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Everything posted by ivorylemur

  1. Don't worry, I definitely don't want to do anything illegal or rude, this was just sort of an idle question that I had been kicking around. So rest assured that no copies shall be made. Thanks for answering my question. By the way, I hope my question didn't seem out of line, I realize how sensitive this topic can probably be, so I apologize if it came across poorly.
  2. Yeah, that's about what I figured but it didn't hurt to ask. Also, I've been trying to find out where I can read other novels like white sands and the liar of partinel but I can't seem to find any info about them. Do you have any idea?
  3. Hey everyone, I just checked Dragonsteel out from the BYU library yesterday and so I have it for three weeks (it's boss btw). Anyway, I was wondering, since I have access to a university book scanner, would it be legal for me to make a high resolution digital scan and then post it on the internet so you guys can all read it?
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