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Everything posted by Vonotar

  1. Would any member of the Ire be old enough to remember the Shattering?
  2. No sweat, and I just finished Warbreaker 15 minutes ago. I suppose I didn't quite grasp the complete meaning of "Endowment". Thus the folly of speculation before finishing a given novel is exposed. I'll come back better informed next time.
  3. OK, first (second, if you count my hello post) post, and first theory, as I am 80% through Warbreaker and also read Way of Kings... Here we go. I think that in addition to the Shard Endowment that gives Breath, there must have been another force present that gave Returning Life. I've been snooping around the varius wiki articles about the Shards, and Endowment is the only one shown for Nalthis. In the letter from Way of Kings, Hoid said the "element is safe"...I posit that there is a Shard that has as a power associated with it the ability to Return people from the dead. Perhaps Hoid took it from Nalthis and hid it to be better able to fight Odium when the time was right? Perhaps to rebuild? Not sure. I could be dead wrong. Still very new at this. The rabbit hole beckons.
  4. Hi, brand new, rapidly falling down the rabbit hole. Taking a moment to say Hi! Hi!!
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