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Everything posted by moonchild

  1. I've read through a few trends but not this one fully. Of course I liked the book, more like loved it. If these points have come up before sorry, haven't read through all the posts yet. I like how the story is flowing so far, and I like Dalinar, but I don't think he is to be the true leader of the Radients, I think he will need to learn to trust others and give up power. One reason is his dead wife, why would he choose to have her whole person blocked from his memory. When he did that he was the Blackthorn. Everyone doesn't speak of her because he loved her so much, but would that stop her children? Neither Adolin or Renarin have mentioned her. What if she was like Shallans mother. Tried to kill Renarin for what she saw in him? Even if Dalinar didn't stop it personally, I can see why he would want her memory gone.
  2. I don't think a shard blade was in the vault, they turn to mist when not in use.
  3. Welcome, I was like you, just joined a couple days ago, but had been reading for a while.
  4. Thank You Shardlet, I was worried I had missed a debate, since I came late to the party. Quote My thought on this was that honor just invested more. Like I said though, I'm a little late to the party, so I could be wrong. And to all that helped with the wiki site, it is amazing, very easy to navigate, and mostly facts with a little bit of spectulation for fun, amazing job.
  5. I have a question that has probably already been answered, The Way of Kings paperback edition page 788, Kabsal is talking to Shallan in the library about the voidbringers, he says "Everything has its opposite, Shallan. The Almighty is a force of good. To balance his goodness, the cosmere needed the Voidbringers as his opposite." Sorry, I don't know how to do quotes. But my questions are, Shallan never questioned the cosmere, and it is mentioned soon after in their conversation and again she doesn't question it. Could Roshar be more advanced and know there are other worlds. Also, in one of Dalinar's visions he is shown lights in the sky going out, being told (it's not just about us).
  6. Hi, so my name is Lynn. I started reading Sanderson's work in The Wheel of Time series. I was very impressed with how he managed to show respect to Jordan's life work, and pick up the pace of the last books. I read The Mistborn 3 first. Then Warbreaker. I knew about the cosmere then, but didn't think too much of it because I was also reading many other books at the time, including the Dark Tower - Steven King. I recently read Alloy of Law and thought it was good, but missed the old characters. So I came on here. I found that the way of Kings connected and read it. I was already hooked to Sanderson's work with Mistborn, but The Way of Kings brought me back. I've read Elantris also. I've lurked many informative sites like this just to get info, but I joined this one because of the cosmere. I think Sanderson is brilliant for doing the connections early on. I grew up reading King, I was raised in Maine, and love those connections. Oh, so moonchild is a reference to the Neverending Story.
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