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Peng the Just

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Posts posted by Peng the Just

  1. Hey guys I will be placing my vote on Shallan.  


    As for strategy this game I would really like to call out more discussion in this thread.  I haven't seen any real analysis of the game mechanics in this thread which is great day/night 1 fodder.  I personally think the cars mechanic will work great as a semi-pseudo-seeker.  If someone gets killed in a car the inhabitants of that car should become public knowledge.  


    22 people playing means about 7 people per car (No one starts in the vault car right?).  If someone dies in a car we know that at least 1 of those 7 is a CC.  This doesn't tell us much by itself, but as the game progresses it will become useful.  Any thoughts?

    I like this. If someone in your car dies, announce everyone who was there. That's the best way to start narrowing things down. For now, I'll place my vote on met-al simply because no one else has and I want money.

  2. Penga sat quietly in her chair weeping softly. Penga cried a lot. Some people took that to mean she was weak and cowardly. Those people were wrong. Penga would be genuinely terrified most the time, but still follow through and do as she must. "That" her father had said "is true bravery. To face your fears and, not to be fearless. To be fearless is to be a fool." And so, with wet checks and a steadfast resolve, Penga stood up.

  3. i wish gravity was reversed for me

    Granted, but you're also immortal. Why is that a bad thing, you ask? You fall upward. It doesn't take effect until you go outside. You accelerate upwards faster and faster, leaving the earth's atmosphere quickly and left in the cold emptyness of space. There, you drift eternally. Anytime you drift near anything that could potentially offer a distraction or a home, whether it be a star, an asteroid, or a planet, You are doomed to drift eternally, the loneliest person ever and always hopeful for death.

  4. As the title indicates, this is a little different than most AMAs. Ask me anything, and then the next person answers as if they were me. If I like it, I'll add it to the "about me" portion of my profile. Ever wanted to make random crap up about someone? Now's your chance.

  5. I think it traces intent back to the last person who intentionally or unintentionally set the damaging source in motion, stepping into a bullets path exposes Steelheart to a danger he might not have otherwise been exposed to but the source of danger itself is the person who fired the gun.


    This seems to make the most sense.

  6. I prefer it how it is right now. I like people not knowing if I upvoted, or, on very, very, very rare occasions downvoted their posts. I think it protects the integrity of the reputation system. If you know who's upvoted you, then you are more likely to upvote them in return later. Same with downvoting. I think it should be an anonymous measure of post quality given by the community, not favors that are given back and forth.

  7. Major spoilers for steelheart and possibly firefight ahead. You have been warned.

    So, the other day I got thinking about who really killed steelheart. Yes, steelheart activated the trap, but David set it. David is the one who directly took action to cause steelheart's death. Certainly from a legal standpoint, that would be classified as David murdering steelheart, not a suicide. Does steelheart's powers not trace back intent like that? If so, what would have happened if steelheart had stepped into the path of a bullet? Would that count as coming from whoever shot the bullet, and is probably terrified, and thus be prevented or caused by steelheart and thus hurt him?

    Another similar situation is at the beginning of the book with David's dad. He certainly didn't mean to hurt steelheart, but succeeded nonetheless. From what I can tell, steelheart's weakness seems to follow the following rule:

    If whoever most recently took action that would hurt steelheart, regardless of knowledge or intent, is scared of him then that harm is prevented.

    By this rule, the aforementioned situation with stepping into a bullet would hurt him.

    Thanks for reading my ramblings! Let me know your thoughts.

  8. I recommend Warbreaker; it's Brandons strongest novel, in my opinion.

    You should also finish the Mistborn series, since there are new Mistborns out at the end of the year.

    Hope that helps; enjoy the forum!

    There's Quiver. Always plugging for Warbreaker. :)

    I'll agree with him. Warbreaker really doesn't get the credit it deserves

  9.           Books before friends.

               17th Shard before the real world.


                 Release dates before birthdays.

         I will convert those who are not

          I will convince those without to buy two copies

            I will loan my extras to anyone without.

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