning of it.


    Edit: Ninja'd by WitSpren

  11. Not the worst possible twist, the worst possible twist would be that Dalinar was actually Gavilar but with some plastic surgery and memory loss, the reason he did this is to hide the fact that he had an illegitimate daughter a couple of years before he died called Lift.

    I don't know if that's the worst, per se. After all, it would be Awesomely bad. :D (Sorry, I couldn't resist)

  12. Pattern buzzed, speaking with a new voice, interpreting the sphere's words. "I am a stick," he said. He sounded satisfied.


    Spheres can talk? Is this maybe the "voidsphere" that Gavilar gave Szeth? or one of the spheres in Shadesmar? Also Pattern sounds adorable.

  13. Why the instruction to create a fortress? Can I assume the old one in the Purelake got destoryed if not why not use it instead?

    even so Can't they operate without a fortress that can handle the storm? the army did fine with the storm till now.

    Is the fortress location significant to the location of the enemies? you build a fortress in important place to launch attacks from.

    I always assumed the fortress was more metaphorical: Roshar needs to get its collective sh*t together and prepare to defend themselves from the Voidbringers, or else they'll all die in the Final Desolation (the Everstorm).

  14. It wasn't an epigraph, it was the Nohadon vision. 


    "Alakavish was a Surgebinder. He should have known better. And yet, the Nahel bond gave him no more wisdom than a regular man. Alas, not all spren are as discerning as honorspren." (WoK hardcover p. 849)

    There is no mention of Voidbringers in the vision, either, but this was from before the KR were founded so I'm not sure if that does anything for the theory.

  15. My first thought was "Oh my god, Adolin or Renarin dies! :o  :( , shortly followed by "Wait, they wouldn't put such a spoilery thing in these. :D " Of course, then there's the argument that they would know we'd think that, and one of the Kholins could actually be dead... I have a tendency to overthink things. I do like the idea of Renarin passing out after doing awesome Skybreaker things, though.

  16. Could it be something to do with Stone Shamanism? That has "stone" in it as much as "Stoneward." Or maybe something from the Old Magic? The curses all seem to be neurological, but there was a mention in the Baxil Interlude of someone getting cloth as their blessing, so the blessings don't have to be mental. Maybe the woman asked for defensive capabilities, and this was the result? Or perhaps one of the Aimian races can do this? I honestly have no idea what's going on here, but these were some things I thought of that hadn't been mentioned.

  17. He may be trying to convince himself that he's okay with it, or at least convince himself that it shouldn't change his opinion of Dalinar.  

    Yeah, that's what it sounds like to me, too. Although, since he's saying it aloud, I still think he's talking to someone other than himself, too.

  18. "It's not a big deal. Dalinar Kholin is friends with one of the worst murderers I've ever met. So? Dalinar is lighteyed. He's probably friends with a lot of murderers."


    Clearly this is Kaladin talking about Amaram. The question is, is he talking to Syl or does he explain things to Bridge 4?


    Edit: Ninja'd by Moogle!

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