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Article Comments posted by Slowswift

  1. 8 hours ago, Singer said:

    I want M-Bot to be voiced by Alan Tudyk.

    I didn't know I needed this until now. :mellow:

    I will say though, I was actually hearing him as JARVIS for a little while. :P 

    8 hours ago, Singer said:

    I love Kimmalyn. Her personality is a cross between Alabama and Minnesota, but her name is all Utah.

    ...the accuracy hurts.

  2. I was listening to this late at night and was starting to fall asleep when I heard "This one was sent in by Slowswift...", and then suddenly I wasn't sleepy anymore. :P

    (I was hoping y'all would guess Shallan, as Windrunner pointed out during the next character. But I'm not surprised at how quickly it was guessed, especially with all the Threnody talk.)

    Thanks for the show, guys! 

  3. 13 hours ago, Chaos said:

    Heck yes, it's an amazing font. It's actually the new font they use for Stormlight books, so it's the one on the Oathbringer cover. (Although their graphic designers stretched it a bit.)

    It's called Poetica Roman Small Caps. Though maybe I shouldn't reveal such cool stuff ;) 

    Thank you! ^_^ 

    I... have issues with how they formatted Oathbringer. But that's a story for another day. ;) 

    ETA: And of course now I can't find the same version of it that you guys used. :P 

  4. 12 hours ago, FeatherWriter said:

    @Slowswift I'm going to go ahead and @Chaos on this one since he handles the SoundCloud side of things. I try to follow all these topics and comments, but I don't think he does.

    Oh, okay. I don't know why I didn't just ping him as well. :huh: 

    Thanks for helping clear things up, and for making Splintercast to begin with. :D 

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